Friday, August 14, 2009


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Robbery victim Constantine "Dino" Frank has died.

Two teenagers wounded by one bullet on the East side

Superseding federal murder indictments for alleged drug dealers RJ and Turkey

Headline of the day: "Woman to be jailed one day for each of 74 dead cats"


  1. Any chance that "RJ" and "Turkey" will face the death penalty? Since the Patrick Byers and Special cases I've gone into capital punishment withdrawal, and because of the BS "reform" passed this year I know I can't count on state cases anymore.

  2. Probably not. Since the state would rather put them away for life.

    We hear often about how the Death penalty is no deterrent to violent crimes. Can someone explain to me how life sentencing is?

  3. BC, I think it's a chicken-or-the-egg kinda thing - you often hear proponents of the death penalty state that it is a deterrent to violent crimes, so death penalty opponents often point out that there is no evidence for this.

  4. On the other hand, there's no pro- or anti-life sentence lobby out there, so...

  5. Neither life sentences nor death penalties are a deterrent for crime. When most crimes are committed the criminals are not thinking about the potential consequences.

  6. "On the other hand, there's no pro- or anti-life sentence lobby out there, so..."

    Actually there are groups out there that are trying to abolish life w/o parole.

    As for deterrence, the death penalty isn't about that. It's about justice for the victims of terrible crimes.

  7. "Probably not. Since the state would rather put them away for life."

    I believe it's a federal case, and the federales have had two capital trials in the past year. They didn't win death sentence in either of the, but you know what they say about the third time being a charm...

  8. The death penalty is a deterrent. The executed prisoner will not commit any more crimes.

  9. The death penalty is about making the world's beta males feel powerful.
