Saturday, January 22, 2011
Who shot the detective...
Turns out there are plenty of questions being raised about the story of the detective who was shot in parking garage along with some evidence that contradicts his original story, including gunshot residue on his pants
Friday, January 21, 2011
Un. Frickin. Believable!!
Really?!?! No jail time for Lakesha Haynie, who pled guilty to killing her baby Rajahnthon by smothering him and burying him in Druid Hill Park, and p.s. his skull was fractured. Sickening! Could you imagine a parent who killed a baby in Towson by fracturing his skull, smothering him and denying him medical care getting no jail time?! Is there any possible explanation for this other than Judge Charles J. Peters finding no value in this child's life?!
Toke up with Montel
Rhidel Price, 21, fatally shot in Cherry Hill. Fenton uncovered a high school interview with him in '07 for
A 23-year-old man shot & killed in Severn
Fourteen years for Todd Duncan, a (city-funded) youth counselor who moonlit as the citywide commander of the Black Guerillas. (Says a commentor, "he is learning the hard way what happens when you cut in on the CIA's drug profits")
D'oh! A police report says that the detective shot in a parking garage this week may have shot himself. Does that mean he's paying for the SWAT team?
Go Bernstein! In his first press release, Big B announces that John Couplin, famous for abducting a Guilford resident in the trunk of his car last year, has been jailed on probation violations stemming from a theft charge.
Bad news, death penalty fans: Hospira, the U.S.' sole maker of lethal injection drugs, has ceased production
Felony charges dismissed against Shomrim member Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim; misdemeanor charges are still on the table, and now his brother Avi has been charged with something in connection to the incident where a teen was allegedly beaten and had his wrist broken.
Yeeks-- the bodies of two men who had been "deceased for some time" found in Perry Hall house
MS sufferer/payday-loan hawker Montel Williams in coming to town to push for medical marijuana
Blotter: Anderson Honda employee mugged, hack cab passengers robbed and a woman charged with aggravated assault (good!) for slapping and choking a child on S. Schroeder St
Evan of the City that Breeds is royally PO'd that Rikki Spector doesn't actually live in her district
Fenton on Rodericks at 1
This D.C. crime blogger is way more intense than I
A 23-year-old man shot & killed in Severn
Fourteen years for Todd Duncan, a (city-funded) youth counselor who moonlit as the citywide commander of the Black Guerillas. (Says a commentor, "he is learning the hard way what happens when you cut in on the CIA's drug profits")
D'oh! A police report says that the detective shot in a parking garage this week may have shot himself. Does that mean he's paying for the SWAT team?
Go Bernstein! In his first press release, Big B announces that John Couplin, famous for abducting a Guilford resident in the trunk of his car last year, has been jailed on probation violations stemming from a theft charge.
Bad news, death penalty fans: Hospira, the U.S.' sole maker of lethal injection drugs, has ceased production
Felony charges dismissed against Shomrim member Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim; misdemeanor charges are still on the table, and now his brother Avi has been charged with something in connection to the incident where a teen was allegedly beaten and had his wrist broken.
Yeeks-- the bodies of two men who had been "deceased for some time" found in Perry Hall house
MS sufferer/payday-loan hawker Montel Williams in coming to town to push for medical marijuana
Blotter: Anderson Honda employee mugged, hack cab passengers robbed and a woman charged with aggravated assault (good!) for slapping and choking a child on S. Schroeder St
Evan of the City that Breeds is royally PO'd that Rikki Spector doesn't actually live in her district
Fenton on Rodericks at 1
This D.C. crime blogger is way more intense than I
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
How fat is he?!
Comedy rules at Brockbridge Correctional Facility's talent night. "There were blind jokes and deaf jokes, and some long, graphic descriptions of pussy."
Murder Ink covers last week's two murders, of Wendell Woodard and Kevin Lewis.
There's a new First Assistant U.S. Attorney, one Stephen M. Schenning. He replaces Stuart Goldberg.
Ewewewewewie ew ew. With a side of EW!!: Dad of a 12-year-old autistic boy, "Rafael Luis Mieles, age 25, of Baltimore, pleaded guilty today to distributing child pornography in connection with an online ad he posted seeking to have sex with a father and son."
Murder Ink covers last week's two murders, of Wendell Woodard and Kevin Lewis.
