Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Bernstein Supporter

Marge Shipley, the mother of murdered witness Carl Lackl, has come out in support of Gregg Bernstein.

Somewhat off topic, but if the podcast of Shipley's interview on the Ed Norris show about a year and a half ago is still available I highly recommend listening to it. She gave the interview shortly after Patrick Byers was convicted and it was absolutely heart-wrenching to listen to.

The great debate

Candidates for top prosecutor job square off again, this time in Canton.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What the who?!

City voters, have you gotten your "Official 2010 Primary Sample Ballot" in the mail yet? Because early voting starts in 12 days and I have no idea who anyone is besides the prospective State's Attorneys and the Conaways, and the sample ballot looks nothing like the Web site. Who is Neil R. Bernstein? Who are these people running for judge of the orphan's court?!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Firefighter Jerry Majette accused of attacking transgender woman with a hammer.
check out the passive-voice and buck-passing in this Sun opinion piece on the SAO campaign:

"Some of what’s been heard so far — for example, whether Mrs. Jessamy likens city courtrooms to city public schools or that the police commissioner used to have a Bernstein sign — falls well short of the substantive facts the public needs to make an informed choice. That the city could be safer is obvious."

... Isn't the Sun supposed to be the go-to for facts and substance? What is Jessamy's conviction rate, anyway? And didn't you just tell us crime was down, dear paper?