Friday, March 18, 2011
Serial killer now tied to PA case
William Vincent Brown's only known surviving victim gave dramatic testimony at his sentencing hearing today. Prosecutors also revealed he had a prior conviction for "terrorizing" and imprisoning a woman in Philly.
A man shot to death at the U.S. Fried Chicken on Pennsylvania Ave.
And in Frederick, a worker killed at the Burger King
Life with all but 50 years suspended for William Vincent Brown (so how much time will he actually serve?)
Senate says yes to medical marijuana, ignition-locking devices for drunks, bans on novelty lighters & smoking in a car that has kids in it, and a 180-day use-it-or-lose it parole deadline for the guv. .. and $60 million in new fees?! Effing effers!!
Page Croyder: "if the governor is simply removed from the parole process, prison and parole proceedings will be left shrouded in darkness and unavailable to the public."
WYPR’s Garland Thompson reports why three-year investigations of large drug-dealing conspiracies are worth it (audio link).
"Independent Examiner" Hassan Giordano reports that "The 49-year old former Baltimore City Council President, Lawrence Bell took the first step in exonerating the charges and clearing his name of allegations made against him. Shan Mabry, a longtime 'friend', who brought forth her second peace order claim against Bell in six months, while also filing a criminal complaint against the man she once shared her heart with." (includes a courthouse picture of the plaintiff, so totally not kosher!)
Fun fact: in 1999 Bell won a CP award for "Best Scandal"
And in Frederick, a worker killed at the Burger King
Life with all but 50 years suspended for William Vincent Brown (so how much time will he actually serve?)
Senate says yes to medical marijuana, ignition-locking devices for drunks, bans on novelty lighters & smoking in a car that has kids in it, and a 180-day use-it-or-lose it parole deadline for the guv. .. and $60 million in new fees?! Effing effers!!
Page Croyder: "if the governor is simply removed from the parole process, prison and parole proceedings will be left shrouded in darkness and unavailable to the public."
WYPR’s Garland Thompson reports why three-year investigations of large drug-dealing conspiracies are worth it (audio link).
"Independent Examiner" Hassan Giordano reports that "The 49-year old former Baltimore City Council President, Lawrence Bell took the first step in exonerating the charges and clearing his name of allegations made against him. Shan Mabry, a longtime 'friend', who brought forth her second peace order claim against Bell in six months, while also filing a criminal complaint against the man she once shared her heart with." (includes a courthouse picture of the plaintiff, so totally not kosher!)
Fun fact: in 1999 Bell won a CP award for "Best Scandal"
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Perhaps spurred by the House passing the "Use it or Lose it Bill," looks like O'Malley is planning to make like the Circle Jerks and deny everything, starting with these seven cons.
Trunky McGuilford-Robber, aka John Couplin, got 20 years and the label of "menace" from Judge Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill, but Mary Pat Clark thinks it's a load of crap: "Twenty years becomes 10 years becomes a modified sentence." The conviction also means Couplin violated his probation for a 2008 knife attack, but the wack-azz judge in that case is letting him serve that time concurrently.
Here's a picture of thata-hole disturbed individual who set his mother on fire
Police are ISO a guy with a tattoo on his throat reading "REAL GOON"
Yeeks, a doctor at a clinic owned by Bon Secours Hospital is accused of performing unnecessary eye procedures, including surgery that blinded a woman.
Adorable local hipsters create an app to help you avoid tickets
Say what? MD senators want to helpsluts slots parlors dodge local taxes.
Trunky McGuilford-Robber, aka John Couplin, got 20 years and the label of "menace" from Judge Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill, but Mary Pat Clark thinks it's a load of crap: "Twenty years becomes 10 years becomes a modified sentence." The conviction also means Couplin violated his probation for a 2008 knife attack, but the wack-azz judge in that case is letting him serve that time concurrently.
Here's a picture of that
Police are ISO a guy with a tattoo on his throat reading "REAL GOON"
Yeeks, a doctor at a clinic owned by Bon Secours Hospital is accused of performing unnecessary eye procedures, including surgery that blinded a woman.
Adorable local hipsters create an app to help you avoid tickets
Say what? MD senators want to help
Changing minds
Intriguing article in the New Yorker this week about how childhood trauma can lead to health problems in adults and predispose them to violence later on.
