Tuesday, September 15, 2009


"Police: JHU Student Killed Intruder With Samurai Sword"
Former roomie Diego tells WBAL, "it was, like, a wakizashi ... it, like, fit nicely with the rest of the room."

Update @1:30: "The intruder is identified as Donald Dwayne Rice of Baltimore City."

... but hode up. did the incident happen in the garage, as students say... or, as WBAL writes, on the patio?


  1. The comment section of this article on the Sun is sickening! The mentality of this city is mind numbing. How/why do people continuously blame the victim and feel compassion for the criminals? I would give this kid a medal for ridding this city of another career criminal! I truly hope the prosecutor is not stupid enough to go after these kids for protecting their lives and property. That would be a sad day.


  2. This story is pure awesomeness. I hope the criminal suffered before he died.

  3. Lived on this block last year, never had any problems with B&E, but my friends definitely did. Thankfully no confrontations went down on this level.

    This story is really blowing up the Hopkins community right now, I can tell you that.

  4. Good job! If they prosecute this student, I am going to protest.

    I've commented on the Sun article. The criminal got exactly what he deserved.

    The people of this city are tired as fuck of all the crime in this city.

  5. "That wakizashi really pulled the room together."

  6. Ya gotta hand it to the kid!

  7. Apparently the dead burglar had 29 prior convictions!

  8. I don't count that many, but whatever

  9. http://fa-ir.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=67569551432&subj=1380780224&index=1

    Found an old post from our new hero... 20 year John Pontolillo (aka John Ponts).

    3 "I'd totally be responsible for something horrible if I could go down in history forever for it."

  10. What can I say? If you mess with the Samurai, you get the sword.

  11. mjb:

    That's what the Sun was saying. Honestly, when the convictions hit double digits the specific number sort of stop mattering IMO.

  12. Quick, get a screen capture! I can't wait to see what this kid looks like!

  13. anyone think that this robber was responsible for a couple of these?

