At a hearing today, Payton Brown, 22, pled guilty to second-degree murder before Judge John M. Glynn. Judge Glynn will sentence Brown on September 25, 2006 at which he faces a maximum of 25 years in prison (a pretty sweet deal considering murder in the commission of a crime gets the death penalty in other jurisdictions). On October 12, 2005, Brown and an unidentified suspect known only as "G" attempted to rob the victim, Brandon Cherry, 21. During the robbery, Cherry resisted and was shot and killed. The murder occurred in the Northwood Shopping Center near the Morgan State University campus.

A drop of blood may link murdered children to Espinoza and Canela.
I was amazed to see the headline "Senate candidate accused of raping wife", because when I was studying things legal there was no such thing as spousal rape. The good news is that as of nine years ago in Maryland it did indeed become a crime. Old men marrying Latvian teenagers = still legal.
Demetri Greer, 18, was charged with killing 15-year-old Dion Williams (#145).
Rapist of 91-year-old woman: "I don't know what kind of drug-induced coma I was in."
The person shot on Loyola Southway (#148) was a woman, not a man: 47-year-old Bernadette Reed. Sunday's other victim (#149) was named as Norman Tyrone Handy, 33. And, up in the Jewniverse, a couple was kidnapped but foiled a would-be robber.
A former Park School teacher, Stanley Ashman, who worked at the school for 35 years, was accused of raping a 14-year-old girl in the '70s, and also assaulting a girl recently in Michigan.
NAACP president Doc Cheatham: "I'd like to be buried in a blue suit."
Alan Syvlester of New York got a life sentence for using taxi drivers to haul crack to Frederick.
It's so totally time for a new web poll. (If you can't see the poll, scroll down to the bottom.) Results of the previous can be seen here. O'Malley's in the lead, though no one seems terribly jazzed about it.
Dept. of Baltimoriana:
Atomic Teevee has a priceless reel of old Natty Boh TV ads.
Experiencing difficulty with your street credibility?