The Ink adds two new names to the toll.
A suspect is at large after robbing a Rite Aid on Security Blvd. and kidnapping an employee.
The Court of appeals has ruled that a prison inmate’s confession to investigators that he molested a child can’t be used against him.
Another "Stop Fucking Snitching" figure is about to get some time. "Tremain Arrnel Tazewell admitted in federal court Tuesday that he worked with a conspirator who bought heroin in New York" (the headline is deceiving, Tazewell faces a max of 20 years but has not been sentenced yet).
New school year, new efforts to increase the peace. (Doesn't Exhibit A have the best covers?!)
And, on John Watch, a fresh hooker 'round the elementary school!
Bail bondsman Valdez V. Fisher Jr.: "an arrestee’s access to freedom is far too immediate and convenient."
Media Blabber: CP on the Sun-related blogs.
Lynn Anderson left journalism and moved to France!
What the?!: Two brothers who ran a Philadelphia funeral home have pleaded guilty to selling corpses to a company that trafficked in stolen body parts, including Alistair Cooke's!
(Insert "Master's Pieces Theatre" joke here)