Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend crime

Motorcycle rider is killed after a high-speed chase. Apparently the officer involved ignored orders to end the pursuit. He's been suspended from duty.

Quadruple stabbing in the County early on Saturday morning.

Double shooting in Owings Mills on Friday night.

Michael Phelps got robbed

just learned that his Mt. Washington aquatic club got jacked.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bad idea #19,324

= printing your own money in a room at the Ramada Inn

Yet Another Delay

The trial of Lee Stephens, accused of murdering Maryland House of Correction CO David McGuinn has been delayed yet again. If Stephens's trial goes ahead as scheduled next May it will have been nearly five years since McGuinn was murdered. No trial date has been set for Lamar Harris, Stephens's co-defendant.

Looks like the feds can do it

Not a light plea deal and lots of time behind bars for this bank robber.

This is embarassing

I never had a very high opinion of the Maryland Court of Appeals, and this only reinforces that impression.

Greene countered with the more up-to-date South Park reference, penning that in the "immortal words of Mr. Mackey, 'Drugs are bad.'"

He used his footnote to put the quote into full context, and it's most likely the first time an opinion from the state's highest court has included the phrase, "It's a bad thing to do drugs, so don't be bad by doing drugs, m'kay, that'd be bad."

BTW, it would be nice if the article told us which judges voted which way in this case.

Edit: I looked up the decision online, and the other judge that ruled in favor of the defendant was (surprise surprise) Robert Bell.

Have you seen...

Terrence, Tyrese, John or James?

All in the family

The city has sued former DPW employee and registered sex offender Dennis McLaughlin and his mother for $12,000 to recover sick pay he received while in jail.

Liquor Board shuts down Brooklyn bar

Ravens house, the scene of brutal murder in May has been shut down.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I Guess He Deals Too...

Darnell Angelo Holmes, a BGF member who City Paper described last year as a tattooed, daily heroine user, was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison today for selling large amounts of heroin.

Shellenberger Seeks Death

How in the world did I miss this story?

The Baltimore County State's Attorney's Office has announced that they will seek the death penalty against the hitman who murdered William Porter and Porter's wife who ordered the hit. The other four suspects in the case won't face the death penalty because only the triggerman and the person who contracted the killing are eligible.


Warren Brown said 'Lawyers for Bernstein' will release a list of murders that could have been prevented had mandatory sentences been imposed on repeat violent offenders.

Monday, July 19, 2010

you too can earn money while serving time....

Harford Homicide

Bel Air had its first murder in four years.

A couple of non-fatal shootings in Baltimore overnight.

WBAL says there were a total of four people shot over the weekend.

Divorcing couple must split custody of their dog.

Kurt Schmoke's old campaign manager is coming out in support of Pat Jessamy.

Friday, July 16, 2010