The Ink has last week's two murders and lots of case updates
An inmate in a federal heroin case managed to get a list of witnesses against him and "convinced many defendants to change their minds about pleading guilty"
Van Smith on Jean Therese Brown's "terrifying pot-smuggling saga"
Have you seen these two suspected armed carjackers?
A drug dealer may get off because DEA agent & convicted embezzler Mark Lunsford "admitted to the FBI that he concocted information in the case."
P.G. County police confirm that a body found in a trunk was that of a missing man, but they're not treating the case as a homicide(?)
The Ink has last week's two murders and lots of case updates
An inmate in a federal heroin case managed to get a list of witnesses against him and "convinced many defendants to change their minds about pleading guilty"
Van Smith on Jean Therese Brown's "terrifying pot-smuggling saga"
Have you seen these two suspected armed carjackers?
A drug dealer may get off because DEA agent & convicted embezzler Mark Lunsford "admitted to the FBI that he concocted information in the case."
P.G. County police confirm that a body found in a trunk was that of a missing man, but they're not treating the case as a homicide(?)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Half psychotic, sick hypnotic...
A rare "not criminally responsible" finding for D'Lana Simmons, who beat her aunt Cecelia Mitchell to death.
The last two TTP Bloods defendants were sentenced yesterday to 100+ months each
A MoCo police officer is accused of helping to run a cocaine ring
Fox reports that "A Baltimore County man is accused of setting his mother on fire. It happened just before 11a.m. this morning inside a home in the 7900-block of Baltimore Street in Eastview."
The last two TTP Bloods defendants were sentenced yesterday to 100+ months each
A MoCo police officer is accused of helping to run a cocaine ring
Fox reports that "A Baltimore County man is accused of setting his mother on fire. It happened just before 11a.m. this morning inside a home in the 7900-block of Baltimore Street in Eastview."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Thoroughly, deeply, completely depressing
Not only was 19-year-old murder victim Tanise Ervin an "innocent bystander," according to police, she just came off of a 10-hour shift at McDonald's, then went back to have her last meal there. She left, was shot in the back, and when her mom arrived at the scene, she says "police wouldn’t let me touch her." Apparently the gunperson(s) were shooting at Ervin's companion; the male "friend" was shot also but is not co-operating with investigators.
Mourners gathered tonight in Better Waverly.
Mourners gathered tonight in Better Waverly.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Truth in advertising
Hot topic of the week: forcing the guv to use or lose the option of parole for lifers. County SA Scott Shellenberger: "I view the need for the governor to sign off on the parole of a 'lifer' not as putting politics in the parole system but as a way of making sure that the person who makes the weighty decision of when a lifer is released is a person directly accountable to the citizens of this state."
And the General Assembly is set to begin debating the death penalty this week; yesterday Archbishop Edwin O’Brien hosted a prayer service aiming to increase support for abolishing it (wonder what religion he would be if the Roman Empire had had life without parole?).
Freaky story of a 7-year-old Amanda Mitchell, attacked by dogs: said her aunt, "They both were yanking. One was on the left, one was on this right side of the cheek."
Hey prospective divorcees, the Senate has approved a one-year separation requirement. In other marital news, "Bigamy costs Baltimore Co. man $500K"
Re. this MADD story, the trouble with drunk driving laws is that DUI is the only offense someone can commit and not know they're committing it. If we wanted to actually solve the problem, we'd put breathalyzers at the exit doors of bars or put interlock on every car-- 80 percent of DUIs are first-time offenders.
Under Armour sues the company Purple Armour for ripping off its logo & cybersquatting
And the General Assembly is set to begin debating the death penalty this week; yesterday Archbishop Edwin O’Brien hosted a prayer service aiming to increase support for abolishing it (wonder what religion he would be if the Roman Empire had had life without parole?).
Freaky story of a 7-year-old Amanda Mitchell, attacked by dogs: said her aunt, "They both were yanking. One was on the left, one was on this right side of the cheek."
