Thursday, July 16, 2009

More BPD drama

Fired BPD officer Francis Hamtilom claims a fellow cop is out to get her.


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A decomposing body found slumped in a car in the 3400 block of Lake Montebello drive deemed "suspicious" a homicide. Police first reported that the body had been shot, then Tweeted "Med Examiner working to confirm cause of death. initially reported as shooting, further exam needed" More from a local message board (thanks Sean!) Isn't that near the old O'Malley place?

Police are ISO a woman for the shooting at the 7400 Club in Rosedale (is that what passes for "medium build" these days?)

Oh dear God no! Anything but that! GPS monitoring company "called in for meetings" following teen shooting preschooler mit anklet

Jeffrey Anderson reports on the case of Jonathan Luna: six years later, suicide theories more plausible (via CP)

Ew. Reisterstown man pleads guilty to pimping teens at a truck stop

No-show cop gets Reefers off the hook with the liquor board

Hagtown goth teen Danielle Black found guilty of soliciting dad's murder

What the?! "Soapy, severed bird's head seized at BWI" for the second time! What's that about?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Today in Crapulence

The victim at 500 S. Regester St. was ID'd as Josephine Lewatowski, 48, and a suspect, Dante McCray, was caught after CitiWatch spotted him putting a shotgun into the trunk of his Cadillac.

The Ink with this week's murders

CP: "Investors, mortgage fraud may complicate city's suit against Wells Fargo"

A reliable source says that Troy Harris has been removed from his position and reassigned to the Northern District patrol shift. WTF? Was his girlfriend 12? Was the picture beyond freaky? What am I missing?
UPDATE: the midnight shift, no less!

CSA: "a trial judge may tell prospective jurors that a criminal trial is unlike an episode of 'CSI'"

Crime prevention tip: paste baby photos on your car, GPS, laptop and cellphone

Calvert Hall student on the hot seat

SA has set a hearing date for the Calvert Hall student who allegedly tussled with a cop

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

DC Councilman's aide found dead in the harbor

Fire department divers located the body, according to police he was last seen on a boat Monday night

Police probe, take-home cars

The Baltimore City Council wants to know why internal adminstrative charges were dropped against dozens of officers. Meanwhile, if you wreck your city issued take-home car and you don't want anyone to know, don't worry the city legal department has your back.

124, 125

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Unidentified man, 38, 4000 block of Old York Road at Dumbarton Avenue (above); a woman shot in the head at 511 S. Regester St. (below) in Fells Point, via the Sun

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A total of five shootings since yesterday.

and another body in the Harbor.

Baby Shower of Bullets at Marlo's Kills Teen

What the?! In NY, a baby shower for the wife of Jamie Hector, the actor who played Marlo Stanfield in The Wire, ended in a gunfight that left a 17-year-old dead and two men injured.

Two more members of the cult accused of killing Javon Thompson are due to go on trial tomorrow, but will likely be postponed due to lack of lawyers.

Should cocaine use with "casual insouciance" keep an officer from his pension?

Idiotic cell-phone bill
goes to the US Senate

What goes around... Sinclair Broadcasting, Fox 45's parent company, may declare bankruptcy.

Monday, July 13, 2009


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A man shot at the Alameda & 30th and a barricade situation going on now in the 1500 block of E. 29th Street

Shocking Stats Dept.

Sunday night insomnia fun, courtesy of Olivia Bobrowsky: Comparing infant mortality and life expectancy in the SW to Roland Park or North Baltimore at
People in Roland Park live nineteen years longer than residents of the Southwest.
They're four miles apart!
(Also interesting: RP residents live a year longer than the residents of Homeland, and 10 years longer than denizens of the Hampden/Remington area)
(Average US life expectancy = 78 years)
It's also sobering to compare the SW to other countries, like, say, Libya.

More on from Hermann on the SW's crapulence

(bumping this post)
Does Baltimore need a dedicated prostitution court?


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A man found shot in a car in the usually very quiet area behind Mercy High School

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and a "suspicious" body found yesterday at 4009 Falls Road

A Hermann reader writes about the decades-long rivalry between the Old York Road and Cater Boys and the McCabe Avenue boys of Wilson Park, aka Pen Lucy.

an STSCI employee slapped by three female juveniles "for no apparent reason"

Policing the police

New allegations of unfair internal justice from a fired city officer may lead to a class action lawsut by female police officers

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A double shooting

.. on Fear Avenue. Seriously

Weird: Van Smith reports that the city's so-called biggest coke bust ever was the result of the defendant himself, Trenell David Murphy, leading police to the stash.

On Thursday a drug suspect caused mayhem when he fled into William Paca Elementary School

An 8-month-old boy was killed when he was caught in the crossfire in PG County

Baltimorean William Spencer, 49, accused of robbing a jewelry store and then taking an elderly couple hostage in Leesburg, VA

and a freezer geezer in AAC

Friday, July 10, 2009

119, 120

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Light for all, more light for some... Two murders and three nonfatal shootings crammed into a single paragraph in the local daily. Killed were an 18-year-old shot in the 1700 block of Division & Laurens Sts. two days ago, and an unidentified man last night at McElderry & Curley Sts.

Jayne Miller on the long, long record of Lamont Davis, accused of shooting 5-year-old Raven Wyatt whilst footloose and fancy-free.

Puhleaze. Troy Harris suspended over nudie pic mistakenly sent to the WBAL newsroom. (Wouldn't most people just laugh that off? Were they really freaky? Is his girlfriend 12?) Here's the newsroom address, just in case you would also like to send them some boobies.

Recent Supreme Court ruling could impact Baltimore vs. Wells Fargo

Ewiewieewew, just looking at the pic of the balding soccer coach arrested for sexting w/14-year-old is violating enough

Thursday, July 9, 2009

25 years for killer of Shaundretta Griffin, 14

Charles JakesCharles Jakes, 18, right, said he "didn't mean to kill Shorty", aka 14-year-old Shaundretta Griffin, and he shot himself in the thumb in the process of shooting her in the head. Yesterday, Jakes pled guilty to second-degree murder and use of a handgun. The SAO reports "Judge Martin P. Welch sentenced Jakes to 30 years in prison suspend all but 20 years for the murder count and a consecutive 20 years suspend all but five years for the handgun count for a total of 50 years suspend all but 25 years. Judge Welch placed him on five years probation."

Seven shootings

over the past two days

More on the bar raid

More details on the raid of Cheerleaders bar in Fells Point, including interesting info from Peter Hermann.