Friday, July 11, 2008

BCrime is on hiatus ...

please leave a messsage!


Sean said...

Hopefully temporary...
Nice to meet some of the folks last night, although I am still a bit disappointed that C. Love didn't show up and call us all racists for drinking beer or something.

The Baltimore Cynic said...

I wish I could have been there, but I was working. I can only imagine the type of folk that were around.

We will miss you Chuck - I can only hope we'll keep things afloat in your absence :)

buzoncrime said...

It was nice chatting with folks last night, and putting faces to names. I enjoyed meeting Sean, Chuck, Anna Ditkoff an others (and mjb, of course!)

I was hoping to meet Ppatin (Ichy?), bmore, baltimorecynic, and, maybe, even John Galt. There's always hope for the future! I was curious about Cham, but I guess she's in the commenters protection program, living in an undisclosed Pigtown location, fed only with coffee and pastries from Evelyn's--the owner of which I also missed. Bah!

On a different note, I posted, on my blog, a long commentary/opinion about the "abated by arrest" business, with a bit on expungement. Take a look, if you get a chance: buzoncrime.blogspot.