Bernstein promised to be more "courageous" than Jessamy when it came to prosecuting cases, but now his office has charged 2/3rds of the homicide cases Jessamy's did, and detectives opine that his office "
won't take the cases so they preserve a high conviction rate for themselves." Now
Fenton makes the rather explosive charge* that prosecutors' reticence may have led to one James Berry III not being charged for a triple shooting in Bolton Hill, only to go on to become involved in that horrific shooting of brothers in front of their mother (written and talked
about by the Spectator last month. Warning, that link has audio, unless you want to hear that standoff again, hit yer mute button before you click it).
Speaking of the Spectator, his friends (including "toilet artist" Duane Davis) are
planning a vigil/protest in his honor next week in front of Central Booking. According to the Inmate Locator, MacArthur's currently residing at the detention center on East Eager Street.
stopped car, speed cameras, really? Scott Calvert says this is the 7th fucktified camera on recond. Actually not surprising, I've seen em flashing away at stopped cars more than once at Charles/Lake Ave. How is it that the city could implement a bounty revenue model
if the state law prohibits it? Did no one in the city read the law? Did no one at the state level find it fit to mention that the city's whole model was unlawful? .. and, also, speed cameras have also been
doling out work-zone tickets when nobody's working.*
Speaking of bounty hunting, Ian Duncan reports that the feds have
gleaned $25 million from seizing assets* in MD in the past 12 months.
Carl Snowden lost his appeal* on his 2010 drunk-driving case
drug-related shooting in Essex