Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Federal Witness Murder Trial Starts

Trial is set to begin today down at the federal courthouse for James Dinkins, Melvin Gilbert and Darron Goods, "Special" gang members accused of killing murder witness John P. Dowery Jr. in Thanksgiving of 2006. Julie Bykowicz and Matthew Dolan covered this story way back then. Gilbert and Goods face the big D if convicted.

A couple convicted of charges that they paralyzed a man following a fight over a cleaning cart.

The State's Attorney's office reports that yesterday, after a jury was seated and his murder trial was moments away from starting, Anthony Thompson, 50, pled guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced to 30 years in prison, all but 15 years suspended, and five years probation. Sunpapers has the horrible details.

Fenton: educators tried to push gang leader's book of teachings on Mayor Dixon

DNA evidence links a man in MA to a 2003 home-invasion robbery and murder in Brooklyn.

Correction: the Hopkins Hospital identity-theft story from yesterday was actually not related to the other Hopkins Hospital identity theft story but is a completely new case!
Also, in the 60s, Hopkins tried to change a guy into a girl.

Exhibit A's Mike Silvestri: "Police officers’ failure to go to court in Baltimore last year allowed thousands of suspects, including nearly 200 charged with felonies, to walk free, according to state’s attorney’s office data."

Detroit Leaning = No Reason

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The Ink puts names to last week's murder numbers, including Anthony Griffin, 23, shot to death by a man he was walking with on Montebello Terrace (above) in Beverly Hills.

Legal opinion: the "Detroit Lean" is not cause for traffic stop

Leash-law outrage leads to lower fines, potential naked dog time at local parks and butt-scootingly wretched canine puns from local news media. What I want to know: whose idea were the higher fines in the first place?

Media blabber:
Bankruptcy judge says broke-azz Trib can pay managers bonuses, but not severance pay for employees laid off in December.

Midtown Attacks

Last Saturday night was a bad time to be in the general vicinity of the Belvedere hotel-- Hermann reports two apparently random attacks on passers-by at around 11:30.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Baltimore Inspector General Hilton Green has issued a report urging federal prosecutors to open the case of Baltimore businessman Robert Clay.

20 Years for Kiddie Heroin Dealer

Says the SAO:
Judge John N. Prevas sentenced Bland R. Gatewood, 33, of the 5900 block of Johnnycake Road to 20 years in prison today.

A Baltimore jury on April 1, 2009 convicted Gatewood of possession with intent to distribute heroin, possession of heroin and possession with intent to distribute heroin within 1,000 feet of a school.

On December 3, 2008 in the 2000 block of Linden Avenue police officers observed Gatewood standing across the street from PS 61, the John Eager Howard Elementary School. Police observed Gatewood engaging in a hand to hand transaction utilizing a ground stash and placed him under arrest. Police recovered 20 gel caps of heroin.
As you might suspect, this wasn't Gatewood's first brush with the law, he's been charged with armed robbery, carjacking, assault, burglary, etc etc etc.

... Chief Judge Prevas is by far the most beloved Circuit Court judge in Baltimore City, with more than twice the votes of the runner-up, the Honorable Gale E. Rasin.
Feds turn tables on cell-phone smugglers by smuggling in a dirty phone of their own. Meanwhile, the gov wants permission from the FCC to try to figure out how to jam prison cell-phone signals.

Jacques Kelly Sentenced to Crime Reporting

Formerly promising Sirlilar Stokes got 50 years for two gang-related shootings, reports Jacques Kelly (?!?!?)

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Blotter: "Police released the name Monday of the man fatally shot Friday morning in the 3000 block of Elgin Ave. as Deontae Carter, 24, of the 2300 block of N. Rosedale St."

Police tweet, "Miguel Rivera M/B/DOB-10/19/76 was arrested on 5/11/09 for the Att. Murder which occurred on 5/3/09 @ 3608 Roberts Place" also "SHOOTING: 700 E PRESTON, 2 ADULT MALES SHzOT."

A city sheriff's deputy has filed a million-dollar false-arrest suit against a city police sergeant

CP Guerrilla Family Portraits, part IV, Eric Marcell Brown. Fenton reports Brown's Black book endorsed by educators and former Mayoral candidate Audrey Bundley. Only in Baltimore!

Remember Michelle Johnson, the Hopkins Hospital employee who allegedly stole a kidney-transplant patient's ID to buy herself flooring, a tv and some underpants? Now someone else has accessed data of more than 10,000 patients, and scammed 30 victims with links to the hospital.

