Monday, April 25, 2011

Riot downtown?

At the least "large groups" of teens that got "a little wild," said the Twitterers @juliemore, @justin_fenton, @baltoSpectator, with a juvenile stabbed in the side & bus-sized paddy wagons. Also a large blackout in on the East side.

Riddle me this...

Can a same-sex couple married elsewhere invoke spousal privilege in MD?

.. and no bail for McPsycho heffa Teonna Monae Brown. I assume it took four days after the beating to charge her because it took her that long to be identified, or is that naive?

in other news, the law firm that had signed on to defend DOMA has withdrawn, most likely fearing the backlash of having "unpopular clients"

The 4th circuit 4th Circuit affirmed that a posthumously conceived child can’t get benefits, here's the case

The City that Breeds notes a TDR update of the Jason-Zink-tip-pooling scandal

Charles Village follies

Courtesy of JHU security:
Below is a report from the April 25 JHU Security Daily Incident Report.
Armed Robbery – 2900 Blk. Wyman Park Drive (southwest side) – On April 24th at 1:18 AM, a junior undergraduate walking through a grassy area was approached by two males. One male was in possession of a dark colored handgun and demanded the victim’s property. The victim relinquished his wallet and backpack containing a Netbook computer. The suspects fled on foot north on Wyman Park Drive. Baltimore Police searched the area with negative results. There were no injuries and the investigation is continuing.  Security Bulletin SP#4 is forthcoming at .
Armed Robbery of Non-Affiliate – 2700 Blk. St. Paul St, northwest corner– On April 25th at 4:25 AM, a non-affiliated male was waiting at the MTA stop and was approached by two males. One male displayed a silver and black handgun and demanded money. The victim relinquished his wallet containing credit cards as well as his cell phone. The suspects were last seen fleeing east in the 100 block of east 27th St. Baltimore Police and campus officers searched the area with negative results. Investigation continuing. Security Bulletin SP#5 is forthcoming at .
Theft – 3200 Blk. N. Charles St.– Between April. 20th at 9:00 PM and April 21st at 3:00 AM, a laptop computer was taken from an undergraduate student’s unlocked room in the house. The student declined to have Baltimore Police notified. Investigation continuing.

Teonna Monae Brown

.. is the perfect subject for me to use as I try to figure out Photobucket
Teonna Monae
.. Gawker & the Smoking Gun are all over this story, reporting that Brown had been arrested before, for attacking a patron at the same restaurant, punching a mom in the face, hitting her with an umbrella, and yanking off her wig! WTF?!
(.. wonder if that is a plausible defense against hate-crime charges, that Brown had also attacked a brown-complexioned woman with a uterus in the same place.. she's an an equal-opportunity psychopath!)

And here's Vernon "Charm" Hackett, the winner who took credit for filming the attack on his Facebook page.

more comfortingly, here's Vicky L. Thoms, who tried to stop the attack

.. in other news, police say two of last week's murders may have been committed by one suspect

A Middle River man got 30 months for birth certificate/passport fraud

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A shooty spell

Five people shot in the last couple of days,

BCFDL734 tweeted *CUTTING* Box 13-19 unit block w Preston St adult male stabbed FIRE/EMS Units responding and treating

Friday, April 22, 2011

McD's beating victim a trans woman

The Bilerico blog reports that the person beaten at the Rosedale McDonalds was a man biological male transgendered woman.

Dumb love

Search of lawyer Stanley Needleman's office uncovered <$600,000.. in addition to the $120k they found at his house.

Testimony continued yesterday in the stranded-teen case with the second alleged victim taking the stand to describe how one officer laughed as the other threatened him.

Puke. In Carroll Co, Donald Previa found guilty of killing his girlfriend's 8-month-old baby. So tired of reading this same story over and over-- hey ladies, just because you're boning some guy does not mean he'll make a good babysitter!

Doug Gansler doesn't want you to drink Snoop Dogg's "Blast"

Essay by design professor/Bolton Hill resident Callie Neylan: "When You're in Love With a Broken City"

Not Baltimore but can't resist: "What's dumber than getting a tattoo on your ass of the Tasmanian Devil chugging a beer while peeling out in a hot rod? Getting a full chest piece that recreates that murder you committed"


Meet the guy who beat speeding tickets with photo time stamps & math skillz

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Phylicia Barnes = found

The Sun confirms that the body found yesterday is hers

uh oh

Jayne Miller reports that one of the bodies found in the Susquehanna has a tattoo similar to Phylicia Barnes'.

.. and Barnes' dad told a CBS affiliate in North Carolina that the body is hers.


A man shot to death "on the 14th floor of the Hanover Square building, a high-rise housing complex for seniors and the disabled, reports Liz F. Kay"

The Ink has last week's four murders

What to think of this story: Karen Carr, Baltimore midwife is being charged with involuntary manslaughter in VA after a baby she delivered died. Carr was not licensed to practice in VA, and her patient was 43, premiparous with a breech baby.

