Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Sunday Crime Round-up

What do rapper Lil' Wayne, career criminal Joel Ugah, and Baltimore Blast owner Edwin Hale Sr. have in common? A weapons charge on their record.

Court Watch is back. Concerned citizens are bringing back the program due to the repeated breaks that the accused murderers of Stephen Pitcairn received.

Maryland and California both suspend their "Scared Straight" programs, a few weeks after the premier of the show "Beyond Scared Straight."

Federal officer Curtis Anthony Warren is convicted of killing his brother back in April of 2009.

63-year-old school teacher Myra Elizabeth Cason was shot to death last Friday.

Robert "Seattle" Jones gets 15 years for a bungled home invasion.

Interstate traveling stoner Travis Bielaski arrested in Nebraska with 33 pounds of grass.

Finally, Latin Kings enforcer Brandon Smith pleads guilty to Racketeering and attempted murder.
Fate of gay marriage hangs on six undecided senators

"Two men stabbed, one shot in 3 nonfatal incidents"

Four people stabbed at the Cheer's (sic) Bar and Grill in Parkville

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Shoulda, coulda, woulda

WJZ has an interview with Emmanuel Miller, the stringy-shtached teen charged in the beating of elderly black fisherman James Privott. "I wish I would have done something to try to help the guy."

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Your tax dollars at work vol. II

The two DPW workers who spent hours at S & J's Deli drinking a gambling while on the clock get to keep their jobs!!!

People, animals, opiates

A second trial concluding for Kenneth D. Perry, found guilty in 2001 of killing pregnant Kelly Bunn and his former girlfriend, LaShawn Jordan, as Jordan's 4-year-old watched, then "stayed in the apartment with the bodies for two days, caring for her 1-year-old brother and trying to treat her mother's wounds with toilet paper and a toy stethoscope."

HarfCo man arrested for raping a 5-year-old girl

Jury begins deliberations in twin brothers' dog-burning trial.

Scene killed at Select Lounge

Suleiman Zakaria, 27, of Pikesville, got 10 years for hiding 6 pounds of Ghanian heroin in his luggage

WBAL: Baltimore has a high police-to-citizen ratio

That movie sounds hilarious!

"Mexican cartel on trial in Baltimore drug case: Informant describes driving cross-country with cocaine-filled mobile home"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

13 years

for serial drunken driver Thomas Lee Meighan Jr., who fatally plowed into Hopkins undergrad Miriam Frankl as the tried to cross St. Paul St.
The Sun has posted the 911 calls made by drivers

Wieners aplenty

Demetrius Arrington arrested for murder of Jeffrey R. Purnell, 51

CP's Van Smith "A recent California drug-trafficking and money-laundering case [showed] how hundreds of pounds of cocaine allegedly reached Baltimore’s streets last year thanks to Hollywood-based traffickers, and how millions in drug proceeds left town: by private jet"

Fifteen years in prison for Joseph Lawhorn, 35, convicted of taking "sexually explicit" pictures of little boys with his iPhone

Burning dog trial: Sgt. Jarron Jackson "can't testify as to whether [Tremayne] can fly or not," today, jurors nodding off

The Daily Record asks, "Wrecking buildings or lives in Middle East?" (Fumes "Prez Jack" Young, "What if I become governor and they want me to show them where I lived? I will have nothing to show them.")

Howard County senator Allan H. Kittleman becomes first Republican to jump on the big gay senate bandwagon. Kittleman's civil-unions bill was withdrawn, and he stepped down as Senate minority leader soonafter. Yesterday Republicans closeted themselves to privately vote to officially oppose the bill. And the the National Organization for Marriage is robo-calling.

History corner: 10 years ago last week, then-mayor O'Malley told a Sun reporter re. the dropped case against officer Brian Sewell: [State's Attorney Pat Jessamy] "doesn't even have the goddamn guts to get off her ass and go in and try this case, and I'm tired of it... If she doesn't have respect for the police, if she doesn't have respect for the people of this city, maybe she should get the hell out and let somebody else in who's not afraid to do the goddamn job."

You booze, you lose?

Serial drunk-driver Thomas Meighan will be sentenced today after pleading guilty to charges stemming from the death of Miriam Frankl.

Dead body in a field in Northeast Baltimore.

Counterfeiting arrest on the Eastern Shore.

Two people are in serious trouble for helping an inmate escape from theWashington County jail last week.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bigger fish to fry

County Judge Robert E. Cahill Jr has ruled that Karla Porter's whole 10-hour police interview will be admissible.

Fabulousness! Charles Village residents (or mostly Stephen Gewirtz) form "Court Watch" to track cases. Says Gewirtz, "I get the sense it's really been a revolving door downtown." wonder what happened with Thomas Meighan Jr.? Every court reporter in town (that is to say, Tricia Bishop) was at the dog trial. Almost makes me miss old Joe Sviatko. He would know!

And urBanite asks, "Is there hope for quality local news after all?"

$15,000 for three tons of rockfish? Those poachers really should get into drug dealing.

A septuagenarian hit with a brick, sisters who whacked their mom's boyfriend with a bicycle tire pump and a golf club and couples fighting over cold food and who should make the bed in the "Baltimore Guide" blotter.

In the Catonsville Times blotter, an attempted carjacking at the WalMart parking lot and other teenage misbehavior.

... and the "hontroversy" rages on, that never-ending intellectual-property "uproar" that "casts unflattering light on the priorities of people ... who have spent their time on this subject in a city with bigger problems." Nevertheless, good readin' from Ed Ericsson.


Please note that the deaths of Sean Gamble and Officer William Torbit Jr. are considered justified until determined otherwise. Baltimore city has had 15 official homicides so far this year.

Monday, January 31, 2011


The man shot on Pratt St on Friday (homicide #16) was id'd as Raynard Benjamin, 30

Court of Appeals throws out a murder conviction obtained by a detective telling the suspect, "This is between you and me, bud."

Tooty-two years for Manny, the coke dealer who tried to intimidate a witness. And up in Gettysburg, PA, trial for a grandma accused of bringing Baltimorean white drugs up from the KMart parking lot to sell in the TGI Fridays parking lot.

A witness out to "get paid" says she saw the Johnson boys running away from the scène du pit bull flambee, and jurors watched the crime camera video. And then there's the two teens arrested for the burning of Mittens the cat.

Police and fire unions plan to picket the June Mayor's conference, and members from other states are invited. Maybe they can stay at the city-owned Hilton, plenty of empty rooms there ....

A Daily Record investigation reveals that when it comes to East Baltimore development, "Elected officials short on financial details"

In the crime beat blog, police appeal for the public's help to solve the Jan 2. murder of autistic Hezikah Wilson, the mayor introduces new legislation that includes a mandatory-minimum illegal-firearm sentence. Meanwhile, in South Dakota, legislation to require gun ownership.

and on this blog, a new comment in the self-defense vs murder debate

Alleged serial killer convicted in 1st trial

William Vincent Brown is convicted in 1st of 3 trials of raping and then strangling a woman who survived to testify against them.