There's a new First Assistant U.S. Attorney, one Stephen M. Schenning. He replaces Stuart Goldberg.
Ewewewewewie ew ew. With a side of EW!!: Dad of a 12-year-old autistic boy, "Rafael Luis Mieles, age 25, of Baltimore, pleaded guilty today to distributing child pornography in connection with an online ad he posted seeking to have sex with a father and son."
Dirt biker wins settlement
Man hit by police while sitting on dirt bike gets a fairly sizable payday, courtesy of city taxpayers.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Friends & lovers
Oh snap! David Simon snarks back at Bealefeld's remarks that The Wire is a "smear that will take decades to overcome" and an "unfair use of literary license": "A more lingering problem might be two decades of bad performance by a police agency more obsessed with statistics than substance, with appeasing political leadership rather than seriously addressing the roots of city violence, with shifting blame rather than taking responsibility."
True that: the recent police shooting may just show us all exactly how "buddy buddy" Bernstein's relationship with police is.
The family of Marine Tyrone Brown, shot dead by an off-duty Baltimore police officer outside a nightclub last June has filed a $270 million wrongful-death lawsuit against the officer and the police department.
In spite of all of the hand-wringing after the murder of Sarah Foxwell, MD's sex offender registry is still not in compliance with federal law
The 4th circuit addresses the level of justification needed to authorize a no-knock entry, reiterates importance of not processing photos of your marital relations at WalMart.
SCOTUS rejects Maryland pastor's attempt to have same-sex marriage brought to a vote in D.C.
True that: the recent police shooting may just show us all exactly how "buddy buddy" Bernstein's relationship with police is.
The family of Marine Tyrone Brown, shot dead by an off-duty Baltimore police officer outside a nightclub last June has filed a $270 million wrongful-death lawsuit against the officer and the police department.
In spite of all of the hand-wringing after the murder of Sarah Foxwell, MD's sex offender registry is still not in compliance with federal law
The 4th circuit addresses the level of justification needed to authorize a no-knock entry, reiterates importance of not processing photos of your marital relations at WalMart.
SCOTUS rejects Maryland pastor's attempt to have same-sex marriage brought to a vote in D.C.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Central booking warden suspended
Warden, 7 other employees suspended from Central Booking after allegations that excessive force sent a 26-year-old detainee to the hospital
Ewww, Douglas A. Hicks-Bey, 48, head of a "faith-based mentoring program" charged with rape, child abuse, assault, perverted practice and other sex offenses on a 15-year-old girl
A "private reprimand" for District Judge G. Darrell Russell Jr. who "sentenced" an alleged domestic abuser to marry his victim
County police are ISO a guy who tried to rob a man and shot him as he fled at a bus stop on Liberty Rd
Lost at Lexington Market, a "saschal" with $65,000
Ewww, Douglas A. Hicks-Bey, 48, head of a "faith-based mentoring program" charged with rape, child abuse, assault, perverted practice and other sex offenses on a 15-year-old girl
A "private reprimand" for District Judge G. Darrell Russell Jr. who "sentenced" an alleged domestic abuser to marry his victim
County police are ISO a guy who tried to rob a man and shot him as he fled at a bus stop on Liberty Rd
Lost at Lexington Market, a "saschal" with $65,000
Throw ya money in the ayar
Batimoreans go to York to rob bank, hilarity, arrests ensue
Bill would allow blackjack & other table games at MD's casinos
U of MD Violence Intervention Program in the NYT today
"Preppy burglar pleads guilty"
appropos of nothing: looks like Michael Steele's tenure as the leader of the RNC iscoming to an end over.
Bill would allow blackjack & other table games at MD's casinos
U of MD Violence Intervention Program in the NYT today
"Preppy burglar pleads guilty"
appropos of nothing: looks like Michael Steele's tenure as the leader of the RNC is
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Book Learnin
John Paul Stevens reviews David Garland's Peculiar Institution: America’s Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition in the NY Review of Books (adding it to the liebary)
.. and Justice Thomas halts an execution?! Marking the first time since his confirmation hearings that the justice has ever said, done anything
Meanwhile, the police union is not at all happy about SRB's plan for an independent review of the Select Lounge fracas. Imagine how PO'd they'd be if the citizen review board was actually empowered & functional?
