Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday crime summary

Knucklehead steals car, leads police on a chase, crashes into MTA Mobility vehicle.

Hookers and illegal immigrants in Howard County.

When the cops tell you to drop your assault rifle it's generally a good idea to do as they tell you. I've never heard of a "22-caliber assault rifle" though, sounds like the description of the weapon is a little questionable.

Dead body in Dundalk. Supposedly there are no signs of foul play, but OCME will be doing an autopsy.

A 29-year old man was shot dead near Westside Elementary School.

A new Gregg Bernstein ad is out. This one features the mother of murder victim Angelo Dangerfield. Dangerfield's alleged killers weren't prosecuted because there was only a single witness.

Bubbles, Troubles & Nuk Nuk

Judge David Ross: DNA evidence will be admitted in trial of alleged murderers of Ken Harris. And more on how the alleged killers were caught: "Weeks after the killing of Harris, an anonymous caller said he recognized one of the men in surveillance videos from the Northwood Shopping Plaza as 'Troubles,' one [of] two brothers known as 'Bubbles' and 'Troubles.'"

Dawson Family Blame Game Cont'd

Page Croyder: The Dawson Family and its Failed Response gets a response from Ditanya Madden, "star" of Gregg Bernstein's commericals, and Adam Meister gets a (sole) pro-Jessamy response on the Sun talk forums

... and Jessamy will be on the Marc Steiner show tonight from 5-6 on 88.9

Stand up and be counted!

One day left to vote for the City Paper's Best of Baltimore... we know what the best blog is, but what's "Best CSA" (under goods & services?) I'd have to say Fiscal Year '07, under chief judge Robert Bell -- that year was certioriari-riffic!
.. who's the best print journalist, do you think?

Task force shooting probed

A shooting during a warrant raid in 2008 in now being investigated by sheriff's department internal affairs

Saturday, August 28, 2010


How tough is Walbrook High? One Carrington McNutt was murdered and at least eight people were injured after a huge brawl broke out at the reunion and a guy went on a "stabbing rampage"
Update: stabbing rampage guy was ID'd as James Dixon

Another "possible homicide" in South Baltimore

A 17-year-old girl shot through the front door of her home on Belair Rd

Former pastor Kevin Pushia pled guilty to killing blind, disabled Lemuel Wallace to steal his life insurance money. Said his defense attorney, "Mr. Pushia made some poor decisions"

Quality reportage from WMAR: "Folks in Roland Park like to walk....that's how the neighborhood is sort of set up."

Farther afield: melee at Folsom Prison
Van Smith on the race for city sheriff

Friday, August 27, 2010

Go f-youself

So said 14-year-old murder suspect Arteesha Holt to a school police officer, according to a police report.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Some chutzpah!

Politicians in the Jessamy camp call the Bernstein "Dawson" ad offensive to the Dawson family ... apparently without talking to any family members! Says Carnell Dawson of the ad, "it makes some good points ... Nobody should be saying what they think we feel." No kidding!
Meanwhile, the back-and-forth goes on over who in the prosecutor's office dropped the ball on the Dawsons, and the NAACP is planning some sort of.. something.

ps. here's the Marge Shipley radio ad

pps., for the next round, Jessamy's going after Bernstein's experience as a defense attorney.

and ppps., hope you can come out for our Bernstein Meet & Greet, next Wednesday the 1st from 6- 7:30 at the Falls in Mt. Washington. (The candidate will be there then, but the fun will also go on after he leaves if you can't make it by 7:30). We plan to have some crime-themed drink specials, little snacks and a rollicking good time, and it would be nice if you could join/ RSVP to our Facebook group so we will know how many people to provide for.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Long Rod of the Law

A federal indictment for Steven Blackwell

Also 10 years for two-time armed carjacker

Ew gross, a decomposing body found near 25th and Guilford

"Man beaten by woman with baseball bat" while a "large crowd" looked on

Family says 14-year-old alleged murder perp was "unstable" & they tried to seek help for her mental health problems to no avail

County police ISO home-invading sex offender Lavar Rich

In Glen Burnie, man robbed while trying to help change a tire

Op-ed: "If I Hadn't Found Jesus, I'd Feel Pretty Shitty About My Crimes"

Don't call me dude

Guess it's safe to skate board at the Inner Harbor 'cause Officer Revieri has been fired.
more on the Roland Park Robbery

RP Robbery

A man and woman held up at gunpoint in the middle of the day near the Roland Park library yesterday

Another Bernstein Supporter

Marge Shipley, the mother of murdered witness Carl Lackl, has come out in support of Gregg Bernstein.

Somewhat off topic, but if the podcast of Shipley's interview on the Ed Norris show about a year and a half ago is still available I highly recommend listening to it. She gave the interview shortly after Patrick Byers was convicted and it was absolutely heart-wrenching to listen to.

The great debate

Candidates for top prosecutor job square off again, this time in Canton.