An unidentified 51-year-old man was fatally shot in the head while sitting in the driver's seat of a car in the 5700 block of Eastbury Ave.


City that Breeds on the un-diversifying of city council districts

Says "Pistol Pete" Welch, "I hope that we can one day select a council person via Facebook"

in other neighborhood news, a Hopkins consultant opines that the Middle East neighborhood needs to be "rebranded"

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011

Yes, we have no abortions today ...

U.S. District Judge Marvin Garbis just shot down the "pregnancy disclaimer law" on account of it being "unconstitutional" and "unenforceable". Well, duh. No one could see that coming? And George Nilson will advise the Mayor to appeal? It's all very strange. Doug Gansler doesn't seem to have done anything all week but issue one single totally obvious press release, doesn't he have a buddy in the FTC he could call or something?

and legislation for direct wine shipments was introduced (again) today in the House & Senate. Last year Joan Carter Conway allowed a similar bill to die in committee.

Lost and found

WBAL's Barry Simms reports that Judge Charles Peters sentenced "demons made me do it" dad Stephen Nelson to 50 years for throwing his 3-year-old son Turner off the Francis Scott Key Bridge, no word yet if any of that is suspended. Judge George Russell had previously rejected a deal that would have given Turner 30 years.

Three union timekeepers were sentenced for wire fraud in a scheme to defraud the terminal operator at the Port of Baltimore

Another day, another BPD lawsuit: three men arrested without charges or explanation outside of the liltlingly named Don't Know? what you are doing tonight? Tavern are suing for $420,000.

Crazy story down in Takoma Park: police shot a robbery suspect who used a bank teller as a human shield after he slipped on some ice, and it was all caught on tape

O'Malley's budget contains some massive new fees for speeding tickets and DUIs

A suspicious brown paper bag downtown. Don't stomp on it if it's flaming!

Update on Solothia Thomas: she was found with friends in a fast-food restaurant in Rosedale about 90 minutes after the police posted the bulletin, though no explanation as to why police waited more than a day to tell the public that.

Today's the one-month-aversiary of the day Phylicia Barnes went missing, and the police posted a video update that makes you watch a crappy movie preview before you can see it. Interesting tidbit on Nancy Grace: her dad said that Phylicia's half-sister's ex-boyfriend was the last person to see her alive, and said half-sister's ex-boyfriend has now lawyered up.

And Rachel Reilly, 16, another one of Maryland's missing teens, was found in San Antonio, Texas

From JHU security:
Arrest of Student – Malicious Destruction (Alcohol Related) – 300 Blk. E. University Parkway – On Jan. 28th at 2:33 AM, a senior undergraduate was arrested by Baltimore Police for breaking a window in a non- affiliate’s front door and then entering the non-affiliate’s residence. The student who was intoxicated thought he was entering his own residence which is actually across the street. Baltimore Police transported the student to Union Memorial for treatment of minor cuts. The student was charged with malicious destruction of property.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Public shaving, private drinking

A jury was seated today in the trial of the twins accused of setting fire to Phoenix the pit bull, and one can't help but to notice the twins' facial features & ears look pretty Fetal-Alcohol-Syndrome-ish.

Missing Solothia Thomas was found unharmed... but no explanation of where she was or what she was doing

A 4th circuit judge upholds the 2009 Baltimore foster-care system consent decree, which ended court oversight of Baltimore's fucktified foster care system

Judge J. Frederick Price denied defense motions to exclude the death penalty in the Thomas Leggs case

Shaving-bump-afflicted former city officer sues over forced public shaving

Carl Snowden is appealing the tossing-out of his 3rd DUI PBJ

Crime-unrelated Baltimoriana: Rafael Alvarez eulogizes Burke's Restaurant; Marty Bass stoop storytells the day he lost his toupee.

Phantom suspect

The man who allegedly shot a city homicide detective has vanished without a trace.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another missing girl

SolothiaSolothia Thomas, 14, left Overlea High School yesterday but never made it home.

Dancer a whistleblower

cherrie gammonFenton reports that murdered mom Cherrie Gammon, left (from Facebook), was also a drug addict, crack and heroin dealer, and police informant.

One Wood Cafe

Former police officer Bill Countess: "'The Wire' is a very accurate depiction of reality both on the street and within the Baltimore Police Department."

A new bill would put a special code on MD sex offenders' drivers' licenses

Here's a question: if "two dozen or so" people are outside the courthouse saying irrational, "inflammatory" things and acting out of "political opportunism," how many words should the local paper of record grant them? For what it's worth, so far this week the Sun's given the anti-Bernstein inflammatory opportunists 1,855 words (including the story, the editorial and related verbiage in a blog post); the inflammatory political-opportunists' protest at Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder's funeral garnered 1,074.
Lapping it up = grammatically challenged "Examiner" Hassan Giordano

County police release names of deceased bachelor-roommates found in Perry Hall

From the JHU security bulletin: "Indecent Exposure – One World Café – On Jan 25th at 7:00 PM, a non – affiliate observed a lone male at nearby table exposing himself. Upon being noticed the male left the establishment.  Baltimore Police and Campus Officer responded. Investigation continuing."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sadder than sad

Homicide victim #13 of 2011, Harry Hicks, was gunned down in front of his wife and preschool-aged children

.. in better news, Fenton reports that one Hassan Muhammed was arrested for the Dec. 12 murder of young mother Cherrie Gammon

"Bernstein Maps Out New Crime-Fighting Approach" to the city's legislative delegates, one that involves "satellite offices" and setting free alleged perps with bails less than $5,000

And Van Smith went to the sentencing of youth leader by day/BGF "city-wide commander" by night Todd "Donnie" Duncan, wherein Duncan boo-hooed that charges were "blown out of context" and his lawyer opined, "these guys were up to bad, but not a whole lot of bad." (is Van Smith the only reporter who goes to a courthouse anymore?)

Court of Appeals Judge to Retire

Judge Joseph F. Murphy Jr will be retiring from the Maryland Court of Appeals this August. Murphy has been a judge on the state's highest court since 2007.

It gets better

Gay marriage legislation introduced in the General Assembly; Don Dwyer's panties in twist. (John Waters: "I think we should just try to make heterosexual divorce illegal")

Monday, January 24, 2011

#s 14 & 15

Homicide #15, an unid'd 31-year-old man shot in the head & stomach this afternoon in the 500 block of S. Fulton Ave. UPDATE: the victim was ID'd as Damon Gilmore, and the address revised as the 1700 block of Cole St.

#14, Antonio Lamont Lee, 36, shot to death Sunday night while stopped at a traffic light on E. Monument St.

