Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hearth and Home

More details on the murder of Travis Makofski/Mafoski, 28: he was shot during the course of a home invasion, in which a gun was held to his mother's head. No word on if the suspects were caught (but odds are they haven't been).
Especially between now and Christmas, don't open the door to anyone if you're not sure who it is! It's the most dangerous time of the year right now!

"Police advise crime victim to move"

"Two veteran Baltimore city homicide detectives are facing an internal investigation after allegedly refusing to cooperate in attempts to evict a public housing tenant."

"A Goucher College student who allegedly was sexually assaulted has come forward but is not cooperating with Baltimore County police, police said."

What the?! Dept:
"A man who was convicted of four sex offenses involving a 14-year-old girl is entitled to a new trial because of the way the last member of the jury was chosen, the Court of Appeals held."

"A Prince George's County police lieutenant charged four times this year with driving under the influence passed out behind the wheel of a running police cruiser in one incident, had to be Tasered and pepper-sprayed in another and was at fault in a hit-and-run in a third"

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Thaddeus McCauley, 19, was shot to death in the 1400 block of Homestead.

In the county, a man stabbed his "girlfriend" to death

A guy was shot in the leg near City College

LOLZ!! "Chief judge exempts other judges from pay cuts"

In better news, the Medical Examiner's office has complied with the Freedom of Information Act and released information on unclassified deaths as requested by the Examiner.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The futility of it all

An excellent, very depressing CP article about Anna Sowers: "one woman's futile attempt to confront a city's most entrenched problems."

Murder news updates in the Ink, and a sobering stat: if we had NYC's homicide rate, we would have had 38 murders this year (!!)

Why does MD keep hiring other state's rejects? The latest prize pick is deputy secretary for Behavioral Health and Disabilities Renata Henry, run out of Delaware on a rail for her alleged mismanagement of the state's psychiatric hospital.

Arrests for the murder of Rubin Nelson.

What the?! The MVA hired a man convicted of stealing cars, who then allegedly proceeded to ... steal cars.

What the #2?! City police executed a search warrant on the home of Bealefeld's father-in-law.. ISO child porn!

The Innocence Project has filed a complaint with the State Police against the problem-plagued city crime lab

Melanie Blevins, mother of the baby found dead behind St. John's church, was officially charged with murder. Charging docs say the baby may have also experienced "pressure to the neck." Sigh.

QTD: "Honey ... your ex-boyfriend needs an attitude adjustment. The kind given in the workshop sponsored by those famous and esteemed Americans Mssrs. Smith and Wesson."

Report challenges conventional wisdom: Postponements have little effect on conviction rates.

Seven students were arrested after a brawl at Overlea High, and a student's father was arrested for interfering while his child was being arrested. He should hook up with this lady.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Total male in total jail

Fugitive Shawn Green was arrested in PA.

224, 225, 226

A fatal shooting this morning near Pimlico race course

A fatal shooting yesterday evening on the east side at North Lakewood Avenue and East Chase Street

A man was shot to death last night on Fairlawn Ave., reportedly the 3rd person this year to be killed near the Rogers Avenue metro station.

The man stabbed to death on Jack St. last week was ID'd as Larry Gaither, 44.

What the?! A mother was taken to Central Booking and her son and another boy were hauled to juvie after a fracas with a school police officer

Police have obtained a warrant seeking the arrest of two alleged accomplices of Juwann Smith in connection with the theft of cars from the city's impound lot.

it's nice to see someone being exposed to literature

Monday, December 15, 2008

The drama!

A rooftop chase in Washington Village led to the arrests of two attempted robbers

Not one but two idiots incidents in the blotter in which would-be victims grabbed the guns of would be-robbers.

Good news: police report that violence against prostitutes has gone down

Sunday, December 14, 2008

'Domestic incidents'

Dashia Jones-Jenkins, 20, was shot in the 1900 block of Madison Avenue, police say it was a 'domestic incident'

The tragic story of Veronica Williams, killed by her abusive husband in front of the North Ave. courthouse

The Sun reports that the tough economy can "push frustrated men into acts of violence."Quinzell Tyrell Covington

Have you seen Quinzell Tyrell Covington, left, wanted for first-degree murder? Note giant teardrop tattoo.

A man shot in the eye; a man shot in the leg

Chinese Cuisine shooting victim Marvin Edmonds to Luke Broadwater: 'I felt like a piece of nothing'

College students and an employee of the state's attorney's office busted on hairron conspiracy charges

Good point, Greg "Kan": what happened to that $58 million?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

life, it means 4ever and that's a mighty long time

Could MD's death penalty be abolished next year?

Meanwhile, in Atlanta, Baltimorean Brian Nichols was spared the death penalty, but a federal death penalty pursuit may still be a possibility

A man survived being shot at Washington & Lafayette Sts. last night.

The feds are now involved in the manhunt for suspected serial rapist Michael Johnson, who's still on the lam in a Chevy Cobalt.

At Goucher College, "it's the sort of campus where everyone is friends, and now there are accused rapists among them .. a disturbing e-mail from the school's president says that insiders are raping their peers." Said a student, "Last night, there were like three Baltimore County Police here, and public safety was like all going crazy."

A Hopkins undergrad was punched for no apparent reason while walking past Blimpie's

Page Croyder blogs about "the drug addiction sham".
and QTD, re. the Ken Harris murderers: "I get tired of reading generalized sentences like Hermann’s, or articles that describe criminals who 'slipped through' the system or the cracks before they commit a truly heinous crime. In order to slip through there first must be an effort to catch them."

Friday, December 12, 2008

You should laugh too if it happens to you

So Dixon is outraged at that video of girls laughing as a man is shot. But any girl who has ever had to play cute to get out of a scary situation will immediately recognize that the "laugher" is a hero-- she did exactly the right thing to save the life or her and her friend!

If "L" had fled or protested or stared at the shooters or looked too interested she might have been killed. But what she did was actually quite smart and her body language tells the story. At first, as the incident begins to go down, she sees what's happening and quickly moves towards the door and her friend. You can see the fear on her face and her shocked expression. Then she realizes they can't get out. She smiles, not towards her friend but towards the shooters, to communicate she's no threat.
She smiles to project "we're giggly girls in our own world, we're not concerned about you," and as soon as she and her friend could safely escape, they do.

That girl is a model. If you're ever in a life-threatening situation like that, you do what you need to get out alive!

Poor Suge, so snitched upon

Nine shootings this week, including two 15-year-old boys, mapped by spotcrime

Police and the FBI raided what JZ's calling a "Crips gang house" at 225 S. Hilton Street this morning

The State's Attorney's Office reports that at a hearing today, Judge John N. Prevas sentenced Anthony White, 24, of the 200 block of S. Smallwood St. to 50 years in prison suspending all but 25 years. White pled guilty October 22, 2008 to second-degree murder in connection to the May 15, 2007 shooting death of Deandre Salmond. Salmond was found shot to death in the 500 block of S. Smallwood St. Last week Judge Prevas sentenced White’s cousin, Patrick Wilkes, to 100 years in prison suspending all but 60 years for the above murder and two separate murders.

