A sheriff's deputy was injured this morning after a gun "went off" inside the Juvenile Justice Center.
That gun control amendment passed the Senate, mega-rallies are planned for A-town. Fingerprinting gun owners! Barring the mentally ill! Letting cops check gun-store records! The very nerve and gall!
Speaking of crazy people, Joshua Caesar, blinded in a barbed-wire-wrapped baseball-bat attack by cannibal coed Alexander Kinuya, is suing Morgan State U. for not doing enough* to protect the public.
How crappy were Robbert Gladden's parents? Aside from having unsecured weapons around, the teen told a detective he's had suicidal thoughts since the 4th grade, but apparently no one in his family noticed and/or did anything to try to get him help.

Aiieee creepy Dundalk child porn guy!! A million dollar bail for one child-porn charge?
Softest kitties, sharpest claws-- bar patrons at Kitty's Lounge successfully disarmed a knife-wielding man.
A source says that the mayoral candidate murdered in Mississippi, Marco McMillian, was president of the board of Pigtown Main Street (NYT link). Twenty-two year old Lawrence Reed has been charged with his murder.
Police identify pair fatally shot on Sunday night in 1700 block Montpelier; Maurice Barfield; 33; and Shantese Evans, 26
— Justin Fenton (@justin_fenton) February 28, 2013
That gun control amendment passed the Senate, mega-rallies are planned for A-town. Fingerprinting gun owners! Barring the mentally ill! Letting cops check gun-store records! The very nerve and gall!
Speaking of crazy people, Joshua Caesar, blinded in a barbed-wire-wrapped baseball-bat attack by cannibal coed Alexander Kinuya, is suing Morgan State U. for not doing enough* to protect the public.
How crappy were Robbert Gladden's parents? Aside from having unsecured weapons around, the teen told a detective he's had suicidal thoughts since the 4th grade, but apparently no one in his family noticed and/or did anything to try to get him help.

Aiieee creepy Dundalk child porn guy!! A million dollar bail for one child-porn charge?
Softest kitties, sharpest claws-- bar patrons at Kitty's Lounge successfully disarmed a knife-wielding man.
A source says that the mayoral candidate murdered in Mississippi, Marco McMillian, was president of the board of Pigtown Main Street (NYT link). Twenty-two year old Lawrence Reed has been charged with his murder.