Good for O'Malley, trying to criminalize child neglect

New drug alert: "Bath salts," aka synthetic cathinone

Ten years for Darnell "Nelly" Savoy, a thrice-convicted narcotics possessor caught in the same room with two illegal handguns and some gelcaps

30 months in prison for hydrocodone-dealing dentist

It's Bernstein's first protest! Nine (or 10?) people protest in front of the courthouse against "hate group" Shomrim, and for some reason the Sun & the JiZ treat it like major news

Jury selection slated for Wednesday in dog-burning case .. if those boys get more time than Lakesha Haynie, I am going to pee myself.

Tow this

Who's calling around City Hall claiming the FBI is investigating the city's tow business?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Confrontations gone wrong

Homicide victim #13, Harry Hicks, was football coach of the Cherry Hill Eagles

High-larious! Man arrested in AAC after falling asleep with his headlights on and buds on his dashboard, a police search uncovered a pound of pot

Two new federal magistrates named, including a lawyer who defended Lee Boyd Malvo

A juvenile arrested after a "verbal confrontation" between packs of girls at the Towson Town Center

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who shot the detective...

Turns out there are plenty of questions being raised about the story of the detective who was shot in parking garage along with some evidence that contradicts his original story, including gunshot residue on his pants

Friday, January 21, 2011

Un. Frickin. Believable!!

Really?!?! No jail time for Lakesha Haynie, who pled guilty to killing her baby Rajahnthon by smothering him and burying him in Druid Hill Park, and p.s. his skull was fractured. Sickening! Could you imagine a parent who killed a baby in Towson by fracturing his skull, smothering him and denying him medical care getting no jail time?! Is there any possible explanation for this other than Judge Charles J. Peters finding no value in this child's life?!

Toke up with Montel

Rhidel Price, 21, fatally shot in Cherry Hill. Fenton uncovered a high school interview with him in '07 for

A 23-year-old man shot & killed in Severn

Fourteen years for Todd Duncan, a (city-funded) youth counselor who moonlit as the citywide commander of the Black Guerillas. (Says a commentor, "he is learning the hard way what happens when you cut in on the CIA's drug profits")

D'oh! A police report says that the detective shot in a parking garage this week may have shot himself. Does that mean he's paying for the SWAT team?

Go Bernstein! In his first press release, Big B announces that John Couplin, famous for abducting a Guilford resident in the trunk of his car last year, has been jailed on probation violations stemming from a theft charge.

Bad news, death penalty fans: Hospira, the U.S.' sole maker of lethal injection drugs, has ceased production

Felony charges dismissed against Shomrim member Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim; misdemeanor charges are still on the table, and now his brother Avi has been charged with something in connection to the incident where a teen was allegedly beaten and had his wrist broken.

Yeeks-- the bodies of two men who had been "deceased for some time" found in Perry Hall house

MS sufferer/payday-loan hawker Montel Williams in coming to town to push for medical marijuana

Blotter: Anderson Honda employee mugged, hack cab passengers robbed and a woman charged with aggravated assault (good!) for slapping and choking a child on S. Schroeder St

Evan of the City that Breeds is royally PO'd that Rikki Spector doesn't actually live in her district

Fenton on Rodericks at 1

This D.C. crime blogger is way more intense than I

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How fat is he?!

Comedy rules at Brockbridge Correctional Facility's talent night. "There were blind jokes and deaf jokes, and some long, graphic descriptions of pussy."

Murder Ink covers last week's two murders, of Wendell Woodard and Kevin Lewis.

There's a new First Assistant U.S. Attorney, one Stephen M. Schenning. He replaces Stuart Goldberg.

Ewewewewewie ew ew. With a side of EW!!: Dad of a 12-year-old autistic boy, "Rafael Luis Mieles, age 25, of Baltimore, pleaded guilty today to distributing child pornography in connection with an online ad he posted seeking to have sex with a father and son."

Dirt biker wins settlement

Man hit by police while sitting on dirt bike gets a fairly sizable payday, courtesy of city taxpayers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Police officer shot near HQ

Shot in the leg near headquarters, swat team looking for suspect.

Friends & lovers

Oh snap! David Simon snarks back at Bealefeld's remarks that The Wire is a "smear that will take decades to overcome" and an "unfair use of literary license": "A more lingering problem might be two decades of bad performance by a police agency more obsessed with statistics than substance, with appeasing political leadership rather than seriously addressing the roots of city violence, with shifting blame rather than taking responsibility."

True that: the recent police shooting may just show us all exactly how "buddy buddy" Bernstein's relationship with police is.

The family of Marine Tyrone Brown, shot dead by an off-duty Baltimore police officer outside a nightclub last June has filed a $270 million wrongful-death lawsuit against the officer and the police department.

In spite of all of the hand-wringing after the murder of Sarah Foxwell, MD's sex offender registry is still not in compliance with federal law

The 4th circuit addresses the level of justification needed to authorize a no-knock entry, reiterates importance of not processing photos of your marital relations at WalMart.

SCOTUS rejects Maryland pastor's attempt to have same-sex marriage brought to a vote in D.C.

Liquor board inspector under investigation

Apparently you can hire a liquor board inspector to make sure your club passes muster with the community.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Police-on-police shootings spark reform" -- like new "no shooting into a crowd of drunks" rule

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Book Learnin

John Paul Stevens reviews David Garland's Peculiar Institution: America’s Death Penalty in an Age of Abolition in the NY Review of Books (adding it to the liebary)

.. and Justice Thomas halts an execution?! Marking the first time since his confirmation hearings that the justice has ever said, done anything

Meanwhile, the police union is not at all happy about SRB's plan for an independent review of the Select Lounge fracas. Imagine how PO'd they'd be if the citizen review board was actually empowered & functional?

a 'prance, a flamboyant shimmy'

Yet another cancer-scam case in Baltimore County?! This time one Lisa Hoppenstein Cohen allegedly bilked former Raven Mike Flynn out of $10,000. Says Cohen, "nothing's been proven."

Police say U of MD student shot over pot, his parents don't believe it

Victims protest outside the Archdiocese of Baltimore, demanding more disclosure in the case of defrocked priest Laurence Brett

police impersonatorWoman recalls traffic stop by fake cop in drag: "he approached her vehicle in what can only be described as a 'prance, a flamboyant shimmy.' He was tall, lanky, wearing a fake-looking ginger bob-style wig, an oversize police hat and blue-pleated pants that 'poofed' at the hips." .. and WJZ has an awesome composite sketch

A lawsuit puts the State Center project on hold

Hefty! Hefty! Hefty woman wanted in connection with purse-snatching

A U-turn in Mr. Carl's wild ride: Judge Silkworth threw out his illegal double PBJ and is letting the defendant decide if he wants a whole new trial or just a new sentence.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rare moves

Some unusual responses following the Select Lounge melee: SRB ordered plainclothes police to dress up and an independent review of the nightclub shooting. The police department has named the officers involved (Harry Dodge, 37; Harry Pawley, 40; Toyia Wiliams, 36; and Latora Craig, 30). WBAL also reports that Officer Torbit was struck with 20 bullets.

Last week's murders in the Ink, and the first victim of 2011 is named as David Jones, 21

Turns out the Glen Arm intruder, Robert "Scooby" Buss, had patronized the would-be 64-year-old victim's barber shop. Says WJZ commenter "essex," "He always said he would never go back to jail."