Hey prospective divorcees, the Senate has approved a one-year separation requirement. In other marital news, "Bigamy costs Baltimore Co. man $500K"
Re. this MADD story, the trouble with drunk driving laws is that DUI is the only offense someone can commit and not know they're committing it. If we wanted to actually solve the problem, we'd put breathalyzers at the exit doors of bars or put interlock on every car-- 80 percent of DUIs are first-time offenders.
Under Armour sues the company Purple Armour for ripping off its logo & cybersquatting
The real crime
When you drive around Baltimore and see dozens of rotting homes, you might want to thank these guys for in part making it happen. Of course they're not going to jail, they live in Howard County, they just sucked money out of the city and got away with it because they were smart.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Nineteen-year-old Tanise Ervin was shot to death in Better Waverly
A 15-year-old boy shot on Friday, plus three other shootings and a man stabbed in the thigh

What is going on with all these missing teenage girls?! Police are now asking the public's help in finding Andrea Gardener, 15, right, if you see her call 911.
.. and eeeeeew, 10,000 gallons of sewage overflowed in the 400 block of East Eager Street. Survive the violence, die from the cholera & e. coli!
Huh? Judge tells Felicia Pearson she got no bail because "You are a good actress."
In Bethesda, MoCo, a worker murdered and another sexually assaulted at Lululemon Athletica
Serial bank robber strikes again, have you seen this guy?
Linskey & Bykowicz's gay marriage post-game recap, and Steve Lash's, and one from the WaPo; so much for personal appeals making a difference. Or maybe certain Democratic senators found $1 million mighty personally appealing.
A 15-year-old boy shot on Friday, plus three other shootings and a man stabbed in the thigh

What is going on with all these missing teenage girls?! Police are now asking the public's help in finding Andrea Gardener, 15, right, if you see her call 911.
.. and eeeeeew, 10,000 gallons of sewage overflowed in the 400 block of East Eager Street. Survive the violence, die from the cholera & e. coli!
Huh? Judge tells Felicia Pearson she got no bail because "You are a good actress."
In Bethesda, MoCo, a worker murdered and another sexually assaulted at Lululemon Athletica
Serial bank robber strikes again, have you seen this guy?
Linskey & Bykowicz's gay marriage post-game recap, and Steve Lash's, and one from the WaPo; so much for personal appeals making a difference. Or maybe certain Democratic senators found $1 million mighty personally appealing.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
.. in other news
No bail for Snoop. Sixty-four people arrested in old Latrobe in a case that took three years to develop. (Why so tense, Bernstein?)
Police are asking for help to find Stephanie Jones, 21, and her infant son.
As part of a class-action suit, a debt collector will drop more than 10,000 cases
Media blabber: in a rare move, the NYT's public editor agrees with outraged readers that a "Gang Rape Story Lacked Balance"
Police are asking for help to find Stephanie Jones, 21, and her infant son.
As part of a class-action suit, a debt collector will drop more than 10,000 cases
Media blabber: in a rare move, the NYT's public editor agrees with outraged readers that a "Gang Rape Story Lacked Balance"
And just like that..
Reports Fox, "The Maryland House of Delegates has sent the same sex marriage bill back to committee, effectively killing its chances of being passed in the House. There were not enough votes to pass the measure, so Del. Joe Vallario entered a motion to return the measure to committee."
More from the WaPo and Sun
Gawker: "last-minute pressure from church groups and the National Organization for Marriage apparently scared a few new, sensitive delegates"
Elsewhere, hundreds of people denuded the Rhode Island state house, where same-sex marriage hearings are being held, and on Wednesday, a U.S. House panel "voted 3-2 along party lines to direct the House counsel to come up with a legal defense" of DOMA
More from the WaPo and Sun
Gawker: "last-minute pressure from church groups and the National Organization for Marriage apparently scared a few new, sensitive delegates"
Elsewhere, hundreds of people denuded the Rhode Island state house, where same-sex marriage hearings are being held, and on Wednesday, a U.S. House panel "voted 3-2 along party lines to direct the House counsel to come up with a legal defense" of DOMA
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Gayest. Legislature. Ever.
One Charles County closet just got a little cleaner-- Delegate Peter Murphy is here, queer, and says his constituents are already used to it. This Å“uvre makes the MD legislature the nation's gayest, says the Washington Blade.
