Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tricia Bishop's story of the Gilbert & Dinkins verdict.


ppatin said...

"Jury fails to impose death penalty."

Really, a more accurate title for that article would require only the first two words. "Jury fails."

ppatin said...

Speaking of which, what the hell is wrong with juries in this state? In one high profile trial after another (Jovan House, Jamaal Abeokuto, John Gaumer, Patrick Byers and now Gilbert & Dinkins) state and federal juries in MD have shown themselves to be gutless when it comes to capital sentences.

John Galt said...

Well,,.. it just seems unfair to punish someone for a crime just because they're the one that did it.

It's like.. you're just trying to keep a person down or something.

ppatin said...

God decided to smite Bethel AME.

Anonymous said...

They do not want to hand over another brother to the "man". Yo.