Skinny "I hope you catch AIDS in your mouth and your lips the first thing that die" Suge was snitched upon once again, an informant ratted out his illicit prison cell phone.

Laugh so you don't cry?

Luke Broadwater somehow got that video of girls laughing as a man is shot, now it's hit YouTube and will no doubt soon show up on one of those Nancy Grace-ish cable tv shows. It is kind of weird.. why do you think the girls are laughing?

Four defendants were convicted in federal court this week under RICO, prosecutors say Bo, Rock, Weazy and Goo are responsible for five murders, drug trafficking, armed robberies and writing rap lyrics that threatened witnesses.

Report: Angelo Ford (#202) was killed trying to convince drug dealers to relocate

Youths attacked a homeless man
in the blotter

'Fat Eric' Brown, got 30 fat federal years yesterday in connection with the contract murder of Angelo Stringfellow, alleged Baltimore drug lord

Students robbed at a party on Lake Avenue

Yesterday evening, "Police in Baltimore County said an argument over a Play Station led to a 13-year-old boy stabbing his 16-year-old brother."

A Hopkins student mugged on 32nd street

Lots of the theft in the Northern
in the Messenger blotter

HoCo accused killer Antajuan Wilson on why he did it: "I've built my life on not lettin' nobody disrespect me"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

220, 221? 223?

"A man was shot last night on a street in the Ellwood Park-Monument neighborhood in East Baltimore and died later at a hospital."

A man was found shot in the head in Brooklyn, but there may be some question about the cause of his death

The Ink details seven homicides from Dec. 1 through 7, including Leroy Boxdale and Donnell Williams Jr., which I haven't seen reported anywhere else

Mayor horrified by video of carryout restaurant patrons laughing, stepping over shooting victim to get their food. More on the CJCC meeting from Anna Ditkoff

QTD: Bealefeld on violent offenders-- "These folks are not sitting at home contemplating stock futures"

Hermann du jour: "A mother says best thing she ever did was leave city"

The skateboarder of "Cop Vs. Skateboarder" fame is suing the city.

Have sex offender restrictions gone too far?

Like, duh
"City resident wonders if tow truck drivers are on the take"

Greg Kane is apparently the latest victim of the "gang initiation" urban legend e-mail forward

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Shootings, Car Chases and Jackassery

A 41-year-old man was wounded in a shooting on the east side last night

Attorneys for Gary Collins, accused in the murder of Ken Harris, plan to challenge the legality of the warrants used to seize his DNA

County dad got 10 years for killing son on Father's day

Car Chases
Hunt continues for the PA alleged serial rapist, the DA says he's a danger to himself. Predictions?

"Baltimore Man Behind Wheel In Wild Two-State Big Rig Chase"

Car stolen from city impound lot resurfaces in VA

Your tax $ at work: we can all breathe easier with a 62-year-old pot-smoking ecologist off the streets

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A 15-year-old is in stable condition after being shot on S. Fulton St. & W. Fulton Ave.

Alleged rapist on the hoof

Michael L. Johnson Jr., the PA official charged with kidnapping and raping a Highlandtown drug addict, is suspected of being a serial rapist and is now on the run in a Chevy Cobalt.

Horrid: mom of four Shanika Pretlow murdered because her "boyfriend" thought she had HIV

According to the SAO, today Tyyea Gee, 23, was found guilty of violation of probation for a new conviction for fourth-degree sex offense and was sentenced to 9 years. But why was he out at all? Says the press release,
In April 2005 Gee was convicted of three counts of Armed Robbery, one count of Robbery and 2 counts of Assault in the first degree. At that time he was sentenced to 15 years with 10 years suspended and placed on 5 years probation upon his release. Gee was released from incarceration on November 9, 2007. While on probation, Gee was arrested on a new charge of fourth-degree sex offense. Gee was convicted on November 20, 2008 and he was sentenced to 1 year in prison by the Honorable John Howard. The new conviction violated Tyyea Gee’s probation.
Today's federal sentences include 10 years for crack and 10 1/2 years for crack & a sawed-off shotgun

More on Ronald Jackson, the 14-year-old murdered while delivering fruit-- police believe it was mistaken identity.

"Two teens charged in backhoe rampage"

County police are looking for a suspect who's robbed three gas stations and assaulted a clerk. Unfortunately, the pictures aren't very helpful.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Tribune = Bankrupt!

It's official, and the WSJ calls it "among the least surprising potential bankruptcies ever."
Horrible news for Sun employees.

And in other grim news, the NYTimes Co. is planning to borrow against its building to stay afloat.


218, 219

Good Jeebus!
A 14-year-old boy was shot to death while taking fruit to an elderly neighbor!

and Darrell Keith, 24, was shot by two unknown men near Park Heights.

Head of the police union Robert Cherry attributes recent homicide spikes to cuts in police overtime, Col. Rick Hite blames "desperate times," and Hermann says "we're just stuck with the rhetoric"

Sunday, December 7, 2008

copious amounts of makeup fighting the ravages of time

The York Daily Record explains Highlandtown to Pennsylvanians: "You look at these women. You can get an STD just looking at them."

Tribune = Bankrupt?

Uh oh. The Wally Jay reports that the Tribune Co., owner of the Baltimore Sun, is "preparing for a possible filing for bankruptcy-court protection as soon as this week." Yike! "The company's cash flow may not be enough to cover nearly $1 billion in interest payments due this year, and Tribune owes a $512 million debt payment in June." The company's been staying ahead of its debt payments so far by selling off assets, but is running out of options.
More from the NYT


A man died after being shot in the face in Mt. Vernon

A robbery suspect was reportedly shot after attempting to run a city officer over with his car.

Spotcrime reports a shooting and stabbing on Denmore Ave. near the Pimlico race course.

A 15-year-old boy was arrested for the Sept. murder of Derrick Reed, 15 (#161).

Vocab word of the day: poltroonish, as in, are poltroonish gang members ritually murdering women on Halloween as part of an initiation rite?

Hermann talks to the parents of Annie McCann, who died mysteriously in the city.

& speaking of mysterious deaths, The Examiner makes a good point: even if you buy chief ME Fowler's explanation for the classification of hundreds of deaths as 'undetermined', that still doesn't excuse the office's violation of freedom of information laws!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


An unid'd man shot to death in CHuM.

Allegation: teen Timothy Oxendine, indicted for murder last Wednesday, was being bullied by victim Markel Williams.

At Carver vo-tech High, witnesses say a student punched a school police officer with a closed fist, then the officer jumped on top of the student and beat him with a stick!
"An internal review of the incident is being conducted"

Police to stoopin' teens: "You'll be in a place with no homies ... You will understand what it's like to feel vulnerable, about what it means to be sexed into a gang." (?)

Friday, December 5, 2008

ME's Office= Sketchy?