.. and I hadn't heard of Maggie Gallagher before yesterday, but I get the feeling we're all going to become very familiar with her tuberrific form, given the $1 million bounty her group has posted for the defeat of pro-equality legislators.
In other big gay news, WBAL has a clip of Snoop's perp walk posted and filed under "entertainment." Say what you will, she always has a flawless complexion. Here's David Simon's statement, and his notorious "jury nullification" essay from Time.
.. and I hadn't heard of Maggie Gallagher before yesterday, but I get the feeling we're all going to become very familiar with her tuberrific form, given the $1 million bounty her group has posted for the defeat of pro-equality legislators.
In other big gay news, WBAL has a clip of Snoop's perp walk posted and filed under "entertainment." Say what you will, she always has a flawless complexion. Here's David Simon's statement, and his notorious "jury nullification" essay from Time.
Oh, Snoop!
Felicia "Snoop" Pearson (& 29+ others) arrested for running a drug ring
Huh? "The city's no. 2 top prosecutor — appointed late last year by Baltimore State's Attorney Gregg L. Bernstein — isn't licensed to practice law in Maryland."
FBI suspects home-invasion robbers got some help from the MVA
Documentary exposes sex abuse in Baltimore’s Orthodox Jewish community. (Oh, CP. "'I didn’t know that I was going to become the molestation writer of Jewish Baltimore,' [Phil Jacobs] said. It was more or less thrust upon him ...")
This will Illinois you Pp -- the state just chucked their death penalty
Same-sex marriage bill goes forth with an official vote scheduled for tomorrow (or so says TDR, the WaPo only calls it "likely"). Thanks Cham for the "House Republicans & DOMA" video... that Brian Moulton just needs to meet the right girl. Love the people having smoke breaks in the background.
Web finds: the blog of Ehrlich's former "Prince of Darkness" Joe Steffan, who apparently enjoys puns, making up nicknames and white-on-black type (two out of three things I like in a blog). Shame he hasn't updated in a while.
Huh? "The city's no. 2 top prosecutor — appointed late last year by Baltimore State's Attorney Gregg L. Bernstein — isn't licensed to practice law in Maryland."
FBI suspects home-invasion robbers got some help from the MVA
Documentary exposes sex abuse in Baltimore’s Orthodox Jewish community. (Oh, CP. "'I didn’t know that I was going to become the molestation writer of Jewish Baltimore,' [Phil Jacobs] said. It was more or less thrust upon him ...")
This will Illinois you Pp -- the state just chucked their death penalty
Same-sex marriage bill goes forth with an official vote scheduled for tomorrow (or so says TDR, the WaPo only calls it "likely"). Thanks Cham for the "House Republicans & DOMA" video... that Brian Moulton just needs to meet the right girl. Love the people having smoke breaks in the background.
Web finds: the blog of Ehrlich's former "Prince of Darkness" Joe Steffan, who apparently enjoys puns, making up nicknames and white-on-black type (two out of three things I like in a blog). Shame he hasn't updated in a while.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Charles Hopsan, 22, stabbed in 2010 in the 1100 block of Cooks Lane and recently deceased, was posthumously awarded the title of the city's 30th homicide victim.
One Terrance Sims, 30, was arrested for the murder of 17-year-old Olympic hopeful Ronald Gibbs.
Tiffany Bolner, 21, pled guilty in federal court to sexually abusing a minor to produce child pornography; surely one of the most barfulent stories in BCrime history.
And a guy named Derwin declared himself guilty of pimping
Ten years for Rosedale home-invasion robber Antowan Bell, 25
Crack and guns confiscated on the East side
"Bathroom Bandits" nabbed, and Hermann has pictures of one of the alleged perps and her nappy-azz fur coats
Pawn star gets 46 months for money laundering
Lawyers for Policarpio Espinoza Perez and Adan Espinoza Canela have asked the Court of Appeals to grant them a third trial. In 2006, the childrens' parents told an AP reporter that they don't believe police arrested the right guys, though DNA allegedly linked Canela to the killings. Here is the Sun's guide to the epic mystery and related stories on the case.
Fertilizer control: All kinds of issues being rassled over down in A-town this week, including, of course, the melee that is the same-sex marriage debate. Oh Brooke Murdock, why did you have to wuss out and stay your opinion? .. and here's an article on what all those National Organization for Marriage polls were about.
