Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another missing girl

SolothiaSolothia Thomas, 14, left Overlea High School yesterday but never made it home.

Dancer a whistleblower

cherrie gammonFenton reports that murdered mom Cherrie Gammon, left (from Facebook), was also a drug addict, crack and heroin dealer, and police informant.

One Wood Cafe

Former police officer Bill Countess: "'The Wire' is a very accurate depiction of reality both on the street and within the Baltimore Police Department."

A new bill would put a special code on MD sex offenders' drivers' licenses

Here's a question: if "two dozen or so" people are outside the courthouse saying irrational, "inflammatory" things and acting out of "political opportunism," how many words should the local paper of record grant them? For what it's worth, so far this week the Sun's given the anti-Bernstein inflammatory opportunists 1,855 words (including the story, the editorial and related verbiage in a blog post); the inflammatory political-opportunists' protest at Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder's funeral garnered 1,074.
Lapping it up = grammatically challenged "Examiner" Hassan Giordano

County police release names of deceased bachelor-roommates found in Perry Hall

From the JHU security bulletin: "Indecent Exposure – One World CafĂ© – On Jan 25th at 7:00 PM, a non – affiliate observed a lone male at nearby table exposing himself. Upon being noticed the male left the establishment.  Baltimore Police and Campus Officer responded. Investigation continuing."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sadder than sad

Homicide victim #13 of 2011, Harry Hicks, was gunned down in front of his wife and preschool-aged children

.. in better news, Fenton reports that one Hassan Muhammed was arrested for the Dec. 12 murder of young mother Cherrie Gammon

"Bernstein Maps Out New Crime-Fighting Approach" to the city's legislative delegates, one that involves "satellite offices" and setting free alleged perps with bails less than $5,000

And Van Smith went to the sentencing of youth leader by day/BGF "city-wide commander" by night Todd "Donnie" Duncan, wherein Duncan boo-hooed that charges were "blown out of context" and his lawyer opined, "these guys were up to bad, but not a whole lot of bad." (is Van Smith the only reporter who goes to a courthouse anymore?)

Court of Appeals Judge to Retire

Judge Joseph F. Murphy Jr will be retiring from the Maryland Court of Appeals this August. Murphy has been a judge on the state's highest court since 2007.

It gets better

Gay marriage legislation introduced in the General Assembly; Don Dwyer's panties in twist. (John Waters: "I think we should just try to make heterosexual divorce illegal")

Monday, January 24, 2011

#s 14 & 15

Homicide #15, an unid'd 31-year-old man shot in the head & stomach this afternoon in the 500 block of S. Fulton Ave. UPDATE: the victim was ID'd as Damon Gilmore, and the address revised as the 1700 block of Cole St.

#14, Antonio Lamont Lee, 36, shot to death Sunday night while stopped at a traffic light on E. Monument St.

Good for O'Malley, trying to criminalize child neglect

New drug alert: "Bath salts," aka synthetic cathinone

Ten years for Darnell "Nelly" Savoy, a thrice-convicted narcotics possessor caught in the same room with two illegal handguns and some gelcaps

30 months in prison for hydrocodone-dealing dentist

It's Bernstein's first protest! Nine (or 10?) people protest in front of the courthouse against "hate group" Shomrim, and for some reason the Sun & the JiZ treat it like major news

Jury selection slated for Wednesday in dog-burning case .. if those boys get more time than Lakesha Haynie, I am going to pee myself.

Tow this

Who's calling around City Hall claiming the FBI is investigating the city's tow business?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Confrontations gone wrong

Homicide victim #13, Harry Hicks, was football coach of the Cherry Hill Eagles

High-larious! Man arrested in AAC after falling asleep with his headlights on and buds on his dashboard, a police search uncovered a pound of pot

Two new federal magistrates named, including a lawyer who defended Lee Boyd Malvo

A juvenile arrested after a "verbal confrontation" between packs of girls at the Towson Town Center

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who shot the detective...

Turns out there are plenty of questions being raised about the story of the detective who was shot in parking garage along with some evidence that contradicts his original story, including gunshot residue on his pants

Friday, January 21, 2011

Un. Frickin. Believable!!