"The state medical examiner is refusing to release basic information — full names and locations — about hundreds of deaths classified as 'undetermined' in Baltimore." The ME's office currently has about 700 deaths in the "undetermined" category, says Peter Hermann (apparently the only guy in the state the ME will speak to).

a 16-year-old girl allegedly stabbed her grandfather in the back six times

... more on the murder of Dawn Williams-Stewart, who was apparently killed trying to leave her psycho husband

Guess what, Dude?!

World's oldest pot stash found!

.. and OJ just got 15... or was it 16? or 33? years in jail. Karma!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Inactive, Unclassified

Five years after the death of Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan Luna, the case is 'inactive'

Janis on one of the city's hundreds of "unclassifed" deaths

Judge's son pleads guilty: some apples actually fall pretty far from the tree

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#215, and a policewoman stealing cars?

... and what other shiteousness did we miss? Well... eight murders, for starters, including:

A man shot to death in the 3400 block of Park Heights Ave., Hermann reports it was a drug-revenge killing, ravaging, yet defining, the neighborhood

Four homicide victims ID'd: Perrish Parker, 14; Darren Davis, 26; Troy Brown, 45; Alton Alston, 19.

In other craptacular news,
"A Baltimore police officer and her husband are now the targets of an expanding investigation into vehicles stolen from the city’s Pulaski Highway impound lot, a law enforcement source told The Examiner this week."

Methadone mom Vernice Harris is reportedly not doing so well in rehab.

A PA former police officer was arrested for abducting and raping a heroin addict

But in better news, county police arrested one Rex Wesley for the murder of Donna Brown (ex-wife of Warren), and made arrests in two other murders.

Demented dad Mark Castillo was zapped with a Tazer when he tried to walk out of a courtroom in MoCo

Over at the BJ watch, anticipation is building for Empriss' court date

... and Michael Phelps is dating a stripper.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Domestic killings and police shootings in Baltimore County are apparently free of gender bias.

Donny Moses on a West Baltimore Thanksgiving day triple stabbing: "It was a family gathering, a family argument and a family cutting."

An Arnold man was shot in Annapolis early this morning, and a Hagerstown man was stabbed near the Washington County Hospital.

Hermann on Shock Trauma's attempts to lower DWIs.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

205, 206

An un-ID'd man was fatally shot on St. Lo Dr. near Lake Clifton High School yesterday evening, and police are unsure whether the victim is a teen or adult.

A few hours earlier, a dead man was found in a BMW in Cockeysville.

39-year-old Isiah Benjamin was the man who was fatally shot while sitting in his girlfriend's car in the 6600 block of Eberle Ct. on Saturday night.

Michelle Ha is getting into the Thanksgiving spirit.

Tips on how to shop safe, including "book it to the car and hop in."

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The naked preacher

David Briggs, the alleged nutso who allegedly slashed Aysha Ring's throat, allegedly likes to preach naked. (WJZ has video, but none of it's nekkid.)

Baltimore's schools are as wacky as ever: students attack teachers, parents attack teachers, students attack each other, students attack bathrooms... all we need now is a little bit of teacher-on-teacher action.

Hey, looks like the good folks at North Ave. might be running things at Jessup, too.

The owner of a shady moving company offered to email proof of his company's trustworthiness to Luke B., but the email has yet to arrive.

Ha ha ha, funny funny, ha, that's a good joke. Jackass.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Detectives in the county arrested David Aaron Briggs, 23, for the the murder of Aysha Ring; police say Briggs and Ring didn't know each other.


A quadruple shooting in the Southwest, in the first block of N. Monastery Avenue, and the victims are reportedly all juveniles, & sounds like they're all still alive!

A man shot to death in Worser Waverly.

More on the teen-on-teen murder at William H. Lemmel Middle School

Homicide victim #194 was ID'd as Donte Graham, 21.
#196 was named as Charles Hogans, 45.

What the?! Tenants evicted over management company's unpaid water bills

City jury awards tugboat deckhand $7.1 million

Narcotics, murder, child abuse, kidnapping a minor... all on Wednesday's criminal court docket

"there is a strong undercurrent in this city that the Harris murder was given significant[ly] more attention, resources, and determination than hardly any other murders get. And only the 'connected' have the police on their side."
Or, Mr. Cynicalpants, maybe the crime lab's now cleared the backlog of 24,000 DNA samples they had last year, and these "perps'" samples just happened to be next in line!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Funeral tomorrow

at 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen on Charles Street for former Baltimore police officer and school teacher Samuel Hicks, killed in the line of duty as an FBI agent in PA.

201, 202, 203

"Three killed in shootings within three hours in Baltimore; fourth victim injured in first shooting"
Adama Diara, 22, was the victim of what police say was an attempted robbery gone bad. The deuce ID's 6 p.m.'s victim as Angelo Ford, 49.

No bail for Timothy Oxendine, 14, accused of stabbing 15-year-old Markel Williams to death behind Lemmel Middle School in West Baltimore

In the county, Aysha Dawn Ring, 24, died after her throat was slashed at Charing Cross Liquors on Saturday, police published a video still of the suspect but say they don't know yet who the guy was or what his motive might have been.

Have you seen any of these three missing Maryland teens?

Friday, November 21, 2008

a little less death

Overdose deaths in the city have allegedly gone down by 24 percent, and methadone overdoses are down by half!
?: 67% of overdose victims were male.
Why would that be?

199, 200

A 15-year-old student was fatally stabbed outside William H. Lemmel Middle School this afternoon.

Veronica Williams, 28, the woman stabbed by her husband by Eastside District Court on North Avenue, died yesterday. She's just been granted a restraining order moments before.

Juwanna know how a car got off the city impound lot?

No gag order in the Ken Harris murder case.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Armed robbery conviction

A Baltimore City jury convicted Jermaine Southern AKA Swilling, 35, of the 400 block of E. Eager St. of two counts of armed robbery and two counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence today following a two day trial.

Armed robbery carries a maximum prison term of 20 years. Use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence carries a maximum of 20 years. Judge Timothy J. Doory scheduled sentencing for January 15, 2009.

On March 20, 2007 at approximately 9:50PM in the 500 block of Centre St. both victims were walking home from a play at the Baltimore School for the Arts when Southern approached and pointed black revolver at both, ordering them to “give me your bags.” The first victim handed over her bag, which contained her wallet, credit cards, US currency, paperwork, and keys. The second victim threw her bag, which contained her wallet, credit cards, $30-$40 US currency, paycheck, cell phone and keys to the ground and Southern grabbed it. On April 30, 2007, both victims positively identified Jermaine Southern in photo arrays. Further investigation revealed that Southern used the phone within an hour of the robbery to call his sister. No gun was recovered. None of the victims’ effects were ever recovered.

Assistant State’s Attorney Michael Leedy of the General Trial Division prosecuted this case.
.. how much time will he get?

Speaking of School for the Arts, 1986 video of Jada Pinkett and 15-year-old future murder victim Tupac, lip-synching to Will Smith in the school's hallowed halls!

