Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oh no, Michael Phelps!

Aw shiz! Homeslice wrecked his Escalade in front of Brown Capital while traveling east on Biddle at Calvert ... Perezhilton sources say he was speeding and ran a red light!!!

(Wow, look how flimsy the Escalade is- like tinfoil!)

UPDATE: Police say the crash was the other driver's fault!


  1. When Is he going to learn.He ought to be ashemed of himself.I hate to say it,but he is not a positive role model.America's young people needs role model and the sad thing is there don't seem to be any on the horizon.

  2. The man is a professional swimmer, not a professional role model. The world would be a better place if we all understood that. Mr. Phelps is not good with a car. For him, he's got enough money, I'd suggest hiring a driver.

  3. You made me view Perez Hilton - and I went a year without it... I hope you're happy...

  4. Looks like Perez Hilton got it wrong, anyway, as far as fault, etc. goes.

  5. I heard on the radio tonight that Phelps was cited for the accident by the police.

    Cham, do you ever hold anyone responsible for what they do?

  6. I agree with you Cham.I think that he ought to hire a person to drive him around.I think if he is found guilty of doing this again he should spend some time in a cell.

  7. Phelps was cited for driving with an out-of-state expired license. He's going to have to head over to Mondawmin, take the written test, and get things squared away if he is going to stay in town.

    Expired licenses do not cause car accidents.
