A bloody weekend:* a murder yesterday in the 1300 block of Longwood (who
Cham ID's as Kennard Buckner, a
forklift operator) ; Devon Bultler, 26, was killed near Ramsay and South Calhoun Streets and an unidentified 47-year-old man was also shot in the torso during the same incident, the current toll is 210.
The man shot in the 900 block of Watson Street (near the shot tower) was
ID'd as Raymond Gordon, 31.*
With the homicide rate spiking, and seven months after the BPD paid some Massachusetts consulting firm $285k to come up with a plan in 90 days to "revamp" the department,
Jack Young is all like, hey Batts, Where's the plan?* And Batts is all like, stop pressuring me! And Young is like, you'd best get in here and answer some questions, and Batts is like, look, it's Baltimore, everything moves slow, and the
Sun is like, Batts has a Master's degree, can't he think up a plan on his own? And then Robert Cherry is all like, Hey! Look! The police union has a plan! It's based on our real-real Baltimore policing experience and you all can have it for free! and everyone is like, lalalalala, we can't hyearrr you!
Have you seen this
guy who robbed the Subway sandwich shop* in the 4600 block of W. Northern Parkway?

Vroom vroom, bitchez! The city's
speed cameras have officially been "mothballed,"* with the city attempting to cut ties with the contractor Brekford. No comment from Brekford though
their stock is like
[sad tuba sound effect].
A "non-affiliate" was
robbed of a messenger bag near JHU.
No way,
two more Towson University students were robbed, this time on the 1300 block of Hillsway court and at gunpoint. I thought
they caught those dudes, but apparently not, or there's more now.
Speaking of the county, fuck you Scott Jacobson. I'm
glad the iPad you bought in a gas station parking lot was fake. Because if it was real, then it would be stolen from some poor slob. Dear reader, if some twat approaches you in a parking lot with some too-cheap something, call the fucking police! It bears repeating, if you have stuff like iPads, laptops, etc,
get yourself a cheap little carbide etching pen, skritch your name or phone number or your house sigil on it. That won't keep it from getting stolen, but at least it will slow down Dicky McParkinglot and will help you identify it if it is recovered.
And a feel-good crime story: a
Homeland woman's bikes getting stolen helped her find her missing African spur tortoise, Tortley. Tortley is now snuggled in warm hay, "alert and surprised."
I don't get it. |
Wired: how operation
"Marco Polo" took down the Silk Road (Marco Polo? Get it? Get it?)
Speaking of the Silk Road, here's a mildly interesting story that explains why
opium smoking went out of style and heroin moved in.
I just heard about for the first time from an infographic next to
New York Magazine's abortion cover story: the allegation that sometime between 2012 and now Maryland passed a law that limits insurance coverage for abortions. An
August 2013 chart from the National Women's Law Center seems to show this is not the case and even the right-to-lifers, generally on top of this stuff like Chris Christie on a ham sandwich,
don't seem to know anything about it. So an
NYMag mistake, or is there something to this? Also in
Sheila Dixon, "Rap-Sheet Mayor."
Also in "women's law"-- the story of a
PA judge who ordered a mom to stop breastfeeding so her ex-husband could have overnights with the baby leads to the tidbit that
only Maine has a law that compels family court judges to take breastfeeding status into account when determining custody.