Monday, September 14, 2009

They know when you've been sleeping...

Three break-ins in Charles Village, including two while residents were sleeping, from JHU security via Spotcrime. Lock those doors & windows!:
Burglary (Private Residence) – 200 Blk. E. University Parkway – On Sept. 13th between 12:00 AM and 1:30 AM, an undergraduate’s laptop computer, iPod and iPod base station were taken from his 3rd floor bedroom.  Preliminary investigation revealed that entry had been gained via an unlocked 1st floor rear window.  Baltimore Police responded.  Investigation continuing.

Attempt Burglary (Private Apartment Building) – Hopkins House, 110 W. University Parkway -- On Sept. 11th at 11:30 PM, an unknown person shined a light through the 2nd floor bedroom patio window and pushed the unlocked sliding door open. The resident startled the suspect who then fled in an unknown direction.  Nothing was taken.  Outside, trash cans were available to the suspect to reach the balcony.  Baltimore Police responded. Investigation continuing.

Burglary (Private Apartment) – 2900 Blk. N. Calvert St. (odd side) – On Sept. 13th between 3:30 PM and 10:30 PM, a non-affiliate’s laptop computer was taken from a 2nd floor bedroom.  Entry had been gained via an unlocked rear 2nd floor door leading to the fire escape.  Baltimore Police responded. Investigation continuing.

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