.. and Justice Thomas halts an execution?! Marking the first time since his confirmation hearings that the justice has ever said, done anything
Meanwhile, the police union is not at all happy about SRB's plan for an independent review of the Select Lounge fracas. Imagine how PO'd they'd be if the citizen review board was actually empowered & functional?
a 'prance, a flamboyant shimmy'
Yet another cancer-scam case in Baltimore County?! This time one Lisa Hoppenstein Cohen allegedly bilked former Raven Mike Flynn out of $10,000. Says Cohen, "nothing's been proven."
Police say U of MD student shot over pot, his parents don't believe it
Victims protest outside the Archdiocese of Baltimore, demanding more disclosure in the case of defrocked priest Laurence Brett
Woman recalls traffic stop by fake cop in drag: "he approached her vehicle in what can only be described as a 'prance, a flamboyant shimmy.' He was tall, lanky, wearing a fake-looking ginger bob-style wig, an oversize police hat and blue-pleated pants that 'poofed' at the hips." .. and WJZ has an awesome composite sketch
A lawsuit puts the State Center project on hold
Hefty! Hefty! Hefty woman wanted in connection with purse-snatching
A U-turn in Mr. Carl's wild ride: Judge Silkworth threw out his illegal double PBJ and is letting the defendant decide if he wants a whole new trial or just a new sentence.
Police say U of MD student shot over pot, his parents don't believe it
Victims protest outside the Archdiocese of Baltimore, demanding more disclosure in the case of defrocked priest Laurence Brett

A lawsuit puts the State Center project on hold
Hefty! Hefty! Hefty woman wanted in connection with purse-snatching
A U-turn in Mr. Carl's wild ride: Judge Silkworth threw out his illegal double PBJ and is letting the defendant decide if he wants a whole new trial or just a new sentence.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Rare moves
Some unusual responses following the Select Lounge melee: SRB ordered plainclothes police to dress up and an independent review of the nightclub shooting. The police department has named the officers involved (Harry Dodge, 37; Harry Pawley, 40; Toyia Wiliams, 36; and Latora Craig, 30). WBAL also reports that Officer Torbit was struck with 20 bullets.
Last week's murders in the Ink, and the first victim of 2011 is named as David Jones, 21
Turns out the Glen Arm intruder, Robert "Scooby" Buss, had patronized the would-be 64-year-old victim's barber shop. Says WJZ commenter "essex," "He always said he would never go back to jail."
An attempted robbery by a guy who needed toilet paper on O'Donnell Street in the Baltimore Guide blotter. Not to be confused with the guy last week who actually stole toilet paper.
Holy shamola, that's a lot of kablingy! Last year the district of MD netted $60 million in penalties and seized assets.
Twelve years for coke-dealing felon Tavon Johnson
Who owns crime reports? Not the public, apparently.
Last week's murders in the Ink, and the first victim of 2011 is named as David Jones, 21
Turns out the Glen Arm intruder, Robert "Scooby" Buss, had patronized the would-be 64-year-old victim's barber shop. Says WJZ commenter "essex," "He always said he would never go back to jail."
An attempted robbery by a guy who needed toilet paper on O'Donnell Street in the Baltimore Guide blotter. Not to be confused with the guy last week who actually stole toilet paper.
Holy shamola, that's a lot of kablingy! Last year the district of MD netted $60 million in penalties and seized assets.
Twelve years for coke-dealing felon Tavon Johnson
Who owns crime reports? Not the public, apparently.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Enchantment of the Seize
Fox reports that cocaine and heroin were found again on Royal Caribbean's cruise ship at the port. More from the Sun
Two more murders
in CHuM and Harlem Park, no suspects, no motive
Teen Ronald Johnson arrested for murder of marine
A vigil for nightclub shooting victims, meanwhile Select Lounge has a lawyer, and he's got no comment
PG County has also had 10 homicides in 10 days
Teen Ronald Johnson arrested for murder of marine
A vigil for nightclub shooting victims, meanwhile Select Lounge has a lawyer, and he's got no comment
PG County has also had 10 homicides in 10 days
Legal farce* drags on
Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Paul A. Hackner has said he will not delay the capital murder trial of prison-guard killer Lee Stephens. A pre-trial appeal on evidence in that case is still waiting before the Court of Appeals, but five years after the crime Judge Hackner is tired of all the delays.
* note this does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the blog administrator
* note this does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the blog administrator
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