Schadenfreuderiffic: Teens injured when stolen car crashes

Media Blabber: if Tweets are to be believed, Post and NYT in talks with Google

Totally gratuitous: Balto. stripper claims Phelps "boasted of dope shame as he medalled with my bongs" (NSFW!)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Police robbing, road-raging and profiling; Plus, other heartening crime news

A former Baltimore City police cadet convicted as being the getaway driver in the armed robbery of a Parkville McDonald’s in October was sentenced to five years in prison Monday.

A Baltimore City policeman who is no stranger to controversy was arrested Friday and charged with assault and reckless endangerment in connection with a road rage incident in Harford County, Maryland State Police said Monday.

In the five years since Maryland State Police agreed to change procedures and policies to settle accusations of racial profiling of motorists, about 100 drivers lodged complaints of racial profiling.

A former Glenelg High School teacher will continue to serve his five-year sentence for sexually abusing a student, following an opinion released Monday by the state’s second-highest court rejecting the teacher’s appeal of his conviction.

A Baltimore inmate and former prison guard have pleaded guilty to extorting money from inmates and their families.

A 37-year-old maintenance man at a Pikesville apartment complex who was shot in the head during an argument three weeks ago died Saturday at Sinai Hospital from his injuries, Baltimore County police said Monday.

Hopkins Security: Get a Stunt Wallet

From the security bulletin:

3900 Block Tudor Arms Avenue

May 9, 2009 - 11:15 PM

On May 9th at 11:15 PM, two graduate students walking southbound observed two unknown males in front of them when a third unknown male stepped out from behind the students, pointed a handgun and demanded property. One student relinquished her purse; the other student handed over unknown amount of money.  The suspects were last seen running north toward West University Parkway.  No injuries.  Baltimore Police and Campus Officers searched the area with negative results.  A Campus Officer recovered the victim’s purse in a grassy area less her cell phone and wallet.  Investigation continuing.

When confronted with an armed robber the best thing to do safety-wise is to relinquish any property demanded. Consider carrying a second, disposable wallet with a small amount of cash which can be relinquished to a robber without great loss to you.
... also, perhaps suburbanites should consider renting a smaller, cheaper apartment downtown and appointing it with cheap appliances!

Beers, babies, brawls and brains

Parents are fighting mad at Chuck E. Bleeds.

Word of advice to school police officers: if your car gets dinged, keep your mouth shut

Warning to FB fans, taking an IQ test may prove costly

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Detectives Suspended

Reports Luke Broadwater, "Baltimore police have suspended two detectives after they allegedly dropped off a city juvenile in Howard County, leaving him stranded Monday night."

Gathering Threats

Insane! Murder defendant threatens a witness -- in front of the jury! Update: unshockingly, Lance was found guilty.

The Ink has last week's four homicides

Justin Fenton reports that Sherman Anderson, 32, accused in the murder of Qonta Waddell, has been arrested 37 times, "never serving significant jail time."

IV: a member of MS-13 credibly threatened the life of a Southeast district officer

Court docs: Youth mentor also a Black Guerrilla Family leader

Officer Tommy Saunders wants his trial moved out of the city

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another Reason to Hate Bank of America

They've always charged the worst fees in the biz and had a rep for stiffing employees, and now the world knows it's the suckiest bank currently sucking.
Now the amoral avatar known as "the bank" "says" it fingered the wrong perp by circulating pix of Hot Topic girl, whose pic was circulated after she was accused of grifting a senior citizen.
Deleting posts now!
Sorry Hot Topic girl!
Note to self: you can't overuse the word "allegedly"


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A 48-year-old man was found shot in a Waverly back yard.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Local hero

WMAR's Pete O'Neal is Baltimore's only overnight videographer, and the only one who works weekends.
Here's his coverage of last night's shooting of a 15-year-old who tried to rob an officer (on the right).

Byers spared!

Story here from Justin Fenton.
Of the TV stations, WJZ has the best coverage of this story, with interviews of Lackl's mom, Rod Rosenstein, and Byers' relatives.
WBAL's John Sherman reports Byers will be shipped to Terre Haute. No other source reports this, though Rod Rosenstein says "before we finish lunch today, Mr. Byers will be gone from Maryland."

Tooth-grinder of the day: Byers "was a loving father, just like Carl Lackl."
Comments from Hermann

Sun archive page of the Byers trial.

Judge: Underpaid Lawyer is No Excuse

"Maryland pays private defense lawyers assigned to capital cases far too little, but that’s no reason to prevent prosecutors from seeking the death penalty, an Anne Arundel County judge has ruled" in the case of one of the men accused of murdering correctional officer David W. McGuinn.

Terry Love's lawyer plans to sue prosecutors for defamation

CP: Live Entertainment Bill Gutted

Sunday, May 3, 2009

75, 76

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Last night's shooting on Milton Ave. proved fatal, the victim was named as William Jones, 26; Sunday morning, a 25-year-old man was shot in the 3300 block of Frederick Ave.