Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Harbor violence continued

Some say bloods have influence downtown, others say shooting is isolated incident


  1. gang members should be shot and killed on sight by law enforcement. we the people need to stop playing around with them.

  2. Shoot and kill people on sight? Are you out of your mind?

    How would you be sure someone is a gang member? What is the definition of a gang? Does the first amendment of the constitution not guarantee the freedom to assemble?????? Are the Knights of Columbus a gang?

    Some white males = crazy.

  3. "Some white males = crazy."

    Tom Brown, care to comment?

  4. Some black males = crazy. Your point?

  5. Cham likes the young black males. Enough said.

  6. Um yeah what is running through the minds of some people?...sheesh!

    OK I was wrong. Maybe i was a little harsh. Perhaps members of known criminal groups should be sent to spa and given pedicures once a month. Maybe that would teach them a lesson.

  7. Sure, I'll make a crazy statement now and then. I'm tired of Baltimore being a shit-hole.

    What I'm saying is like if you have an apartment and one day roaches and ants start moving in...what do you do? Do you send them to training classes or insect jail.

    Me being white and male has little to do with my comment that gang members should be shot on sight. That was too violent. Yes. I can admit to that, but I am not going to close the eyes and say Baltimore doesn't have a crime problem.

    Basically, the city is not a play ground for violent repeat offenders. The city of Baltimore is only made possible through the hard work of its citizens. Criminals contribute nothing. In fact they actually take away from the quality of life here. I'm not talking about pot-smokers. Who the fuck cares if people are using marajuana? I am talking about actions that we can all agree should be criminal, such as the murders and assaults and robberies that are so common in Baltimore and have been common for decades.

    OK, so we have known criminal groups and individuals in Baltimore. One way to stop them from committing crimes is to stop them from existing, living, breathing. Since that's illegal to just select people for death, the only solution to deal with the crime problem in Baltimore will be communication and changing the current mindset about what is proper behavior. Fuck if I know.

    I'm saying find a way to squash the bugs. I guess they are bugs that live inside of our minds.