An attempted robbery by a guy who needed toilet paper on O'Donnell Street in the Baltimore Guide blotter. Not to be confused with the guy last week who actually stole toilet paper.

Holy shamola, that's a lot of kablingy! Last year the district of MD netted $60 million in penalties and seized assets.

Twelve years for coke-dealing felon Tavon Johnson

Who owns crime reports? Not the public, apparently.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Prettiest cop on the block?

Police Impersonator: BPD looking for a W/M, 40 years old, 5'8, dressed as a women (sic) w/ a black wig. Last seen driving a blue Oldsmobile Alero.

Enchantment of the Seize

Fox reports that cocaine and heroin were found again on Royal Caribbean's cruise ship at the port. More from the Sun

Two more murders

in CHuM and Harlem Park, no suspects, no motive

Teen Ronald Johnson arrested for murder of marine

A vigil for nightclub shooting victims, meanwhile Select Lounge has a lawyer, and he's got no comment

PG County has also had 10 homicides in 10 days

Legal farce* drags on

Anne Arundel County Circuit Court Judge Paul A. Hackner has said he will not delay the capital murder trial of prison-guard killer Lee Stephens. A pre-trial appeal on evidence in that case is still waiting before the Court of Appeals, but five years after the crime Judge Hackner is tired of all the delays.

* note this does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the blog administrator

Monday, January 10, 2011

Worst. 48 hours. Ever.

Bealefeld says 41 shots were fired by police in the Select Lounge gun battle, and witnesses say the slain officer was shot by police as he lay on the ground.

And "Pistol" Pete Welch was sworn in after only three council members, James B, Kraft, Bill Henry and Mary Pat Clarke, voted against him.

.. so what story did WBAL lead off the 11 o'clock news with? A flashing wanker, of course!

Tweet, tweet with Pistol Pete

You can now "follow" parody Pistol Pete Welch on Twitter.

.. only three hours til we're officially stuck with this guy forever, if you're not thrilled about that write or call your city council rep!

Two more murders

Two men found shot dead in the laundry room of an apartment building in the 1700 block of Gwynns Falls Parkway

A suspiciously dead man in a car in the 1300 block of Bradford St

One of the brothers accused of setting fire to Phoenix the pit bull was arrested for attempted murder seven months after prosecutors dropped gun and drug charges

Relatives of the 22-year-old killed in the gun battle outside the Select Lounge say uniformed officers fired recklessly into the crowd

Phylicia Barnes is still missing, a prayer service was held and Nancy Grace put a little box on the bottom of her home page.

George Huguely to be arraigned on additional charges in Charlottesville today, by closed-circuit TV. Update: the Post reports the hearing was postponed

The NYT asks, "Is Law School a Losing Game?" (A: Yes. Yes it is.)

Page Croyder: "Bernstein should have picked his own spokesperson. He didn't need his wife to do it for him." Burn! .. for what it's worth, I do know Cheshire, I think he'll be committed to transparency and I don't see him caving into anybody. Though the SA being married to the mayor's liaison to the police is certainly a mighty cozy situation.

Gun-toting felon nominated

This is horrifying! On Friday, all but three city council members voted to nominate former gun-toting felon Pete Welch to his mom's old seat. The final vote is tonight, please take a few minutes to drop your city council rep a note letting him or her know what you think.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Two killed on N. Paca St., one on 33rd

Officer William H. Torbit Jr., 33, and 22-year-old Sean Gamble were killed and four others were shot in a melee outside of Select Nightclub at 415 N. Paca St.

A man was found shot almost-dead in a car on 33rd Street near Union Memorial, but was taken to Hopkins where he died.

29-year-old Marco Lomax and 28-year-old Ravanna Cornish were arrested after detectives saw them shoot an 18-year-old in the 2300 block of Harford Road.

Mighty strange details in the Glen Arm shooting: it sounds like the female homeowner fired at the alleged intruder and missed, then the guy retreated, drove his truck to the parking lot of Sanders' Corner Restaurant ("that dam place") and shot himself with an AK-47. (Reader comments [for what it's worth] identify the guy as "Scooby" and the woman as "lou the barbers wife" and his former employer)

Volunteers searched the ground for Phylicia Barnes yesterday; a prayer service is to be held at 6 p.m. tonight at Brown's Memorial Baptist Church, 3215 W. Belvedere Ave.

Also missing: the brother of Ravens safety Ed Reed, who jumped into the 40-degree waters of the Mississippi during a police chase.

Downtown shooting, police officer killed

multiple people shot and and some killed on Paca and Franklin streets downtown.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Party crasher, panty snatcher

Grab your junk, 2nd amendment fans: "A burglary suspect was shot by a homeowner in Parkville." Reports WBAL, the suspect dragged himself to his truck before expiring

Two men shot in city

Defrocked priest Laurence Brett, who taught at Calvert Hall & reportedly molested dozens of students, was found dead in Martinique. Said a victim, "He taught us a bunch of stuff that was way outside the box of Catholicism that I grew up with."

This just in: Nancy Grace is a big fat racist.

"Death penalty, gay marriage issues are back for Maryland lawmakers"

Crofton panty snatcher in custody

More on the barricade situation near UMBC yesterday

Pay cut for cops

Police officers not happy about a cut in pay deducted from their latest checks.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Avoid MLK & Howard

Word on the street is that area is also shut down as a suspicious package is under investigation at the Herbert O'Connor State office building at 201 W. Preston, though the building as not been evacuated. (update, the suspicious package was a box of laptop batteries)

4:28 p.m.: Fire trucks have also surrounded the Mitchell Courthouse and traffic is shut down on the west side of Calvert St. (update: the suspicious package was a box of toner cartridges)

4:45: Inside Charm City reports "Significant Police Activity on Linden Ave" as well (probably unrelated)-- update, a mere barricade situation

You can follow the Sun's story here

Mail bombs!

Two packages have exploded today in two state government buildings ... the Jeffrey Building on Francis Street in downtown Annapolis and another at the Maryland Department of Transportation building in Hanover.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

... one shouldn't laugh

Karla Porter said she wanted her husband "hit," not killed

Have you seen these 20-something white guys, wanted for holding up the Wise pharmacy & a Subway?

Tough times: attempted theft of Irish Spring & stolen terlit paper in your local blotters

Bernstein tells WBAL he plans to set up databases to let the public follow cases

Retired Episcopal priest Donald Belcher indicted on child sex abuse charges

Leave the guns, bring the coffee

The Ink recaps the murders of 2010 and notes that people under 30 made up the majority. The Single Carrot Theatre reading is tonight.

Ow! Man shot in the scrotum

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller said this morning that he will call for a committee vote on death penalty regulation.

Shut the front door! Bernstein's new communications director is former Daily Record editor Mark Cheshire.

