Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Sweet Smell of White Privilege

Check out convicted felon Francisco Milos and his girlfriend Lynnie Lewis, both 29, who were stockpiling assault rifles, bulletproof vests, pot and ammunition in their house north of Patterson Park.* ... Why does Burt look so disgruntled in that tattoo? Or is he actually puffing a doob?

Another police-lawsuit payout: $72,000 to three members of the Reyes family, who were arrested, punched, and saw one Tased while handcuffed* in front of the Mad River Bar & Grille.

So here is perhaps a reason why Baltimore City spends the second-most in the country per pupil: dinner cruises, $99 chicken dinners, a $250,000 suite renovation for the head of the IT department, mother-daughter makeovers and tutoring services that were never verified as performed (a la the tutoring fraud Joan Jacobson uncovered in 2010) and contractors who may or may not have done any kind of work.* So basically a repeat of the results of the legislative audit three years ago,* but with makeovers and chicken dinners on the side.

What, what? Mayor SRB officiated at the wedding of two city lobbyists.

Cleaners on Old York Road robbed at gunpoint, as was the Stadium Lounge for like the bazillionth time.

At a Roland Park Civic League meeting, Batts apologized to a woman whose babysitter had to wait 20 minutes for police to respond while burglars were in her house.* ... wow, when's the last time you heard any city official apologize for anything? He also reportedly told the audience that their help is needed to improve "people who do not have the sophistication" of Roland Parkers, particularly in areas of town where residents "don’t 'speak,' 'dress' or 'smell' like them."

Morgan Arnold and Jason Bulmer were indicted and charged as adults* for the murder of Morgan's dad Dennis Lane.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weed indeed

The Ink recounts last week's two murders and has updates, including the solving of the 10-year-old murder of Jermain Murdock.

WTF?! A City College freshman was attacked and beaten by a mob of girls from the school and the girls' male accomplices.

Seven people have been shot over the past two days*

Fifty years for James Pasco, who scammed the elderly in SE Baltimore

Lots of robberies on the East side

Dayum, 140 pounds of pot in HarfCo

Good for Fox News (how often does one say that?) ... the local affiliate has filed a complaint after being shut out of Monday's meeting that gave $107 million of taxpayer money to the Exelon Corp.

Two people were sent to shock trauma after an arson at the Family Dollar

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

What price decency

No good deed dept: Antomar Jones convicted of killing his youth program mentor Corey Taylor whilst robbing him*

Henry Estrella-Cordova of Ecuador was arrested by ICE in Silver Spring for allegedly raping a nine-year-old girl in the city two weeks ago.

Police canvassed the Forest Park area looking for leads in the murder of the mayor's cousin Joseph Haskins.

Police have released 911 tapes in the James Smith/Kendra Diggs barricade/murder situation/clusterfuck.

sup gurl.
I would rather hope not: officially no 4th trial for Policarpio Espinoza Perez.

OMG you guyz jail looks so fun! Just hanging out in front of the cells, fake-chatting on the phone. #livefromthecell, y'all.

Family of Sean Cannady approved to get $100,000 in their wrongful-death suit from the city. Officer Jemell Rayan shot three people in 18 months, and he's still working the streets. As a city officer.

Should Catholic Charities be running a city homeless shelter?

Civic-minded individuals protested the selling of the Sun to the Koch Bros.

Out in Parkville, some letter carrier was all like "fuckit."

Here's a head-scratcher: when it comes to the price per student of education, Baltimore city, at $15,400 per, is only second to New York, and MoCo is third. FWIW, Maryland spends $38, 383 a year for each prison inmate.
the officer who shot Cannady, Detective Jemell Rayam, was involved in three shootings in 18 months.

Read More at:
the officer who shot Cannady, Detective Jemell Rayam, was involved in three shootings in 18 months.

Read More at:

Teeny tiny violins

An "adult male" shot to death in Belair-Edison*, a woman shot May 10 has died.

This is not a repeat: a man and a boy were shot outside on the west side

Add to the murders, drug dealing, beatdowns, racketeering: the BGF is also not gay-friendly*

Somebody stole Ray Rice's guns*

Grab your ankles, taxpayers: the Exelon Corp got awarded $107 million of your money in a closed-door meeting* to build a fancy new HQ, but you, homeowner, get a 9%... oh no wait, 15% increase in your water bill and taxed on the very rain that falls on your property because the city and state are sooo broke.

It's that time of year again, when a young teenager's fancy turns to thoughts of fighting in a pack at the Harbor.*

Police Department Sergeant Dennis Workley found guilty of misconduct in office for supplying false information to get a warrant to raid a home in East Baltimore in which Christmas presents were smashed with a sledgehammer and only a "dime bag" of pot was found. A deal was reached that keeps Workley out of prison.

Unsmart metaphor dept: "Quadriplegic's wife to stand trial for killing him," "gun control activists have fired the first salvo in the battle over gun rights."