The Court of Special Appeals has
reversed the murder and conspiracy convictions of Clayton Damon Colkley and Darnell Fields, charged with the 2003 shooting of James "Buck" Bowens. The lower court had "concluded that the state failed to show that the defendants and their attorneys had been properly informed of the contents of a jury note inquiring about the guns and shell casings used in the shooting."
Ryan L. Holliman, 23, was
shot and killed yesterday near Club Mate and Lounge in Brooklyn [29].
The 22-year-old woman killed yesterday on the 800 block of Hilton St. was ID'd as Stephanie Stevens, 22, of Martinsburg, West Virginia.
Examiner recounts January's 28 homicides plus the shooting of home-invasion
suspect Isaac Pitts in tidy, chronological order.
In East Baltimore, a
man was shot by police after he fired at officers who were arresting a suspected dealer.
Arrests of an (alleged) murderer and 16-year-old (alleged) armed carjacker in the Blotter, a man stabbed in the stomach after a bump at the bus stop.
Deputy Police Commissioner Col. Frederick Bealefeld:
"What kind of society do we have when anyone can decide at their whim who dies?"Do you work at a community organization in a crappy neighborhood? The Baltimore City Health Department's Office of Youth Violence Prevention
wants to give you money.

A Baltimore City jury convicted
Dale Fauntleroy, now 22, (not to be confused with Cedric, left) of the 2500 block of Woodbrook Ave. of robbery and conspiracy to commit robbery with a deadly weapon yesterday. The jury deliberated for approximately two hours following two days of testimony from four State's witnesses. Judge John M. Glynn will sentence Fauntleroy on June 4, 2007. He faces a maximum possible prison term of 35 years; 20 for the conspiracy and 15 for the robbery. On January 9, 2006 a City jury acquitted Fauntleroy of armed robbery and handgun counts and hung on the remaining counts that prosecutors retried this week. On October 29, 2004 Fauntleroy attempted to rob an off duty Mass Transit Police Officer with an unknown caliber handgun while they were both inside a carry-out in the 2700 block of Pennsylvania Ave.
D's check your junk mail, I sent you an email from my comcast early this morning, I also sent it to Chuck and Julie B as well.
Have you guys seen the Stealing Bread poll? My goodness, what hoodlums we have in the making.
If you can steal bread, why not steal money? If you can steal money, then why would armed robbery for it be out of the question? I just want the money, right? And if you can pull a gun on someone, then it's probably their fault if they act stupid about their money and make you pull the trigger, right?
So, from bread to murder in three easy steps. Baltimore apparently flunked out of Sunday school, as well as high school.
Here we go again.
Police-involved shooting on the 1700 block, Aisquith in East Baltimore. It happened around 10:30 a.m.
Pack your bags, good people. This is no place for an unarmed man to live.
Has anyone been on the discussion forum on the Sun's website. Talk about clueless idiots!
please check it out... these county folks have no clue what is going on here, they are actually listening to Hamm and Dixon
galt, i've asked you this before but i don't think i got an answer: where do you get all this breaking news? do you have a scanner? or is it just on tv?
Hopefully they will instead read the Examiner. Today's stories include 'Murder City: Are the Streets of Baltimore Safe?' and 'Murder City: Losing Hope'.
Read WJZ's coverage of the shootout at OK Corral on Aisquith.
I'm thinking of opening a new retail concept: kevlar urbanwear - head to toe.
Oops. Video here and story here.
ah, ok. but sometimes you seem to have breaking news that isn't on the internet anywhere.
as far as that article goes, way to call the 1700 block of aisquith "northeast baltimore," wjz! that shit is below north avenue and 1 block east of greenmount cemetary. "northeast baltimore" means like hamilton or belair-edison or places like that.
Oh, that would be my personal grapevine. Such things can keep you alive a bit longer around here.
Well, if you go into a neighborhood and say arrest everyone for anything, you will most likely make enemies. Now that they have kicked everyone in the hoods ass, they expect help from these same people? No one can be that stupid.
If you have 1% criminal population, then 98% of the citizens will be more than willing to cooperate.
When, as here, 1/3 of the males are on probation and 1/3 incarcerated, a vast majority of the population is either criminal or criminal-sympathetic. Even without Jump Out Tuesdays and Bangers like Jemini Jones. In this case, yeah, no one's gonna be too cooperative because they're surrounded by crime-sympathizers.
So,... this is an excellent argument for not allowing any community to have more than, say, 10% of its male population on the wrong side of the law. My solution, which is quite elegant, is that repeat offenders from high-concentration districts cannot obtain probationary/parole terms which do not forbid them to be found within the county of prior offense. If they don't like the terms, stay in jail. Otherwise, stay out of Baltimore City or risk being incarcerated (really violated) on sight.
BTW, the guy who had the Wild West gunfight with cops this morning exchanged fire not once, but several times. Furthermore, he's another frickin' teenager. However, he is 18, which means he gets tried as an adult in any event.
Happy Birthday, you S.O.B..
What's "Jump Out Tuesday"?
Any time 5-0 starts just randomly arresting everyone they see who isn't pretty clearly a doctor, lawyer, or engineer. They just pick a day and pretty much roust the entire neighborhood in the name of justice. The jail fills up with all the males in the vicinity, who spend the night together in central and then most are let go uncharged.
'And let that be a lesson to you!', they are told.
It can be Jump-Out Wednesday, Jump-Out Thursday, whatever. The most important aspect is the arbitrariness of it. 'Wrong day to go for a walk.' I think it tends to happen on Tuesdays in response to District Commanders' weekly meetings downtown. If the Commish was unhappy with the stats and a particular post is below quota (What quota? We don't have no stinkin' quota), its officers might very well fix that after being hung out to dry at roll-call the following day. Hence, Jumpout Tuesday.
Bart: Uh, say, are you guys crooks?
Fat Tony: Bart, um, is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family?
Bart: No.
Fat Tony: Well, suppose you got a large starving family. Is it wrong to steal a truckload of bread to feed them?
Bart: Uh uh.
Fat Tony: And, what if your family don't like bread? They like... cigarettes?
Bart: I guess that's okay.
Fat Tony: Now, what if instead of giving them away, you sold them at a price that was practically giving them away. Would that be a crime, Bart?
Bart: Hell, no!
Fat Tony: Enjoy your gift.
FYI, a gunman entered the Sugar Hill cut-rate at Whitelock & Druid Hill earlier this evening and fatally shot a patron in the head. He presumably fled thereafter.
I think I liked Club Mate better when it was the Thunderdome - fewer dead bodies.
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