Monday, June 13, 2011

Elijah Cummings' Nephew Fatally Shot in Random Robbery

... not here in Baltimore, but at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. Tragic.

in other news, no murders since two on Thursday night, it looks like. Whoops, I take that back, a 23-year-old man fatally shot in West Baltimore at 1:54 p.m. on Sunday.

"Dollar" got 25 years for illegal possession of a firearm and admitted to the 2009 murder of Kinlaw Jones

Eighteen months in the can for Tracy Queen, who was busted bilking the city for bogus tutoring by Brew contributor Joan Jacobson. Jacobson says she's still "waiting to find out what the city school system has done to prevent this theft from happening again.”

Thirty-seven months for Alicia Simmons, a former corrections employee accused of smuggling heroin and other goodies to imprisoned BGF members

Former ministry director at Loyola University accused of sex abuse of two minors in HoCo

Baltimore cop to attend Harvard Law

"A former Montgomery County police officer who pleaded guilty to illegally using computers to help her drug-dealing fiancé is set to be sentenced"

.. and here's something to burn yr britches: "The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention." Right on the heels of the conclusion of the Thomas Drake case, in which we learned that the government has been spending billions to stockpile citizens' every text and email. (How incredible to go in one generation from being worried about the Reds taking over to seeing our own government adopt the Stasi style, right down to the Division of Garbage Analysis (and without even the paper trail of accountability)

No word on Select Lounge shooting

But lots more training for the BPD. Maybe they could just tell us....

Friday, June 10, 2011

Killer Keystone Kops

Gahiji Tshamba was convicted of manslaughter but acquitted of murder.

Former prison guard and gang member Alicia Simmons received a 37-month prison sentence for smuggling phones and drugs.

Two shootings, one death. The fatal shooting was in Park Heights, the non-fatal one was on Erdman Avenue in NE Baltimore.

18 months in prison for tutoring fraud.

Alleged Baltimore MS-13 member and murder suspect arrested in Minnesota.

Loma International Business Group is in trouble for running an immigration scam.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Gun rights advocates accuse city police of profiling.

Bad brothers

Three bad brothers have now been arrested for a double homicide in Pikesville. BaltoCo homicides are up to 13 for the year.

Burning car with a body in it in Laurel. No other details available yet.


The prosecution wrapped up its case against Gahiji Tshamba without calling key witnesses

Court of Appeals approves anonymous juries

Don't miss Fenton's excellent Sunday object lesson on the swift retribution of street justice

Not Baltimore, but can't stop thinking about this very upsetting story of slave labor in Iraq.

Sex offender can keep sick pay receieved whle in prison

Former DPW worker earned it, even though the IG concluded it was fraudulently obtained.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

84, 85, 86, 87

A flurry of recent city homicide victims were identified;

#84: Payton Rivers, 34
#85: Maurice Gray, 35
#86: John Kelly, 25
#87: Durran Banks, 25

As well as two previously unknown victims that were not disclosed by police: 27 year-old Anthony Sherman and 57 year-old Kevin Jones.

Baltimore states attorney Gregg Bernstein revealed his new division Friday. The "Major Investigations Unit" will investigate repeat violent offenders, and will be headed by Thiruvendran Vignarajah.

Police are still ISO missing firefighter recruit Rodney Goggins Jr.

An 80 year old woman is in the hospital after a pit bull visciously attacked her.

Police have arrested 23-year-old Anthon Lavar Diggs for the May 21st murder of Jalil Al-Salim.

An KFC robbery turns into a attempted murder in Harford County when a female employee is stabbed by a would be robber.

When you can't trust "e-gold," what can you trust? The U.S. Attorney's Office has seized over 19 million dollars and is looking to seize 8.6 million dollars from e-gold, Ltd.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Bernstein is holding a press conference at 4 today to "announce the formation of a new unit and to introduce the division’s chief."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lawyers gone bad

Attorney Stanley Needleman has been charged with stealing a law textbook from a judicial clerk.

The trial of Gahiji Tshamba starts today. Two other police officers are prepared to testify that Tshamba appeared drunk when he put a dozen bullets into Tyrone Brown.

A shooting on E. Eager Street and a burnt body in Northeast Baltimore.

83 murders so far this year, and it looks like Lois Smyth has the dubious honor of being the second white Baltimore murder victim of 2011.

Police arrest two brothers in Pikesville double homicide.

First-degree murder conviction for the 2009 death of Kenneth Johnson at a family cookout. This looks like a rare case where city prosecutors are seeking life w/o parole.

Another burned kitten. Stories like that are really too depressing to comment on.

Looks like it is legal to take pictures of the Light Rail after all.

Yet another depressing story. Darian Kess was a promising wrestler in high school but then screwed up and started breaking the law. He cleaned up his act, got cancer and beat it, and then was stabbed to death in a home invasion.

School fighting

Teachers are getting their collective asses kicked in city schools, according to recent injury claims.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Goldbergian 80

At Liberty Heights & Eldorado aves, a man in an SUV is shot to death then mowed down a pedestrian, who survived with a broken leg.
Will we ever find out who was gunning for the driver and why? .. unlikely, but you never know...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Firefighter -v- trans

A Baltimore city firefighter who got into a physical altercation with a transsexual woman was awarded a nice chunk of change by the city despite the objections of CC President Jack Young


12-year old Sean Johnson died of his injuries on Thursday night, two days after he was shot.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

NS Sherlock

Report from the Urban Land Institute slams Mayor's pet development projects, agreeing with everyone but the mayor and her tax-break-crazed developer comrades that the West Side can't support large retail.