197, 198

In the Ink, Anna Ditkoff reports that two murders from earlier this year have been added to the toll, including Eunice Taylor, a 69-year-old woman allegedly pushed to death by her granddaughter.
More on the legal issues from P. Hermann

"Bad Trip: Fells Point Mushroom Bust Snares a Guns-and-Drugs Convict"

A lot of people have asked for updates on the Annie McCann story.
PP sent this article from the Mt. Vernon Gazette, which answers nothing

Pellet-Arm Girl and the Southern district BJ tax on the John Watch.

QTD: "an expungement is a lot like wearing an Armani suit without taking a shower — your outer appearance is flawless but, just beneath the surface, is a smelly little secret you hope no one will discover."

"What do you do when your client opts for death?"

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Charles Village Report: "a non-affiliated male with his pants down to his ankles who was armed with a knife and yelling at passing vehicles"

It's been quite a month in Charles Village!
(thanks for the forward, Gerard!)

Crime Alert 11/1/09- 11/17/08

From a Resident:
Car Jacking Reported
Weekend of November 15th an 16th in the vicinity of 27th  or 28th and Guilford.  Driver is home safe, neighbor witnessed incident and called police.  No further information available at this time.

Police Department
Northern District Deployment Data
Aggravated Assault
9:07pm on the 1st of November 2008
2600 block of Greenmount Avenue
Police recieved a call for a cutting at 2700 Greenmount Avenue.  Upon arrival the Police Officer found a blood trail in the 2600 block that headed north.  Officers located the victim in the 700 block of East 30th street bleeding from the abdomen.  The victim was uncooperative and gave no information.  Victim was transported to the hospital by Baltimore City medics.
3:38am on the 5th of November 2008
3000 block of North Calvert Street
During an argument the suspect choked the victim and threatened to kill her.  A warrant was obtained for the suspect. 
1:45am on the 6th of November 2008
3400 block of Greenmount Avenue
Victim and suspect (boyfriend) were arguing when suspect struck the victim multiple times.  Victim tried to flee into a store but suspect chased her into the store and pulled out a knife on the victim.  Victim retrieved a pair of sissors {sic} in the business to defend herself.  Suspect then fled the store.  Responding Officers located the suspect and arrested him. 
Armed Robbery
5:05pm on the 5th of November 2008
2300 block of North Calvert
Victim was riding his bike in the parking lot when the suspects began a conversation with him.  The suspects told the victim to get off his bike.  One suspect produced a handgun and the listed property was taken.  Suspects then fled southbound. 
2:50 am on the 8th of November 2008
Unit block of East 21st Street
Victims were seated in a vehicle when two suspects approached, one displaying a handgun.  Suspects then robbed the victims of the listed property and fled with the same on foot, northbound on Charles Street. 
Property Taken: Cell Phone, Cash, Wallet, ID, Credit Cards, Social Security Card.
10:15pm on the 9th of November 2008
2300 block of North Calvert Street
Victim got out of his car when the suspects approached displaying a handgun. They said they were the police and they wanted him to look at some photos.  Suspects then make the victim go into his house where they robbed him.  Suspects then forced the victim to drive into the North East district to go to the victims mothers house.  Suspects released the victim on Erdman Ave. 
Property Taken: Gold Chain and Cash
7:55am on the 10th of November 2008
Unit block of East 21st Street
Victim was walking and passed by the suspects.  Suspect 1 said "don't go up the steps" and then said "give me your money".  The victim complied.  Suspect 1 then displayed a handgun and grabbed the victims cell phone before fleeing the scene.  It appears as if there was another incident on the 11th involving the same suspects, but the description is cut off.  The case is listed as closed and suspects may have been arrested on the 11th in relation to this robbery. 
Commercial Armed Robbery
6:05 on the 4th of November 2008
2800 block of Greenmount Avenue
Suspect entered the store, pointed a hand gun at one employee, and said to another employee, "Give me the money.  Open the drawer or I will shoot him." The second employee then opened the register and the suspect walked around the counter, removed cash, and fled through the front door.  No injuries during the incident. 
Property Taken: Cash
6:10pm on the 5th of November 2008
Unit block of East 25th Street
Employee was locking the front door when the suspect exited a green van and approached her.  The suspect placed a knife to her throat and told her to go back into the store.  The suspect removed currency from the safe, told the employee to go into the refrigerator, and then fled. 
Propety Taken: Cash and a Cell Phone
7:43pm on the 10th of November 2008
3000 block of Greenmount Avenue
Suspects entered the store and pushed the store owner stating "where the money at." while displaying a handgun.  Suspects then took the listed property, duct taped the store owner, and then fled.
Property Taken: Cash, Cigarettes, 6 Cell Phones
6:05am on the 11th of November 2008
3200 block of Saint Paul Street
Suspect entered the store and displayed a handgun and stated "give me all the money".  Store employee complied giving listed property to the suspect.  Suspect then fled on foot eastbound on 33rd. 
Property Taken: Cash
2:11pm on the 12th of November 2008
3100 block of Greenmount Avenue
Suspect entered the store and asked the employee to retrieve a purse that hung on the wall.  While the employee was doing so he pulled out a handgun and stated "Give me the money".  After the suspect was given the property, he stated "Don't come to the window, I'll shoot you."  Then the suspect fled on foot. 
Property Taken: Cash and a Purse
Residential Burglary
11:40am on the 1st of November 2008
3500 block of Charles Street
Suspect entered the unlocked front door of the victims apartment, removed listed property, and fled. 
Point of Entry: Front Door - Property Taken: Laptop
Attempted Residential Burglary
4am on the 14th of November 2008
2600 block of Guilford Avenue
Unknown suspect attempted to gain entry to a home through the front window.
Commercial Burglary
5am on the 2nd of November 2008
400 block of East 33rd Street
Suspect broke the front glass door and entered.  Once inside, suspect broke open a cash register, removed listed property and fled through the front door.
Point of Entry: Front Door - Property Taken: Cash
Between 3am and 6:42am on the 11th of November 2008
3300 block of Greenmount Avenue
Unknown suspect forced security door, then broke front glass to gain entry.  Suspect then removed listed property and fled.  Crime Lab Responded. 
Property Taken: Cash and Clothes
Between 6:10pm on the 10th and 7:40am on th e11th of November 2008
Unit block of East 25th Street
Suspect forced the front door and entered.  Once inside the susepct removed the listed property from the register and then fled. 
Property Taken: Cash
Attempted Commercial Burglary
5:48am on the 7th of November 2008
2500 block of Saint Paul Street
Unknown suspect attempted to gain entry to the store by pushing in an exhaust frame.  Suspect then fled without gaining entry.
Stolen Auto
6:25pm on the 8th of November 2008
2500 block of Greenmount Avenue
Point of Entry: Car Door - Property Taken: Green 2008 Hyunda Santa Fe
Between 11pm on the 10th and 7am on the 11th of November 2008
3300 block of Greenmount Avenue
Gold 2000 Chrysler Concorde, MD Tags
Larceny from Auto
Between Noon on the 1st and 9am on the 2nd of November 2008
2400 block of Guilford Avenue
Property Taken: MD Tags
Between 4pm on the 3rd and 4pm on the 4th of November 2008
2100 block of North Charles Street
Property Taken: MD Tags
7:05pm on the 2nd of November 2008
2800 block of Guilford
Point of Entry: Car Window - Property Taken: iPod
Between 3am and 9:51am on the 5th of November 2008
3100 block of Greenmount Avenue
Property Taken: MD Tags
Between 6pm on the 8th and 10am on the 9th of November 2008
100 block of East 25th Street
Point of Entry: Car Door - Propety Taken: iPod Charger and MP3 adapter
Between 5pm on the 4th and 5pm on the 8th of November 2008
2900 block of Calvert Street
Property Taken: Catalytic Converter
Between 1:30pm and 3:40pm on the 10th of November 2008
Unit block of East 21st Street
Point of Entry: Car Door - Property Taken: Zip Drive
Between 7:30am and 4:30pm on the 11th of November 2008
2300 block of North Charles Street
Propety Taken: Catalytic Converter
Between 2pm and 4pm on the 14th of November 2008
2700 block of North Calvert Street
Point of Entry: Car Window - Property Taken: GPS
Between 5pm and 10:30pm on the 15th of November 2008
2600 block of Guilford Avenue
Point of Entry: Car Window - Property Taken: GPS and Digital Camera