You still can't take your guns to town: MD's handgun law ruled compatible with the scope of the Second Amendment by the Court of Appeals

Ow! County robber uses a hot coffee facial as a weapon. Police are also ISO these guys who robbed a Domino's, who wisely took the money and left the pizza (what's on smurfhat guy's crotch? Looks like a rectangular codpiece..).

More on the search for Phylicia Barnes; Barnes' mom is understandably livid that "20 different guys" were in and out of the apartment on the night 16-year-old Phylicia went missing. .... so Cham was the one who had them searching Leakin Park, which is a little funny in a macabre waste-of-your-tax-dollars sort of way (is the FBI also digging up your basement, Cham?). Groused Peter Hermann, "It took more than 100 cops seven hours to thoroughly search just the area that the poster directed them too. (sic) ... the written word is powerful, and shouldn't be written in haste."

The 2011 mayor's race is getting crowded

Another candidate looking to challenge SRB

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

...condemned to repeat it

The FBI has joined the search for missing NC teen Phylicia Simone Barnes, and detectives are searching Leakin Park. UPDATE: the search proved fruitless

Senator tells WBAL executions in MD won't resume any time soon

More on the mysterious murder of Hezikah Wilson III

Prosecutor tries, fails to keep renegade Shomrim member Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim from visiting Isreal

WTF? Douglas Lee Patrick, 39, posed online as an 18-year-old cancer-stricken lesbian named "Leah" to entice teenage girls into sending him crotch shots .. and it worked

SRB wants tougher gun laws, including a minimum 18-month sentence for illegal firearms.

Campaign finance report sheds light on the law's many, many loopholes

Former JZ reporter arrested again (!), this time for violating a protective order

Tort-ure: Writer & blogger Bruce Goldfarb fires an opening salvo in la guerre de les Hons, meanwhile, a third anti-hon protest is in the works for next Saturday. They are starting to scare me a little.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sun: Bernstein's being was sworn in

The Sun queerly reports: "Baltimore's new state's attorney was being officially sworn in Monday morning at the Clarence M. Mitchell Jr. Courthouse. Gregg L. Bernstein was scheduled to be sworn in about 7:45 a.m." .. here's a more readable story from the BBJ. Bernstein also announced some new staff members, including an executive state’s attorney for administration. And more details from the oddly age-obsessed Daily Record.

Ya think? Report says missing N.C. teen Phylicia Barnes "may have been abducted"

Shooting in Woodlawn last night & the 32-year-old victim left clothes behind. A witness reports the shooter was driving a white SUV.
Homicide victim #3 was ID'd as Hezikah Wilson, 38. Guy was out walking his damn dog. UPDATE: Fox reports that Wilson, left, was autistic and found shot around 6:30 p.m. last night on his front porch in the 1500 block of Plymouth Road.

Woman's body found on side of road in PGC

Who knew? "Baltimore Immigration Court is among the nation’s best"

Another attempted robbery stopped by a bad-ass officer at the right place at the right time, this one a U.S. Marshal in AAC who disarmed an 18-year-old about to rob the E Z Bee.

Retired bomb-sniffing dog & his Papillon pal are missing from Dundalk

Srsly? Hardcore hon-haters held a second protest at Roland & 36th (the story doesn't say when)

Says Anna Ditkoff, "Single Carrot Theatre is doing their annual reading of Murder Ink on Jan. 5 at 7 p.m. It will be outside their theater (120 W. North Avenue)." Bundle up, because that reading takes a long, long time...

Police Dept. press conference at 2 today to talk crime stats, you can watch it here

John Pontollilo invoked in Slate article entitled "Nerd Violence"

Three days, three homicides

The city's third murder victim of the year is a 38-year-old man who was shot on Sunday evening.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


.... a 16-year-old boy shot to death in the 500 block of N. Lakewood Ave.
Update: Id'd as Marquise Hall.

Baltimore City Councilman James B. Kraft has asked Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld III for a response to TDR's "wrong Shapiro" story, to no avail

Bernstein to be sworn in tomorrow, no news on where, what time or by whom. .. odd that I was invited to O'Malley's inauguration (considering I didn't vote for him) but not Bernstein's, no?

Saturday, January 1, 2011


unID'd 21-year-old man stabbed to death in the 1500 block of Hazel Street, the Sun reports you are/were the first homicide of 2011.

.. and two hours later, the first juvenile shooting of the year, a 17-year-old capped in the chest in the 1500 block of Fulton Ave

former JZ reporter turned assault suspect Dennis Edwards tells the Sunpapers that the police report "is not what it appears." (Wonder how Jeff Quinton got wind of that story ...)


Homicide 223 of 2010 was a "49-year-old man ... found dead Friday morning of a gunshot wound to the head in the area of Montford and McElderry streets in Southeast Baltimore"

A 16-year-old North Carolina girl visiting family in town went missing Tuesday and hasn't been seen since

Dennis Edwards, former WJZ reporter and spokesman for "Prez Jack" Young arrested for second-degree assault and reckless endangerment Wednesday

Someone claiming to be the cousin of a man shot and killed while attempting to rob the Laurel Dunkin Donuts claims his/her cousin wasn't armed or robbing the store and says "THE GUY KILLED MY COUSIN, HE MESSED WITH THE WRONG FAMILY......"

after the deeply skeevy case of roving abortionistas Steven C. Brigham, 88-year-old George Shepard Jr., and Nicola I. Riley, lawmakers want to require abortions only be performed at licensed surgical clinics

Deep symbolism alert: in 2009 Bealefeld spent New Year's personally arresting two gun-toting yahoos, last night he and Bernstein pushed a broken-down car out of an intersection.

... scroll down for full list of 2010 homicides-- thank you TAB for compiling these.

2010 homicides

223-- an amazingly low number. Not only that, but Fenton reports that police have arrested 40,000 fewer people than they did in 2005, the heyday of "zero tolerance"

Last year we had 238 homicides,
2008 was 234;
2007 was 291;
2006 was 274;
2005 was 269.
We've blogged 1,291 murders.