Really?!?! No jail time for Lakesha Haynie, who pled guilty to killing her baby Rajahnthon by smothering him and burying him in Druid Hill Park, and p.s. his skull was fractured. Sickening! Could you imagine a parent who killed a baby in Towson by fracturing his skull, smothering him and denying him medical care getting no jail time?! Is there any possible explanation for this other than Judge Charles J. Peters finding no value in this child's life?!

Toke up with Montel

Rhidel Price, 21, fatally shot in Cherry Hill. Fenton uncovered a high school interview with him in '07 for

A 23-year-old man shot & killed in Severn

Fourteen years for Todd Duncan, a (city-funded) youth counselor who moonlit as the citywide commander of the Black Guerillas. (Says a commentor, "he is learning the hard way what happens when you cut in on the CIA's drug profits")

D'oh! A police report says that the detective shot in a parking garage this week may have shot himself. Does that mean he's paying for the SWAT team?

Go Bernstein! In his first press release, Big B announces that John Couplin, famous for abducting a Guilford resident in the trunk of his car last year, has been jailed on probation violations stemming from a theft charge.

Bad news, death penalty fans: Hospira, the U.S.' sole maker of lethal injection drugs, has ceased production

Felony charges dismissed against Shomrim member Eliyahu Eliezer Werdesheim; misdemeanor charges are still on the table, and now his brother Avi has been charged with something in connection to the incident where a teen was allegedly beaten and had his wrist broken.

Yeeks-- the bodies of two men who had been "deceased for some time" found in Perry Hall house

MS sufferer/payday-loan hawker Montel Williams in coming to town to push for medical marijuana

Blotter: Anderson Honda employee mugged, hack cab passengers robbed and a woman charged with aggravated assault (good!) for slapping and choking a child on S. Schroeder St

Evan of the City that Breeds is royally PO'd that Rikki Spector doesn't actually live in her district

Fenton on Rodericks at 1

This D.C. crime blogger is way more intense than I

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How fat is he?!

Comedy rules at Brockbridge Correctional Facility's talent night. "There were blind jokes and deaf jokes, and some long, graphic descriptions of pussy."

Murder Ink covers last week's two murders, of Wendell Woodard and Kevin Lewis.

There's a new First Assistant U.S. Attorney, one Stephen M. Schenning. He replaces Stuart Goldberg.

Ewewewewewie ew ew. With a side of EW!!: Dad of a 12-year-old autistic boy, "Rafael Luis Mieles, age 25, of Baltimore, pleaded guilty today to distributing child pornography in connection with an online ad he posted seeking to have sex with a father and son."

Dirt biker wins settlement

Man hit by police while sitting on dirt bike gets a fairly sizable payday, courtesy of city taxpayers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Police officer shot near HQ

Shot in the leg near headquarters, swat team looking for suspect.

Friends & lovers

Oh snap! David Simon snarks back at Bealefeld's remarks that The Wire is a "smear that will take decades to overcome" and an "unfair use of literary license": "A more lingering problem might be two decades of bad performance by a police agency more obsessed with statistics than substance, with appeasing political leadership rather than seriously addressing the roots of city violence, with shifting blame rather than taking responsibility."

True that: the recent police shooting may just show us all exactly how "buddy buddy" Bernstein's relationship with police is.

The family of Marine Tyrone Brown, shot dead by an off-duty Baltimore police officer outside a nightclub last June has filed a $270 million wrongful-death lawsuit against the officer and the police department.

In spite of all of the hand-wringing after the murder of Sarah Foxwell, MD's sex offender registry is still not in compliance with federal law

The 4th circuit addresses the level of justification needed to authorize a no-knock entry, reiterates importance of not processing photos of your marital relations at WalMart.

SCOTUS rejects Maryland pastor's attempt to have same-sex marriage brought to a vote in D.C.

Liquor board inspector under investigation

Apparently you can hire a liquor board inspector to make sure your club passes muster with the community.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Police-on-police shootings spark reform" -- like new "no shooting into a crowd of drunks" rule