Johns Hopkins University
Campus Safety and Security
 Weekly Campus Crime Report 

November 3, 2008 – November 10, 2008

 On Campus
 Theft – Wyman Building, 2nd floor Pediatrics – Between Oct. 24th at 12:00 PM and Nov. 3rd at 11:58 AM, a partial amount of currency was taken from an envelope in a locked office file cabinet.  No sign of forced entry to the office or the cabinet.  Also, between Oct. 27th at 12:00 PM and Oct. 29th at 12:00 PM, three peak flow plastic asthma devices were taken from the clinical area.  Investigation continuing.
Vandalism to Vehicle – Fresh Food Café Loading Dock – On Nov. 9th between 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM, two tires were slashed on a parked car belonging to a food services employee.  Baltimore Police responded.  Investigation continuing.
Off Campus
 UPDATE - SUSPECT ARRESTED - Armed Robberies – 200 Blk. E. 28th St. and 2600 Guilford Avenue – Oct. 24th at 10:01 PM.  On November 3rd 2008 Baltimore Police arrested a suspect in the aforementioned robberies.  One of the victim’s cell phone was recovered.  Investigation continuing.
Disorderly Conduct - 15 arrests – E. 33rd & St. Paul Sts. – On Nov. 5th at 12:48 AM, a group of approximately 500 people gathered to celebrate the Presidential election results.  After numerous attempts to disperse the crowd, Baltimore Police arrested a faculty member, five students and nine non-affiliates.  No injuries.
Theft – Evergreen House Grounds, 4545 N. Charles St. – Between Nov. 5th at 4:00 PM and Nov. 7th at 10:00 AM, three propane tent heaters were taken from an unattended tent on the north side of the carriage house.  Baltimore Police responded.  Investigation continuing.
November 10, 2008 – November 17, 2008
 On Campus
 Unauthorized J-card use – MSE Library – Nov. 17th at 2:00 AM, an unknown male attempted to use a female student’s J-Card to enter the library.  The card was confiscated by a library guard at which point the male fled the building.  Campus Officers and off-duty Baltimore Police officers working for JHU searched the area with negative results.  Investigation continuing.
CCTV Observation / Trespasser – Athletic Center, Front Bike Rack – On Nov. 15th at 12:19 AM, Campus Officers and off-duty Baltimore Police working for JHU identified a non-affiliated male tampering with of a crate attached to a bike.  The male was identified, issued a trespass warning and escorted from the area.  Nothing damaged, nothing taken.
Off Campus
Armed Commercial Robbery – Subway, 3233 St. Paul Street – On Nov. 11th at 6:03 AM, an unknown male entered the establishment, produced a black handgun and demanded money.  The cashier gave the suspect the contents of the cash register who then fled the store via a side door.  The suspect was last seen running east in the 100 block of E. 33rd Street.  Baltimore Police responded.  The area was searched with negative results.  See Security Bulletin FA-5 at
Common Assault – Outside University Market, 3200 Blk. St. Paul St. – On Nov. 10th at 10:15 AM, as an undergraduate student exited the store and declined a panhandler’s request for some money, the panhandler grabbed the student’s vest and touched her inappropriately. Campus Officers, Baltimore Police and an off-duty Baltimore Police officer working for JHU responded and searched the area with negative results.  Investigation continuing.
CCTV Observation / Trespasser – Bunting-Meyerhoff Interfaith Center – On Nov. 13th at 4:32 AM, a non-affiliated, homeless male loitering by the bus stop was issued a trespass warning by Campus Officers and off-duty Baltimore Police working for JHU.
UPDATE - SUSPECT ARRESTED - Assault – E. 33rd and St. Paul Streets – Nov. 10th at 10:15 AM.  On November 13th 2008 Baltimore Police arrested and charged a suspect in the aforementioned assault.  Investigation continuing.
ARREST – Unarmed Robbery – 32nd & St. Paul Sts. – On Nov. 16th at 7:20 PM, Baltimore Police arrested three non-affiliated juvenile males who robbed a senior undergraduate of money after one of the juveniles claimed to have a gun.  No injuries. The three suspects were subsequently arrested in the 3300 block Barclay Street after being positively identified.  Money and a plastic toy gun were confiscated from the suspects.  The juveniles were also charged with a robbery of a non-affiliate that occurred at 34th & Calvert Streets at approximately 7:30 p.m.
Emergency Commitment – Disorderly Conduct – 100 Blk. W. 29th St. – On Nov. 14th at 7:10 AM, Baltimore Police arrested a non-affiliated male with his pants down to his ankles who was armed with a knife and yelling at passing vehicles.  The male was taken by ambulance to Union Memorial Hospital for psychiatric evaluation.

-- from the CV benefits district listserv

195, 196, 197?

"Teen, man shot to death"

"City police probe death of toddler who had methadone in body"

Mystery of the vanishing VW solved!

A man mugged at the Cold Spring light rail and stolen jewelry, cash and other goods in the Messenger blotter.

From the SAO:
Late yesterday a Baltimore City jury convicted Issac Smith, 23, of the 5600 block of Carter Ave. of second-degree murder. Judge Charles G. Bernstein sentenced Smith to 30 years in prison.

The jury heard evidence over the course of a four day trial and deliberated over two days.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Smith December 8, 2003 for first-degree murder and use of a deadly weapon counts. A Baltimore City jury convicted Smith December 10, 2004 of first-degree murder and Smith was sentenced to life in prison.

On July 12, 2007 the Maryland Court of Special Appeals vacated Smith’s first-degree murder conviction, citing an omission of a jury question during voir dire by the trial judge.

