City Paper covers the
murder of Gerrald Megginson, whose body was found by the railroad tracks near the B&O Railroad Museum during the search for the Blackwell brothers. Unless I missed it, I didn't see any other news source follow up on the identity or killing of Megginson.
body of Yolanda Brown was dumped in Gwynns Falls Park on March 20, after she was strangled.
Two eighth-graders at a West Baltimore middle school got the
shit beat out of them by at least 10 other kids because one of them was wearing
sneakers with red trim.
Two 13-year-old boys from Bethlehem Christian Day School are obviously
not understanding the whole "Jesus" thing.
An art teacher
was beaten after she told a female student to sit down, and the attack was recorded on a cell phone camera. The school apparently did nothing after the beating Friday, but now school police they'll "begin an investigation."
A bullet grazed the head of a man who was standing in front of the Save-A-Lot grocery store on Erdman Ave.
Michael Thompson, the teenage victim of a hit-and-run in Parkville, has already had
six surgeries and won't be able to join the Navy as he was planning to do.
There are a lot of women out there named Violet Marie Gaston, and at least two of them really need to
lay off the rock.
The Mungo family are a bunch of
misunderstood angels.
For the first time since its inception,
criminal charges were made using the new gun offender registry.
Damon M. Jackson of Haverdeegrayce was
arrested and charged with robbing and killing Alan Zurita on the side of I-95 last week. Jackson also got shot during the robbery, but he was driven to the hospital by alleged accomplice Demetrius Lovelace instead of being left to die by the side of the road.
There's a disposition hearing (whatever that is, pardon my ignorance) for Thomas Taylor scheduled for Thursday morning in front of Judge Prevas.
At 2:59PM on March 1, 2006 in the 3300 block of Oakfield Avenue Taylor, a self described blood, shot and killed Joseph Miller, 26. Miller, Taylor and others were arguing over Bloods graffiti located on the wall of a corner store in the neighborhood. Taylor, who was wearing red, left the scene. He returned with a gun, having changed his clothing to black. Miller remained at the scene in an attempt to break up the argument over the graffiti. Taylor hid behind some bushes, stood up, and fatally shot Miller and seriously wounded another.

Ewwww. There's an
unregistered child molester out there (pictured at right) whose nickname is Pooh Bear. That's disgusting on so many levels, I don't know where to start. (His beard is kinda disgusting, too, but I've been known to sport the Unabomber / Iron & Wine beard, so I'm not one to talk.)
PDJ: There's now a
federal case against Ronald Glenn Draper Jr., who not only stored kiddie porn on his work computer at his state government job, but also allegedly molested two male relatives.
You know it's hard out here for an
innocent young black man.