Tuesday, August 18, 2009

RJR: get money, Gs!

Douche du jour: Jon Cardin
Romance is no substitute for common sense, ladies!

Tweet du jour @keiffermitchell: "Do you believe that our police reporting statistics are accurate and reliable?"


  1. I guess this is one of those out-of-the-box ideas to balance the state budget.

    Figure a sugared soda tax will be next.

  2. Delegate Jon Cardin came up with a gem of a comment when asked about his misuse of city resources:

    Cardin's statement says that during the "fuss" of the police involvement, "I surprised her with my proposal and she honored me with her answer of 'yes.' " It continued: "During the evening, I was focused on making my fiancee's night perfect. In retrospect, I should have considered that city resources would be involved and used better judgment to put a stop to it."

    Yes, he could have sailed in like a white night on a horse to put a gallant stop to....well.....himself. If it was Jon Cardin's marriage proposal to his girlfriend I think we can all conclude that this boondoggle was exclusively Jon Cardin's idea. This isn't a case of a politician bravely halting a waste of tax dollars.

    Local politicians and the police see our tax dollars as their personal toy box. The kitty is there to be picked clean.

  3. It's really hard to believe that having police swoop down on your boat, accompanied by a noisy, crowd-attracting helicopter, and pretending to arrest people somehow make his fiancé's night "perfect". Huh?!

    Maybe they should have carried it out a bit further: handcuffs, wagon, and on the sidewalk in front of Central Booking.

    Police work is often nasty, dirty, and dealing with unpleasant things, and unpopular laws. Perfect? ! Sheesh...........what a strange set of values.

  4. Buz:

    To each his own. I'm sure those two have some interesting bedroom role-playing antics. I just hope they don't use state-issued handcuffs.

  5. I like this comment from the Hermann blog post: "Any woman ditzy enough to be impressed by this kind of frat-boy stunt deserves what she gets when she's married to the jerk."
