Funeral was held yesterday for Jennifer Conyers, killed by a guy she met on a dating web site. According to Cham, of 22 murder victims so far this year, 15 have no violent criminal history.
(Alleged) RoFo robbers caught, finally! Check out that list of stores. Dayum. How they were caught and why it took so long police won't say, but Cham points out that they apparently did their research and carefully avoided stores near crime cameras. Naturally the trio-- Omar Sharif Hance, Willie James Vinson and Darrell Nathaniel Blackwell-- have plenty of priors. And yes, Omar Hance's middle name is Sharif-- apparently his mom had a ladyboner for swarthy guys. "Truly, for some men nothing is written unless they write it."
Some cojones: even after being told by a federal judge that police training policies and procedures are public documents,* the Police Department still refuses to release them to the public. .. as much as Aneglinos apparently despise the LAPD, it's actually considerably more transparent and responsive than Baltimore's police force, with a Board of Rights that includes officers and a civilian, has the power to recommend penalties and publishes a public record of its findings. We should all be so lucky.
Remember that Roland Park firefighter who was pimping on the side? (Or was he a pimp who did some firefighting on the side?) He and his partner were indicted. My favorite part of the story has to be the chalkboard with hooker rules and tips on it ("Just 10 minutes from downtown!"... "Ask about law enforcement!!)
Aiee-- 38-year-old Larry Horton was convicted for murdering 18-year-old Ryan Jackson with a hatchet in Towson.
Creepy: a Ray Rice impersonator set up a Facebook account to try to meet girls. Hopefully just for sex and not death by hatchet.
RJR is going after doctors and dentists who aren't paying back their student loans. Animals!
Some cojones: even after being told by a federal judge that police training policies and procedures are public documents,* the Police Department still refuses to release them to the public. .. as much as Aneglinos apparently despise the LAPD, it's actually considerably more transparent and responsive than Baltimore's police force, with a Board of Rights that includes officers and a civilian, has the power to recommend penalties and publishes a public record of its findings. We should all be so lucky.
Remember that Roland Park firefighter who was pimping on the side? (Or was he a pimp who did some firefighting on the side?) He and his partner were indicted. My favorite part of the story has to be the chalkboard with hooker rules and tips on it ("Just 10 minutes from downtown!"... "Ask about law enforcement!!)
Aiee-- 38-year-old Larry Horton was convicted for murdering 18-year-old Ryan Jackson with a hatchet in Towson.
Creepy: a Ray Rice impersonator set up a Facebook account to try to meet girls. Hopefully just for sex and not death by hatchet.
RJR is going after doctors and dentists who aren't paying back their student loans. Animals!