Thursday, August 13, 2009


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"Suspicious Death-302 E.Lanvale St-Adult male found dead inside his apartment."


  1. that picture just screams baltimore...

  2. It's been awhile but I had to go down to the harbor today. Actually, I had to go to the library but that involves a trip through the harbor. I was enjoying a free soda from Mickey Dees at the amphitheater, watching a homeless man drum out the imaginary tune in his head with driftwood sticks and noticed that I was not stressed or upset. There had to be a reason.

    Then I realized I did not see one police officer. I looked south and I looked east, no cops. Where did they go? There must have been 30 po-pos last time I was there. A man walked on the promenade with his dog, he wasn't chased off by the Hospitality Team. Some kids came by on their bikes and a Hospitality patrol guy chased them. I screamed for the kids to pedal faster and not let him catch them, which he didn't.

    So the Hospitality Bike chaser felt it necessary to have a friendly chat with me. I inquired to where our boys in blue were. It turns out a few weeks ago they were all mysteriously "reallocated to the precincts" and haven't been seen since at the harbor. He told me that he lived on the west side and he actually has seen foot patrol in the last week on his street.

    Imagine that!!!! Foot patrol. I wonder how the officers are handling the fresh air and exercise. Maybe that is why we've gone 6 days without a killins and maybe the police are too visible for the thugs. Don't hold your breath, as soon as things calm down for a period of time those worms will climb back under rock they came from and will be eating the RF fried chicken in air conditioned comfort like always, but it certainly is a pleasant change for the time being.

    I was able to reach a compromise regarding the Science Center bike challenge with the Hospitality Bike Patrol Guy. I've threatened to take one for the team the next time I am pounced on bike law enforcement officials regarding my errant bike riding, and they should take me immediately to the lock-up and not bother with the ticket or stern warning. Then we can all have public chat about it on the TV station of their choice. The guy said I could ride slowly in front of the science center as long as it isn't too crowded.

  3. Julie---Maybe you could post something original?

  4. yep. screams baltimore. I wonder what year those two houses died?