  • 223. Bernard Clowney, 50, Montford and McElderry St. (12/31)

  • 222. David King, 25, 5503 Richard Ave. (12/29)

  • 221. Raymond Woodland, 20, 2100 block of Boyd St. (12/26)

  • 220. Keith Robinson, 23, 4100 block of Ridgewood Ave. (12/25)

  • 219. Issac Joyner, 14, 1000 block of Ashburton St. (12/23)

  • 218. Mustafa Malik, 43, 2900 Mathews St. (12/22)

  • 217. Juan Carlos Santos-Hernandez, 29, 3700 block of Mt. Pleasant Ave. (12/22)

  • 216. Micha Crane, 10 Months, 1900 block of W. North Ave. (Died: September 2010)(Added: 12/20)

  • 215. Ellison McCall, 30, 1400 block of Homestead Ave. (12/18)

  • 214. Brian Taylor, 23, 6000 block of Marjorie Lane (12/18)

  • 213. Ramon Uceda, 26, N. Lakewood Ave. (12/18)

  • 212. Alethia Harris, 38, 3100 block of E. Monument St. (12/18)

  • 211. Karen Ferrell , 42, 1800 block of E. 29th St. (12/18)

  • 210. Cherrie Gammon, 25, 1400 block of Franklintown Rd. (12/12)

  • 209. Travis Baltimore, 24, 3400 block Virginia Ave. (12/10)

  • 208. David Carter, 20, 2800 block of Westwood Ave. (12/08)

  • 207. Dante Sweeney, 22, 5300 block of Loch Raven Bvd. (12/07)

  • 206. Tammy Madison, 45, 2400 Greenmount Ave. (Died: 2/16/10)(Added: 12/03)

  • 205. Troy Thomas, 26, ‎1900 block of East 30th St. (12/03)

  • 204. Raquan Campbell. 15, S. Payson St. and W. Pratt St. (12/02)

  • 203. Robin Patterson, 51, 4400 block of Belvieu Ave (11/25)

  • 202. Davon Douglas, 28, ‎1839 Eagle St. (11/24)

  • 201. Derrick Cross, 29, 4406 Plainfield. (11/24)

  • 200. Patrick Dolan, 19, 3500 Juneway. (11/23)

  • 199. Wilbur Street, 52, 4700 block of Haldane Rd. (Shot: 08/29/82)(Died: 11/21)

  • 198. Charles Burrell, 24, 400 block of N. Loudon Ave. (11/22)

  • 197. Sharon Jones, 28, 1700 block of Aisquith St. (11/21)

  • 196. Carlton Sellman, 19, 400 block of South East Ave. (11/20)

  • 195. Jerry Thomas, 29, 1500 block of Poplar Grove Rd. (11/19)

  • 194. Marcus Brown, 20, West Lanvale St. and North Payson St. (11/16)

  • 193. David Hopkins, 19, 400 block of South East Ave. (11/13)

  • 192. Sherrod Mason, 25, 1900 block of W. Baltimore St. (11/13)

  • 191. Eric Dozier, 25, 1500 block of Roundhill Rd. (11/09)

  • Suspicious Death, Unidentified Male, 900 block of N. Broadway. (11/09)

  • 190. Derrius Currie, 21, 800 W. Lexington St. (11/06)

  • 189. Winslow Thomas, 44, 2200 Kloman St. (Assaulted: 10/22/10)(Died: 11/03)

  • 188. Edwin Green Jr., 43, 3600 block of Fairview Ave. (10/29)

  • 187. Kevin Anderson, 31, South Woodyear St. (11/04)

  • 186. Jerry Harden, 21, 7000 block of McClean Bvd. (11/04)

  • 185. Malcolm Hill, 53, 2500 block of Robb St. (11/02)

  • 184. Andrew Joyce, 23, 500 block of Mosher St. (11/01)

  • Suspicious Death, Unidentified Male, 3600 block of Fairview Ave. (10/29)

  • 183. Jovanna Mitchell, 20, 2300 block of Braddish Ave. (10/31)

  • Suspicious Death, Unidentified Male, 500 block of North Luzerne Ave. (10/30)

  • 182. Dobia Wright, 46, 400 block of South Vincent St. (10/28)

  • 181. Ronald Clark, 18, 3500 Carsdale Ave. (10/26)

  • 180. William Spears, 63, 1700 block of McKean Ave. (10/25)

  • 179. Durrell Buroughs, 19, 1200 block of N. Milton Ave.(10/25)

  • 178. Alan Chavis, 16, 4000 block of Barrington Rd. (10/26)

  • 177. Mary Williams, 48, 2000 block of E. Oliver St.(10/25)

  • 176. Calvin McNair, 20, 2100 block of East Monument St. (10/23)

  • 175. Monta Hunt, 25, 2100 block of West Fayette St. (10/23)

  • 174. Brian Stevenson, 38, 2800 block Hudson St. (10/17)

  • 173. Khloe Lewis, 6 Months, 3800 block of Glengyle Ave. (10/13)

  • 172. Sherman Payne, 56, 800 block of N. Brice St. (10/13)

  • 171. Harvey McCall, 42, 2600 block of Shirley Ave. (10/11)

  • Suspicious Death, Unidentified Male, 800 block of North Fremont Ave. (10/10)

  • 170. Dennis Waddell, 33, 1600 block of Warwick Ave. (10/10)

  • 169. James Ingram, 46, 3000 block of Presbury St. (10/10)

  • 168. Travis Lane, 19, 3500 block of N. Calvert St. (10/09)

  • 167. Daryll Hood, 4700 block of Shamrock Ave. (10/09)

  • 166. Michael Morrell, 51, 3100 block of Grantley Ave. (10/09)

  • 165. Sterling Palmer, 78, 2600 block of Edison Highway. (10/09)

  • 164. Kirk Carter, 22, 2300 block of Sidney Ave. (10/05)

  • 163. Randol Buncombe, 24, 2700 block of Claflin Court . (10/05)

  • 162. Arthur Peacock, 34, 800 W. Lexington St. (9/30)

  • 161. Ardrey Murphy, 28, 5500 Bowleys Lane. (9/29)

  • 160. Yassmin Lindo, 36, 1900 block of McKean Ave. (9/28)

  • 159. Donnie Martin, 38, 3100 block of Chelsea Terrace (9/25)

  • 158. James Schools, 31, 1500 block of N. Broadway St. (9/23)

  • 157. Sean Cooper, 20, 3200 block of Belair Rd. (9/22)

  • 156. George Lewis, 25, 1200 block of Bonaparte Ave. (9/19)

  • 155. Isaiah White, 28, 2900 block of Edgewood St. (9/19)

  • 154. Cecelia Mitchell , 66, 1500 block of North Stricker St. (9/17)

  • 153. Jean Davis, 84, 600 N. Wolfe St. (9/16)

  • 152. Willie Johnson, 30, 1700 Kane St. (9/13)

  • 151. Marcel Burton, 33, 2600 Baker St. (9/09)

  • 150. Robert Lockett, 48, 2630 Quantico Ave. (Assaulted: 6/22/10)(Died: 8/04)

  • 149. Thomas Vas, 35, 800 block of Allendale St. (9/08)

  • 148. Levern Domneys, 20, 2000 block of Baker St. (9/03)

  • 147. Ankush Gupta, 22, 330 S. Calvert St. (Died: 8/27/08)(Added: 8/30)

  • 146. Datea Scott-Smith, 30, 500 block of East Lynne Ave. (9/02)

  • 145. Nathaniel Santiago, 31, 5200 block of Harris Ave. (8/31)

  • 144. John Lemon Jr, 44, 2600 block of Reisterstown Rd. (8/30)

  • 143. Louis Scott, 29, 2700 block of Parkwood Ave. (8/30)

  • 142. Carrington McNutt, 23, Patapsco Arena on Annapolis Rd. (8/28)

  • 141. Albert Bethea, 57, 700 block of E. Eager St. (8/26)