Dixon's doughy swain is out, but the State Center project goes on.
One Terrance Sims, 30, was arrested for the murder of 17-year-old Olympic hopeful Ronald Gibbs.
Tiffany Bolner, 21, pled guilty in federal court to sexually abusing a minor to produce child pornography; surely one of the most barfulent stories in BCrime history.
And a guy named Derwin declared himself guilty of pimping
Ten years for Rosedale home-invasion robber Antowan Bell, 25
Crack and guns confiscated on the East side
"Bathroom Bandits" nabbed, and Hermann has pictures of one of the alleged perps and her nappy-azz fur coats
Pawn star gets 46 months for money laundering
Lawyers for Policarpio Espinoza Perez and Adan Espinoza Canela have asked the Court of Appeals to grant them a third trial. In 2006, the childrens' parents told an AP reporter that they don't believe police arrested the right guys, though DNA allegedly linked Canela to the killings. Here is the Sun's guide to the epic mystery and related stories on the case.
Fertilizer control: All kinds of issues being rassled over down in A-town this week, including, of course, the melee that is the same-sex marriage debate. Oh Brooke Murdock, why did you have to wuss out and stay your opinion? .. and here's an article on what all those National Organization for Marriage polls were about.
Dixon's doughy swain is out, but the State Center project goes on.
More suspensions in tow case?
Police say there may be more cops suspended as the result of the feds investigation, but won't give a number.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Well that's odd..
I just got a letter in the mail from Talmadge Branch thanking me for my e-mail regarding "House Bill's #175 & #55, "Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act". Which is odd because I haven't sent anyone an e-mail -- I'm not even in the 45th district.
Could supporters or opponents be sending fraudulent letters? Anyone else get a letter like this?
Could supporters or opponents be sending fraudulent letters? Anyone else get a letter like this?
Four times in the back?
The family of Dennis Gregory, a police informant shot by officers four times in the back in February of last year, is not getting any answers from the department about what happened.
County police are ISO two children, Tyquan and Shani’ya Wiggins, abducted from their foster mom by their bio-mom, Dannelle, shown left and here on her Facebook page (maybe her friend PrettyLaydee ButtButt knows where to find her?). Update: Hermann posted pictures of the kids, too. The JIS says Wiggins was arrested in '06 on narcotics charges & received a PBJ.
Capitol News Service tweeted that "The House of Delegates has delayed debate on the same-sex marriage bill until Wednesday," the Post is saying the vote will be Friday. Said Bishop Paul Wells, "you are either against God's word or for God's word. There is no in-between." Which is why I never shake hands with a menstruating woman and keep my adulterer-stoning arm limber at all times.
Baltimore hosted the U.S. House committee on oversight & reform this morning. Tweeted TDR's Danny Jacobs, "Behind Cummings is yellow map of city with green marks where foreclosures are. Looks like mold spreading."
The House just passed a bill that will force the governor to make parole decisions within 90 days. And you can watch the Justice Policy Institute's documentary on the parole process on their new YouTube channel. If you're into that kind of thing.

Capitol News Service tweeted that "The House of Delegates has delayed debate on the same-sex marriage bill until Wednesday," the Post is saying the vote will be Friday. Said Bishop Paul Wells, "you are either against God's word or for God's word. There is no in-between." Which is why I never shake hands with a menstruating woman and keep my adulterer-stoning arm limber at all times.
Baltimore hosted the U.S. House committee on oversight & reform this morning. Tweeted TDR's Danny Jacobs, "Behind Cummings is yellow map of city with green marks where foreclosures are. Looks like mold spreading."
The House just passed a bill that will force the governor to make parole decisions within 90 days. And you can watch the Justice Policy Institute's documentary on the parole process on their new YouTube channel. If you're into that kind of thing.
... kind of like my girlfriend who lives in Canada
Prosecutors' "Do Not Call" list officially abolished, but Bernstein evidently has a list of his own, and Tricia Bishop is on it: "[Bernstein] declined to be interviewed, saying in the 500-word message sent a week ago that his 'schedule is a bit tight' and he was not 'able to meet … or talk on the phone'."
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