On October 27, 2003 Smith fatally stabbed Jamall Hill, 23, in the 5500 block of Harford Rd. Witnesses testified that Smith chased the victim approximately three blocks before stabbing him one time in the heart. Testimony revealed that Smith believed Hill had stolen $1,000 from a mutual friend. The State successfully prosecuted the retrial after searching and finally locating two witnesses from the first trial; one local and one out of state.

Assistant State’s Attorneys Paul O’Connor and Timothy Lake prosecuted this case.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cult Member Sprung

At a bail hearing on Friday before the Honorable John Howard, Steven Lee Bynum, 42, of the 700 block of Bethune Road, charged with the cult murder of one-year-old Javon Thompson, had his no bail status reduced and was released on his personal recognizance today.

Justin Fenton discovers more about the young men accused of killing councilman Ken Harris, including that one suspect was convicted in August of possessing a handgun in the county, and the other dropped out of the 10th grade and has a 4-month-old child.

In the county, a decade after the murder of 17-year-old Shen Poehlman, John Miller IV was sentenced

More on the police-involved shooting yesterday of a guy who was stabbing his wife in the neck on North Avenue

Gunshot sensor technology at JHU
, for what it's worth
Former soldier Leonard Stephan Lockley, got 21 months for allegedly smuggling AK-47s from Iraq and selling them to a bank robber.

Colin Frost, Jack Wyatt and Jamal Davis were all arrested after being the subjects of an Examiner story .
(Wonder what the actual charges were & how long they'll stay arrested?)
Thanks Pp.

Christopher Jude Blauvelt, age 39, of Dundalk, was found guilty of drug and perv charges


goings-on at the impound lot, as the "Mystery of missing impounded car deepens"

193, 194

by gunshot

Two years for attempted murder, nine for coke

A guy who got two years for attempted murder in back in the pokey after violating his probation. reports the SA's office:
Chief Administrative Circuit Court Judge Marcella Holland today sentenced Leonard Shelley, 23, of the 3400 block of W. Saratoga Street, to 9-years {sic} in prison for violating the terms of his probation on case number 101099031... In 2002, Shelley, 17 years, pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree murder and handgun violations. Court documents show that Leonard Shelley was arguing with a man and then took out a gun. The man he was arguing with ran away as Shelley fired the gun. Another man who was riding by on a bicycle with no connection to the argument was struck. In a plea agreement reached on March 15, 2002, Shelley received a sentence of 20-years {sic} with 15-years {sic} suspended and 3-years {sic} probation. He was released from incarceration in August 2004. His probation would have expired in August 2007, but he was arrested on a new narcotics case in February 2007 ... In July 2008, Shelley pleaded guilty to possession with intent to distribute cocaine in case number 2072101008 and received an 18-month. Today’s 9-year sentence is consecutive to that sentence.

Monday, November 17, 2008

street justice

A city officer shot a man who stabbed a woman

Two incidents of store clerks thwarting robbers in the NE county

"A guest at the Swan Motel in Lansdowne lost his money to a gunman while trying to prevent the robber from stealing his tie."


"One man was shot and killed last night in the living room of a vacant rowhouse in Northwest Baltimore, while a second man was wounded by gunfire and found lying on the roof of the home's front porch, city police said this morning."

From Sunday: Behind the DP Commission's debate

Hermann has the charging docs for Ken Harris' alleged killers, and the Examiner gives its thumbs-up to the arrests

Man's car vanishes from impound lot!
Charles McGaney, 19 and Gary A. Collins, 20 charged with murder in the death of Ken Harris are scheduled for a bail review today at 9:30 AM at Central Booking and Intake Facility in Part 40. The defendants are in Group 1.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

City officer indicted for assault

Friday, an AACounty grand jury indicted city Police Officer Melvin Ellsworth Jones on charges of first- and second-degree assault, reckless endangerment, and carrying a weapon with intent to injure, he faces 33 years in jail.

Murder #188 was ID'd as Takira Leray Johnson-Bey, 27.

Quadruple shooting at an Odenton mall!
Homemade gifts are always the best kind!!

New evidence raises questions about the conviction of an ex-boyfriend for the murder of Melissa Stefanski last year.

Delaware alleged killer Damion Neal was caught after fleeing to Baltimore county.

St. Mary's county lowering crime, thanks to CompStat.

"Hundreds" show up at city hall to protest CA's Prop H8TE
".... as passerbys shouted obscenities and a dissenting opinion, it was obvious that the battle is far from over."

Friday, November 14, 2008

Now a second suspect has been arrested in the Harris murder: Gary Collins, 20.

Sun: Ken Harris Suspect Arrested!

He's Charles Y. McGaney, 19, right -->
Ken Harris perpPolice also have ID'd a second suspect, we hear, thanks to the wonders of DNA.
Wonder if we'll ever find out what happened, or who the woman in the car was?

A man in his 20s was shot to death at about 6:30 p.m. yesterday in the 2000 block of Robb St.
Murder #189 was ID'd as Leroy J. Taylor, 45, and Ernest McFadden, 39, was ID'd as #187.

MD capital punishment to be put to a long, painful death by committee

Peter Hermann on the reportage timeline of the Mt. Vernon rapes. Yesterday, for reasons unknown, police released the dates, but not the locations, of the attacks.

No more poppin bottles in da club at the Belvedere.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Media Blabber

Where's the journalism bailout?
"Doesn't America need the New York Times as much at it needs the Chevy Cobalt?"

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

A fifth attack in the parking lot of Arundel Mills Mall!

Live and Let Live

Fenton: Sterling Clifford "defended yesterday the department's decision to delay notifying Mount Vernon residents of a string of rapes"

"A 19-year-old man will spend four years in prison after pleading guilty to killing a friend in jail last year during a fight over a Monopoly game, authorities said."

"The Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment voted 13-7 Wednesday to recommend abolishing executions in its Dec. 15 report to the governor."

Genius: "The Supreme Court heard argument Monday in a case that could restore gun-ownership rights to some domestic abusers."

"A unanimous Court of Appeals has overturned a first-degree murder conviction, saying the prosecutor violated the defendant’s attorney-client privilege"

Dear readers, is it against the law to threaten a citizen who's not (yet) a criminal witness? In spite of her crap attitude, does this court commissioner woman have a point?

From the SAO:
Today Judge John Prevas sentenced Wayne Morris to the statutory maximum of five years for obstruction of justice and 10 years for conspiracy to commit second-degree assault for attempting to obstruct justice in his murder trial. The sentences will run consecutively and consecutive to the 50-year sentence imposed by Judge John Howard on October 28, 2008 for the second-degree murder of Robert Atkinson, five counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence and other related charges stemming from his participation in an armed home invasion that occurred in April 2006. Details:
A Baltimore city jury found Wayne Morris, 22 of the 300 block of S. Calhoun Street guilty of obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit second-degree assault on September 25, 2008. The jury deliberated for approximately one day following testimony. Morris was found not guilty of witness intimidation and second-degree assault. The maximum penalty on all charges under Maryland law is 20 years in prison. Maryland enacted a new law in 2005 that changed the maximum penalty for witness intimidation to 20 years in prison.