  • 140. Contray Merchant, 29, 5100 block of Queensberry Ave. (Assaulted: 8/6/07)(Died: 5/17)

  • 139. Jose Rodolfo Gonzalez-Coreas, 43, 100 block of N. Linwood. (8/22)

  • 138. Martin Reyes, 51, 200 block of North Kenwood Ave. (8/21)

  • 137. Franklin Spencer, 39, 1500 W. Lanvale St. (Died: 2004)(Added: 8/16)

  • 136. Donald Carter, 39, 700 W. Franklin St. (8/16)

  • Suspicious Death, Unidentified, 35, 100 block of E. Fayette St. (8/17)

  • 135. Isaiah Gordon, 20, 400 block of E. Chase St. (8/15)

  • 134. Andre Graham, 28, 3500 block of Horton Ave. (8/13)

  • 133. Westley Lewis, 19, 2000 block of Robb St. (8/13)

  • Suspicious Death, Harsh Kumar, 30, 200 block of N. Charles. (8/12)

  • 132. Gerald Gray, 35, 3100 Edison Highway. (8/12)

  • 131. Shelred Carr, 58, 3400 block of Garrison Blvd. (8/12)

  • 130. Shawn Wright, 30, 1600 block of N. Broadway. (8/11)

  • 129. Tavon Caldwell, 25, 2200 Germania Ave. (8/08)

  • 128. Theodore Corwin, 30, 1900 McHenry St. (8/07)

  • 127. Christopher Miller, 24, 700 block of Lennox St. (8/07)

  • 126. Martin York, 45, Shipley St. (8/07)

  • 125. Jarrod Covel, 20, 2800 Clifton Park Terrace. (8/06)

  • 124. Dionndra Dugger, 20, 2600 block of Quantico Ave. (8/01)

  • 123. Milton Hill, 70, 1200 E North Ave. (7/30)

  • 122. Shawn Crawford, 36, 5200 block of Florence Ave. (7/30)

  • 121. Steven Harris, 38, 4200 block of Pimlico Rd. (7/22)

  • 120. Emmanuel Thomas, 21, 200 E. Fafayette Ave. (7/29)

  • 119. Corey Sims, 19, 5100 Harford Rd. (7/27)

  • 118. Jermaine Parker, 24, 5100 Williston St. (7/27)

  • 117. John Hall, 30, 1500 block of Lanhorne Ct. (7/25)

  • 116. Stephen Pitcairn, 23, 2600 block of St. Paul St. (7/25)

  • 115. Juan Hernandez, 27, 6900 block of McClean Bvd. (7/24)

  • 114. Justin Kendrick, 24, 300 block of E. Lafayette St. (7/24)

  • 113. Jamison Ford, 30, 6900 block of McClean Bvd. (7/23)

  • 112. Curtis Williams, 26, 4200 block of 10th St. (7/22)

  • 111. Lonnie Howie Jr., 42, 300 block of N. Schroeder St. (7/20)

  • 110. Jovon Perry, 27, 3800 block of Park Heights Ave. (7/17)

  • 109. John Sandy, 73, 3500 block of Elm Ave. (7/13)

  • 108. Yolanda Howard, 35, 100 block of West 22nd St. (7/07)

  • 107. Ramah Reid, 26, 5200 block of Cuthbert Ave. (7/07)

  • 106. Vance Williams, 19, E. Hoffman and N. Caroline St. (7/06)

  • 105. John Crowder, 17, 2600 Garrett Ave. (7/05)

  • 104. Antwan Pullen, 23, 2000 N. Wolfe St. (6/28)

  • 103. Jason Rogers, 30, 1000 block of N. Patterson Park Ave. (7/04)

  • 102. Warren Mitchell, 24, 1600 block of N. Port St. (7/03)

  • 101. Raynard Johnson, 24, 2400 block of Druid Hill Ave. (6/20)

  • 100. Chase Love, 26, 200 block of E. Baltimore St. (7/02)

  • 99. Renardo Broom, 16, 700 block of W. North Ave. (7/01)

  • 98. Phillip Bundy, 28, 1500 block of Carswell St. (6/29)

  • 97. Gloria Harrod, 47, 5200 block of Saint Charles Ave. (6/26)

  • Suspicious Death, Michael Artis, 43, 2800 block of Rockrose Ave. (6/27)

  • 96. Eric Williams, 28, 2600 block of W. Fayette St. (6/27)

  • 95. Evando Minor, 23, 3300 block of Noble Ave. (6/26)

  • 94. Wesley Lashley, 29, 3100 block of Woodland Ave. (6/21)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified, 1200 block of W. Cross St. (6/23)

  • 93. Tyree Page, 34, 500 block of McMechen St. (6/21)

  • 92. Larry Griffin, 25, 2900 block of Spelman Rd. (5/22)

  • 91. Durell Cartwright, 30, 400 N. East Ave. (6/21)

  • 90. Daniel Payne, 55, 2500 Winchester St. (6/20)

  • 89. Marquell Turner, 19, 1900 block of Washington St. (6/19)

  • 88. Derrick Pinkney, 33, 700 block of N. Fulton Ave. (6/15)

  • 87. Avon Beasley, 25, 200 N. Rose St. (6/13)

  • 86. Spencer Williams, 22, 1100 New Hope Circle. (6/11)

  • 85. Tyrone Brown, 32, East Eager St. (6/04)

  • 84. Matthew Martin, 31, 1300 Richardson St. (4/09)

  • 83. Glennie Reid, 83, 1200 block of N. Augusta Ave. (6/07)

  • 82. Mark Zimmerman, 44, 6000 block of Moravia Park Drive (6/04)

  • 81. Israel Johnson Jr, 19, 1600 Block of Bruce Ct. (6/01)

  • 80. Deandre Leeper, 27, 500 block of North Fulton St. (6/01)

  • 79. Kevin Belton, 44, 4800 block of Truesdale Ave. (5/31)

  • 78. Don Rice, 59, 3900 block of Loch Raven Bvd. (5/31)

  • 77. Michael Hatch, 32, First block of South Pulaski St. (5/30)

  • 76. Damon Chase, 30, First block of South Pulaski St. (5/30)

  • 75. Alvin Martin, 28, 2100 block of Ramsay St. (5/30)

  • 74. Ronald Anderson, 30, 4000 block of Pennington Ave. (5/29)

  • 73. Davon Dorsey, 18, 400 block of N. Rose St. (5/29)

  • 72. Timothy Gaskins, 22, East Monument St and North Luzeme Ave. (5/29)

  • 71. Donte Vandiver, 19, 900 block of N. Belnord Ave. (5/24)

  • 70. Jimmy Elton, 19, 3000 block of W. North Ave. (5/21)

  • 69. Jamie Hilton-Bey, 35, 2300 block of Lauretta Ave. (5/20)

  • 68. Mark Crockett, 34, 200 block of S. Spring Ct. (5/15)

  • 67. Michael Pryor, 32, 2800 Harford Rd. (5/15)

