Thursday, January 12, 2012

"If you wave at someone in Baltmore, they might shoot you"

Former city homicide detective Kelvin Sewell talks about the difference between policing in Baltimore and Pocomoke City in USA Today. He's also the author of Why Do We Kill?


Cham said...

Enough with this shameless book-plugging.

Maurice Bradbury said...

I agree

Kevin said...

it needs all the help it can get. There are 285,196 books selling better on Amazon, including a whole bunch of Where's Waldo?.

Anonymous said...

I used to wave to people in Baltimore... then i took an arrow in the knee.

TAB said...

Haha, I enjoyed Anons comment

buzoncrime said...

When I was a police officer rookie, I learned to wave to people all the time, whether I knew them or not. As often as not, I'd get a friendly wave back.

I carried that into my stint at other places, as much as was practical. When someone doesn't wave back in a community/street situation, it tells you a lot about them instantly--sometimes.

However, I've never been shot at while waving.