Two co-defendants, Thelma Watkins and Audrey Tucker were also charged in the above witness intimidation case. Pursuant to Thelma Watkin’s plea agreement negotiated on October 24, 2008, Watkins received a sentence of 10- years suspend all but 1-year. Audrey Tucker’s case was nolle prossed after she cooperated at both the murder trial and at the witness intimidation trial of Morris.

Following his April 2006 arrest for a home invasion and murder, Morris was charged with witness intimidation, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to commit assault after investigators reviewed more than 36 phone calls Morris made from the Baltimore City Detention Center. In those phone calls, Morris commanded and directed persons to take action against the witnesses in the murder case in an attempt to prevent their testimony in his trial, including a pregnant witness. Morris can be heard in many calls, played in open court, describing how he wanted to get out of jail and come home, and needed help to eliminate witness testimony to thwart his murder case.

The State’s Attorney’s Office has charged over 25 cases of witness intimidation since March of this year, and the problem of witness threats and intimidation continues to affect the prosecution of non-fatal shootings and almost every homicide case according to prosecutors.

Although prosecutors successfully prosecuted 119 gun cases in the FIVE Division (Firearms Investigative Violence Enforcement) between January – June 2008, and secured 70 five year no parole sentences, dozens of cases were dismissed due to legal insufficiency because witnesses did not want to come to court to testify or witnesses changed their statements when called to testify. The difficulty of missing witnesses or witnesses who go “underground” continues to thwart prosecutors.

On August 27, 2008 Morris was convicted of second-degree murder, five counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence, two counts of robbery deadly weapon, two counts of attempted robbery deadly weapon, four counts of assault and four counts of conspiracy to rob in the home invasion.

On April 20, 2006 Morris kicked down the door at 1404 Kuper Street, announced a robbery, and shot and killed an occupant of the home, Robert Atkinson, 47. One victim was pistol-whipped and two victims, including a pregnant woman, were assaulted. All were robbed of various items on their person including cash and cell phones.

A co-defendant, David Marshall, was acquitted of murder, robbery and assault charges in April. Marshall faces first-degree burglary charges in connection to this incident.

Assistant State’s Attorney Theresa Shaffer of the Homicide Division prosecuted these cases.
Ppatin, here's that article about moonlighting cops, in case you missed it
buzoncrime: No more police in uniform working for bars/nightclubs!

Still Questions in Robert Clay "Suicide"

Baltimore City’s Inspector General Hilton Green questioned employees of the ME's office about the fishy-from-day-one alleged 2005 suicide of local businessman Robert Clay.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mt. Vernon's Greatest Hits

some Mt. Vernon and Lower Charles Village incidents that Spotcrime says didn't make the news


A murder in the 200 block of Linden Avenue
block of Blogtimorean Adam Meister!(Happy 32nd birthday Adam! Hey, it's this guy's birthday too!)

Sixty years for serial rapist Alphonso Hill.

Parole agents investigating threats against Pigtown community activists

"The fatal downtown stabbing of an exotic dancer last week began as a fight among employees inside a strip club on The Block and could place the club's liquor and adult entertainment licenses in jeopardy." Galt?

Safe sex on Craigslist?

The Supreme Court takes on whales, religious monuments, Roman numerals

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friday, November 7, 2008

187 188

Adam Meister reports the fatal stabbing of a stripper on the block this morning.

187: unidentified man on Wednesday, shot to death in the Poppleton neighborhood.

Nine shootings in the city this week, mapped by spotcrime

An arrest for the murder of Nicole Sesker-- Joseph Antonio Bonds, who lived next door to where her body was found.

One man arrested, two suspects still at large for the murder of Cletus Ronnie Gittens in Woodlawn.

More on the story of the 85-year-old pastor carjacked by a 14-year-old.

A man beaten with a pipe and robbed in Mt. Washington.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

4 haiku

Annie from Fairfax
happy, Volvo, Cheerio
death undetermined

A young fellow, tall
Ralph, 83, at her side
wouldn't let him in

Sarah Ellison
expected to surrender

and the boy, who knows

Nearly unconscious
For his cell phone and money
Beaten while walking
Chin first into the sandbar
Is how you ride waves

Bitchin Widget!

Check it out at right!! In your face, Tribune!

and Hermann presents the new UCR stats.

A 76-year-old woman was shot last night in her car outside a Parkville senior apartment complex during an attempted carjacking ... if you have a granny in the county, encourage her to get a debit card. Or at least a checkbook.

The Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing two of his 6-year-old test-tube triplets denied the allegations to an Examiner reporter.

MD students had a summit on school violence somewhere Monday before last. (Noted one, "To follow a pack, it's not going to get you nowhere in life.")

Alleged coketified pyro Frederick Mackler pleaded guilty to explosives charges in the county.

And 10 years for the drogas blancas, from the SAO:
At a hearing today Judge Timothy J. Doory sentenced Dana Harris, 31, of the 300 block of S. Monroe St. to 10 years in prison. Harris pled guilty to one count of possession with intent to distribute heroin and one count of possession with intent to distribute cocaine.

At about 8 PM on November 1, 2007, police surveillance at 418 S. Smallwood St. observed Harris enter the residence. Harris then left the house, got into a vehicle, and drove away. Police observed Harris driving to the 200 block of Payson St. where he exited the vehicle. Harris then noticed police and fled on foot. Police apprehended Harris and executed a search warrant on the vehicle and 418 S. Smallwood St. Police found nothing illegal from the vehicle, but did recover two vials of cocaine and 17 gel caps of heroin from the house. Harris confessed that the illegal drugs were his.

Police also executed a separate search warrant at 4724 Wakefield, using a key they recovered from Harris’ key ring. Police recovered a total of 51 vials of cocaine, 122 gel caps of heroin, one bag cocaine, one jug of marijuana, a scale with heroin and cocaine residue, a large bag of Mannitol (cutting agent) and empty vials, gel caps and a sifter. Police also recovered mail in Harris’ name from the bedroom closet at 4724 Wakefield with the address of 418 S. Smallwood St. Harris was the target of all three warrants and was in possession of keys to both locations when he was arrested.

Assistant State’s Attorney Keri Borzilleri of the Narcotics Division Prosecuted this case.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

DNA evidence in Harris murder

"Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III said detectives have recovered key DNA evidence in the killing of former City Councilman Kenneth N. Harris Sr. but need help from the public in determining the suspects' identity." ... does that mean the FBI database is so backlogged as to be worthless?

A guilty plea in the Jan 28 "thrill kill" of 16-year-old Joshua Gibson; up to 60 years for William R. "Billy" Ferandes.

Bye Bye Blinky Grandpa!!

Now, on to the news...

A man was shot in the head in Barclay

Stephen Todd Nelson, compelled by demons to throw his three-year-old son Turner Jordan off the Bay Bridge, pleaded not criminally responsible this morning.