  • 66. Jerome Booze Jr., 30, 3313 block of Paton Ave. (5/14)

  • 65. Michael Carroway, 49, West Cold Spring Ln. and Daytona Ave. (5/12)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified, 441 Nicoll Ave. (5/11)

  • 64. Betsy Riggin, 29, Hanover St. and Washburn Ave. (5/06)

  • 63. George Toe, 30, 900 block of North Hill St. (5/08)

  • 62. Jerome Simmons, 35, 900 block of North Hill St. (5/08)

  • 61. Anthony Crist, 42, 500 block of North Collington Ave. (5/08)

  • 60. David Beers, 49, 1000 W. Lexington St. (5/05)

  • 59. Wayne Clark, 36, Hanover St. and Washburn Ave. (5/06)

  • 58. Jonathan Byrd, 26, 2100 block of Frederick Ave. (5/04)

  • 57. Andrew Copeland, 16, 1500 block of W. Fayette St. (5/03)

  • 56. David Mitchell, 16, 800 block of W. Lexington St. (4/29)

  • 55. Dwayne Majett, 30, 500 block of Chateau Ave. (4/27)

  • 54. David Woods, 31, 1100 block of Bayard St. (4/25)

  • 53. Ramie Mays, 18, 4800 block of Liberty Heights Ave. (4/25)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified Man, 6000 block of Park Heights Ave. (4/26)

  • 52. Kevin Hyslop, 33, 1800 block of N. Fulton Ave. (4/20)

  • 51. Melonie Hamber, 2, 2000 block of East Hoffman St. (4/18)

  • 50. Sean Johnson, 40, 5400 block of Narcissus Ave. (4/18)

  • 49. Branden Bowser, 23, 1200 Block of East North Ave. (4/17)

  • 48. Jamal Thomas, 30, 1100 block of North Milton St. (4/17)

  • 47. Gavin Campbell, 24, 4100 block of Kershaw Ave. (4/17)

  • Suspicious death, Jose Portillo, 36, 1700 block of Thames St. (4/15)

  • 46. Anthony Walker, 36, 5300 block of Denmore Ave. (4/11)

  • 45. Nelson Armstrong, 20, 1100 block of E. North Ave. (4/11)

  • 44. Damon Minor, 21, Greenmount Ave. and 33rd St. (4/10)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified Woman, 418 Gusryan St. (4/08)

  • 43. Sean Ramseur, 40, Glenwood Ave and York Rd. (4/08)

  • 42. Charles Bowman, 72, 2900 block of Greenmount Ave. (4/08)

  • 41. Raymond Langford Jr., 25, 2200 Fleetwood Ave (4/06)

  • 40. Michael Thomas, 27, 1900 Eagle Dr. (3/29)

  • 39. Antonio Wilson, 28, 1st block of N. Calverton Rd. (3/28)

  • 38. Charles Bowman, 16, 1400 block of North Luzerne Ave (3/27)

  • 37. Phillip Holmes, 22, 2200 block of Roselawn Ave. (3/23)

  • 36. Michael Holt, 20, 2600 block of Grogan Ave. (3/23)

  • 35. Darron Dorsey, 27, 3424 Park Heights Ave. (3/21)

  • 34. Carlos Williams, 50, 1900 block of Boone St. (3/21)

  • 33. Donte Gee, 25, 3200 block of Belair Rd. (3/18)

  • 32. Asia Carter, 37, North Howard St. and West 25th St. (3/15)

  • 31. Daniel C. Dixon, 25, Frankford Ave and Moravia Park Dr. (3/15)

  • 30. Rajahnthon Haynie, 2 months, Druid Hill Park (3/14)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified Man, W. Mulberry and N. Greene St. (3/13)

  • 29. Donatello Fenner, 22, 2600 block of N. Calvert St. (3/11)

  • 28. Lee McCoy, 44, 200 block of South Arlington Ave. (3/03)

  • 27. Jamal Rogers, 20, 2100 block of W. Fayette St. (3/05)

  • 26. Alvin McMiller, 23, 4300 block of Belair Rd. (3/04)

  • 25. Kenly Wheeler, 29, 1400 block of N. Caroline St. (3/04)

  • 24. Dejuan Green, 23, 1500 block of N. Fulton Ave. (2/25)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified Man, 24, Lovegrove St.(2/24)

  • 23. Timothy Chase, 35, 1400 block of N. Dukeland St. (2/23)

  • 22. Leonard Gee, 28, 3500 block of Cliftmont Ave. (2/21)

  • 21. James Ball, 38, 10 Light St. (2/20)

  • Suspicious death, Unidentified Woman, 45, 2400 block of Greenmount Ave.(2/17)

  • 20. David Scott, 35, Ruxton Ave. and Presbury St. (2/17)

  • 19. Adam Couther, 27, 700 block of N. Lakewood Ave. (2/17)

  • 18. Daron Howard, 21, 3200 block of Woodland Ave. (2/16)

  • 17. Rodney Stephens, 38, 1200 block of Bentalou St. (2/07)

  • 16. Damien Osacoca, 24, 4000 block of Massachusetts Ave. (2/06)

  • 15. Shaun Henderson, 30, 2400 block of Loyola Southway (2/05)

  • 14. Juan Tucker, 34, 2100 block of Edmondson Ave. (2/03)

  • 13. John England, 27, 2200 block of N. Monroe St. (2/01)

  • 12. Kevin Davis, 31, 851 West Fayette St. (1/28)

  • 11. Michael Manning, 35, 1900 block of Aisquith St. (1/25)

  • 10. Darius Ray, 20, 6900 McClean Blvd (1/23)

  • 9. Raymond Gibson, 21, 1700 block of N. Caroline St. (1/19)

  • 8. Darius Goines, 19, 1000 block of Pennsylvania Ave. (1/18)

  • 7. James Jackson, 27, West Franklin St. at Paca St. (1/18)

  • 6. Darnell Taylor, 48, 2300 block of W. North Ave. (1/16)

  • 5. Sean Johnson, 41, 1300 N. Milton Ave. (1/07)

  • 4. Derrick Taylor, 20, 3900 block of Eierman Ave.(1/10)

  • 3. Darel Alston, 38, 900 block of N. Glover St. (1/10)

  • 2. Antonio Lashley, 21, 100 block of North Franklintown Rd. (1/6)

  • 1. Marcal Walton, 33, Reisterstown Rd and Ocala Ave. (1/3)
  • Wednesday, December 29, 2010

    Some enchanted evening...

    222 = man shot to death in the 5500 block of Richard Ave. in front of the Visions Banquet Hall, a block away from Clementine.

    A retired officer shot a would-be robber at Judy's Island Grill & Bake Shop on Park Heights, and the suspect is not expected to be irie.

    Enchantment of the Seas indeed! Cruise ship crew busted with cocaine and heroin

    Shirley Watts appointed to the Court of Special Appeals

    Owners of Club Reality complain of police harassment (reality.. who wants to go to a club for that?!)