Tuesday, August 18, 2009

WBAL: 76-year-old man victim of a racially motivated "hate crime attack"


  1. It looks like Saturday's Inner Harbor shooting victims are a couple of degenerate shitbirds who got what they deserved. It's a pity they survived.

  2. It IS a hate crime when a group of white racists beat a black man.

    It is NOT a hate crime when a group of black racist beat a white man.

  3. "It is NOT a hate crime when a group of black racist beat a white man."

    Zach Sowers. I'm sure that Trayvon Ramos and his fellow apes beat him to death out of love :rolleyes:

    The whole concept of hate crimes is idiotic. People should be judged by their actions, not their thoughts.

  4. Come on, these guys were covered with swastikas supposedly. You can't NOT call this a hate crime.

    I can't wait to here more about these perps. We can be pretty certain they are haters, but we can be damn sure they are dumb as rocks. First the swastikas then they steal the car with the Lo-jack. I'm wondering if they videotaped their crime while they did it.

    They have a 100% chance of a long prison sentence, I wonder how their tenure is going to in the state prison system.

  5. I believe that anytime you beat someone with a baseball bat or some object it is a hate crime.If you liked that person you would not want to hurt that person.

  6. Read the Maryland Judiciary Case Search on this punk Calvin Lockner and his family. Scary stuff there.

  7. Roll out the race exploiters and profiteers. Jackson and Sharpton are on the next flights to Baltimore.

    Ironically, they will be staying out at the airport as the crime is Baltimore is out of control.

  8. "I believe that anytime you beat someone with a baseball bat or some object it is a hate crime.If you liked that person you would not want to hurt that person."

    Yep. What the hell other than hate motivates any sort of violent crime?

  9. The guy they caught also admitted to police he doesn't like African Americans, so... I'm not sure how I feel about the hate crime category as a whole, but if you're going to use it, this seems like a pretty clear case to me!

    Also, in the case of Zach Sowers (as well as others), I don't believe there was any evidence that they were motivated by anything other than sheer stupidity, general evil, and robbery.

  10. That's always the excuse for black on white crime not being a hate crime. It's robbery, "frustration", etc.

    The blacks attack everybody. I guess they are equal opportunity criminals.....

  11. Thanks Sheila dixon for tackling a hate crime and ignoring your urban genocide in Baltimore. It is funny you have time to visit the 76year old victim and watch over 100 city residents killed in the streets. You are a corrupt Mayor who needs to resign.

  12. Give Sheila a break, the man's hospital was next to a Best Buy. She was able to save fuel and consolidate errands.

  13. Sean, you wrote: "in the case of Zach Sowers (as well as others), I don't believe there was any evidence that they were motivated by anything other than sheer stupidity, general evil, and robbery."

    Sean, do you really believe that? This was far more than "a robbery"!
    This guy Trayvon Ramos stomped Zach's head into a souflee....ask yourself HONESTLY: is that necessary for a simple mugging? No, it's clear that there was much more going on here than simply a desire for a couple of DVD rentals from a McDonalds DVD machine.

    Bottom line is, these kids were from nearby where Zach and his young wife lived....but although they lived nearby, they were a world apart. Black and poor, they carried the typical resentments against the young white homeowner (yuppie) in "their neighborhood" and Zach paid the ultimate price for the prejudice on the part of the BLACK guy(s). It probably was just as much class envy and racism on Trayvon and friends' part, though...but that hardly makes it any prettier.

    I'd bet my children's lives that hatred against what they felt Zach stood for ("the white man" coming into "their 'hood"...by another name they probably wouldn't be able to pronounce, let alone recognize: gentrification) was a very large factor into the phenomenally brutal way they dealt with Zach...and I rarely put things that strongly (brining my children into it).

    The mugging/robbery was becuase they wanted his money. The "curb stomping" was obviously for more than that: racial and class hatred. If you can't see that, they you truly are blind.

  14. Trayvon Ramis might have stomped but he didn't utter any racial epithets while stomping. What someone might have been thinking doesn't count. To invoke the hate crime laws you need actual real evidence.

  15. "Trayvon Ramis might have stomped but he didn't utter any racial epithets while stomping."

    Cham you are truly sick. Were you there? Was Zach not able to testify that epithets were uttered? Oh that's right, he was in a coma.....

    Message to all white supremacists out there. Just beat the hell out of non-whites but don't SAY anything.

  16. Nobody knows what motivated Trayvon Ramis to stomp. His girlfriend could have looked at him wrong, or he could have eaten too many paint chips as a child. Just because assuming that Trayvon was a racist hater feels good and righteous to other haters doesn't mean the judicial system can slap him with a hate crime.

    Nice try, Mel. No cigar.

    Clearly, the lingering enthusiasm of the Zach Sowers case exemplifies that some white males are terrified of poor young virile black men.

  17. LOL at Cham. Get some counseling.