The Ink catalogues four murders this past week: Mark Vines, Harley Johnson, Mark Henson and Anthony Rainer. Plus case updates.

Have you seen these two suspects sought in connection with the shooting behind the Manhattan Grill
 Tashaka Kittrell Palmer
Keep an eye out for endangered runaway Tashaka Kittrell Palmer, age 17, right

Crazy robberies in the Blotter, including an 84-year-old minister robbed by a 14-year-old, and a guy mugged for beer.

Maj. Melvin Russell of the Eastern re. election night: "in one hour, 'We didn't hear a single gunshot.'"
... though in Charles Village, revelers were arrested and a Hopkins student was Tazed

Julio Cabrera-Mena, a Dominican who supplied Bmore harewin dealers, got 10 Rod years

Vocab word of the day: hawala
As in, Saifullah Anjum Ranjha of Pakistan got 110 years for a money-laundering scheme that used a hawala network to conceal terrorist financing.

Investigation of Internet gambling site Bodog leads to money-laundering charges in MD

Over at the John Watch, a monger has set a cruise-loop record.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Coke-Dealer Lookout to Serve <30 years

From the SAO:
– November 3, 2008 – At a hearing today, Judge David W. Young found Gary Moss, 25, of the 2200 block of Orleans Street, guilty of violation of probation on felony drug case number 105181054 in Baltimore Circuit Court. In 2006 Moss was convicted of possession with intent to distribute CDS and was sentenced to 20-years with 19-years, 8-months, and 30-days suspended and 3-years probation.

On October 16, 2008 a jury found Moss guilty of a new charge of conspiracy to distribute CDS and other drug counts. He was sentenced by Judge Kaye Allison to
14-years incarceration and 5-years probation. This new conviction led to a violation of probation hearing on case number 105181054 today before Judge Young. For violating his probation, Judge Young sentenced Moss to serve out the balance of his 2006 conviction consecutive to the 14-year sentence imposed by Judge Allison. Moss also admitted guilt to his violation of probation for not reporting to his agent.

Moss’ new case charging him with conspiracy to distribute was based on the following facts: On January 26, 2008 at approximately 10:00 PM in the 2100 block of Kirk Avenue, police officers observed Moss and two other men engaged in drug related activity. The trio were meeting unknown persons in front of a carry-out, and after brief conversations, they would run into a nearby yard for seconds. Moss would walk through the intersection as a look-out, giving the men the “go ahead” when it was clear. Once Moss yelled “go ahead”, the two men would come out of the yard, accept money from unknown persons and hand them suspected CDS. They would then meet up with Moss and give him money. Officers stopped all 3, who were standing together at the corner of Homewood and Kirk Avenue. Officers recovered $320 cash from Moss, and over 30 vials of cocaine.


"Mark Henson of the 1500 block of N. Carey St. was shot in the head and upper body about 9 p.m. Saturday, police spokesman Troy Harris said yesterday."


Annie McCann, 16, of Fairfax, VA., "found in an alley in the 200 block of S. Spring Court, in the Perkins Homes area, about 3 a.m. Sunday"

Our judges: Take em or leave em

I'm working on your ? about the judges PP-- it took forever to find a sample ballot!
... if you look up your eligibility here, it gives you the option to download one.

... so Deborah Eyler and Robert Zarnoch.
Zarnoch: O'M appointed him, and he was working with the General Assembly prior. He argued against marriage equality.

Deborah Eyler: she lives in Annapolis, was appointed by PG, sports a Tipper Gore hairdo & gave $500 to Obama. Here's some of her ops from the MD courts blog.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

>10 Years for Murder of Marine

maurice and ericaFrom the SAO, pic of defendants Crosby and Ammenhauser at right:
A jury convicted Maurice Crosby, 20, of the 5200 block of Ready Avenue of involuntary manslaughter on Friday, and acquitted him of more serious first-degree murder charges and assaults on other victims in the altercation that led to the fatal stabbing of Marine Reservist Michael Simms on June 10, 2007. The maximum allowable sentence for involuntary manslaughter is 10-years in prison.

The jury deliberated about 8-hours after several days of testimony in a trial this week before the Honorable Paul Smith. Sentencing is scheduled for February 3, 2009 before Judge Smith. The defendant testified in his own defense.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Crosby July 16, 2007 for first-degree murder and multiple deadly weapons counts and assaults on 3 other surviving victims following an altercation June 10, 2007 in the unit block of S. Chapel Street. Michael Simms, 19, a Marine Reservist was fatally stabbed and later died at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

A co-defendant, Erica Ammenhauser, 21, of the 200 block of Durham Street pled guilty to conspiracy to commit first-degree assault June 10, 2008. Under terms of the plea agreement, announced in open court, she was required to testify truthfully, if called, in the murder trial of Maurice Crosby. She was not called as a witness by the State in Crosby’s trial this week.

Assistant State’s Attorney Lisa Phelps prosecuted this case.

Ammenhauser will serve seven years. She had originally been charged with 1st-degree murder.

... in other news, Three people shot last night; a man shot in the face at Bel Air and Hamilton, and on Marble Hall Rd "One was shot in the groing, the other in teh leg."

One a-hole arrested for the kidnapping and robbery of the U of M medical student

is 10 years too long for slinging crack?

More trouble at York Rd. Plaza-- carjacking on Wednesday, copious puking Friday

Friday, October 31, 2008


#179, Dontay Monroe, was "the baddest of the bad"

A mere six shootings this week, mapped by Spotcrime

Brothel case moved to circuit court (19 customers a day?!?!)

Remember that crazy HarfCo melee, where a crazed mob left a man in a wheelchair? An Edgewood teen, Shamere Germany, was convicted of 1st-degree assault.

Vocab word of the day: Espantoon

There's something you don't hear very often: "Parents applaud school's safety response"

What the?! Catholic priest fathers test-tube triplets, is accused of molesting two of them

Thursday, October 30, 2008

More on Christopher Clarke

Christopher Clarke's killers got 25 and 5 years, respectively. Here's an excerpt from an article by Jacques Kelly that appeared in the Sun in March of last year:
Christopher C. Clarke, a Patterson High School senior and athlete, was looking forward to becoming a Baltimore police officer. ... His mother, Anita Ann-Marie McDonald, said he had acceptances from several colleges but had decided to enroll at the Baltimore City Police Academy. He "had his eye on the prize," she said, echoing the comments of his teachers and others who knew him.

Instead, Mr. Clarke became a victim of Baltimore crime -- fatally shot March 13 on Cliftmont Avenue near his home in the Belair- Edison neighborhood, a bystander caught in the crossfire of apparent drug-turf violence. He was 18.

Mr. Clarke played on Patterson's football team and was an attackman on the lacrosse team. School officials said that this year's lacrosse season has been dedicated in his honor. He also played the saxophone, keyboard and drums in a Patterson jazz ensemble that performs several times a year.

"God gave him everything -- looks, talent and brains," said Ray Gagne, his music teacher. "You don't get any more hardworking than he was. They just don't come any better."
Tragic, tragic, tragic.