Bodies found yesterday near Conowingo Dam

MD makes strides towards transparency.. kind of

Oh puleeeze! Ruxton residents freak out what Sheppard Pratt proposes putting a halfway house in the hood. Because only poor people should have to live near one of those. And Federal Hill residents are challenging some liquor licenses.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Unid'd man, rear alley of the 500 block of Schroeder St.

DNA has linked Baltimore County's Nankisoor Ramnath, found guilty of murdering his wife in 2008, to the rape of a mentally challenged woman.

County police are ISO this flasher. Could someone please explain to me the appeal of flashing people/schoolgirls?

"An employee of a bail bonds shop on Eastern Avenue has been charged with shooting a man who was fleeing the store after getting into an argument over fake gold" .. do you think he cuts his own hair?

Fenton asks some questions of a cute 25-year-old Russian who gave money to SRB & O'M

& happy 4/20, stoners! Here's a pot story round-up from Mother Jones. And "duh" of the day, The American Independent asks "Is Big Pharma set to corner the American market on medical marijuana?" .. and I wonder how many people were arrested in Baltimore City for marijuana last year? Anybody know?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

People who beat people

Tales of dissed robbers in the N. Baltimore Patch blotter

Drunken Irish-bar patron crashes into Timonium BP station in the Messenger blotter

Brick, umbrella, pocketknife, bat, stick & bottle in the Baltimore Guide blotter

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Seven-Bullet Weekend

A 49-year-old man was shot in the back yesterday evening in the 5300 block of Wabash Ave.

A man involved in a car accident near Hanlon Park had been shot in the head, for a total of seven shootings in the city this weekend (accounted for so far)

The mom of stabbing victim Andre Volkman is pleading for information about the man and woman her son was seen arguing with near Lexington Market on April 8

Lede of the day: "Not long before police say Brittany Norwood stabbed and bludgeoned Jayna Murray to death last month inside the Lululemon Athletica store in downtown Bethesda’s high-end shopping district, the two were the perfect sales team."

Another legislative recap & political news rundown from the Maryland Reporter

The Daily Record editorial board (whomever that might be) is officially anti-DP

Page Croyder on how a judge found it legal for the daughter of a county councilman to bite an officer

Bernstein says he picked the shoeless-teenager case because the head of the police misconduct unit had retired. He's also been in office for 100 days now, and I have yet to get a single press release.

Women stabbed at Rockville Nordstrom awarded "nearly" $1.6 million

Eenteresting: The City That Breeds says a new site, AskFuzz, is Baltimore-based and lets readers ask questions of anonymous cops. They're also looking for cops to answer questions.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Unidentified man, Decker Avenue, 3:40 a.m.

Also a 19-year-old shot in the thigh soon after midnight

And three people shot Friday in Sandtown-Winchester

Dundalk man allegedly shot by his neighbor after allegedly parking in said neighbor's driveway by accident

A 16-year-old was arrested for the murder of Teon Dobbs in Landsdowne, spurring jiz readers to offer the world lots of enlightened & elevated philosophical discourse on the matter


So let me get this straight: the three cops that Bernstein is prosecuting will all be tried together, but two of the defendants are having a jury trial, and one (the only white one?) is having a bench trial. Never heard of such a thing & must agree with a commentor, if the point of the SA prosecuting a case is to show ASAs how it's done, why not pick something more typical? Or is the whole point just to show the world that Bernstein and the police aren't in bed together (in spite of the fact that he and the mayor's liaison to the police are literally in bed together)? Or is the whole case so bizarre and technical he feared some ASA would ef it up?

Friday, April 15, 2011

What did I miss?

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The city's 53rd murder victim of this year was a 24-year-old woman found shot in the head and chest behind apartment buildings in the NW.

One Syron Abdullah, aged 20, arrested for the murder of Jhoma Blackwell, and allegedly stealing and pawning her video game systems. Abdullah was also charged three years ago with raping a 13-year-old.

A triple shooting and crazy car chase Wednesday linked to a fight at Dundalk Middle School; the jizz has mug shots of the Camaro-driving superwinners Charles Robinson and Quincy Alford, and bonus video footage of Robinson's big fat hairy gut slopping out of his drawers.

Fenton reports that 1990s drug 'kingpin' 'Great Billy Guy' is in 'trouble' again.

Ten years for a 21-year-old who allegedly conspired to rob a drug dealer

Motions expected to continue today in that case Bernstein is trying.

The MD Gazette's take on General Assembly winners & losers.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Paging Maurice Levy

The law offices of Stanley H. Needleman were raided by the Baltimore PD and possibly the Federales this morning.