Thursday, October 13, 2011

A brief civics lesson

Two men were arrested and charged with drug smuggling after they gave a state trooper permission to search their truck.

Ok, now a bit of editorial commentary. I cannot wrap my mind around why a law-abiding citizen would ever consent to a police search. For someone who is trafficking drugs to consent to a car search takes the stupidity to a whole new level.

There is no reason for anybody to ever say yes to a consent search. Contrary to what many people believe saying "no" to a search does NOT give the police a reason to dig through your car, and if they have no PC they have no choice but to let you go on your way. You are not being difficult or acting suspicious by refusing a search, you are simply exercising your constitutional right not to have your private belongings pawed through.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Waverly beating

The Patch reports a man was severely beaten in Waverly this afternoon, 700 block of McKewin Avenue.

And on Union Ave in Hampden, "An unknown person entered a man’s home, hit him in the face and cut him with an unknown weapon, police said. A friend tried to intervene and was cut on the abdomen with an unknown object."

Police issued a warrant for the person they believe shot a man in the 2600 block of St. Paul Street in the course of a robbery last week.

Fenton Tweets

Homicide on East Lanvale Street yesterday according to Justin Fenton's Twitter feed.

Apparently the commish is also claiming that murders and non-fatal shootings are down, but overall gun crimes are up when you include robberies and home invasions.

'I think he had braids'

Jeezum crow, a 17-year-old high school student killed Monday night , Devearl Singletary, was the second kid from his school to be murdered this month. And two more murders: in Broadway East (a rare picture of a victim's feet sticking out of a sheet) and 20-year-old Kevin Pierre was shot to death in the 200 block of Belnord Ave.

The Ink covers last week's two murders, Anton Ingram and Marcius Perkins, plus case updates.

Two guys shot last night in the 6200 block of Carbore Way in the SE.

14 years for a guy who robbed Baltimore banks with a fake bomb

The woman who tossed Pine-Sol and bleach at her romantic rival at a Walmart has an unlikely ally: her babydaddy's daddy. "I’m not going to defend my son when he’s wrong. He’s wrong," Fred Culp told the jz.

Jury selection begins today in the civil suit brought by the parents of Philip Parker Jr., an inmate strangled on a prison bus; meanwhile Judge Sylvester Cox is considering letting jurors tour the bus in a darkened garage.

A writer's house was shot at in Woodberry, and he and the wife are thoroughly annoyed that took a half-hour for police to get to the scene.

A $490k fine for a MD telemarketer
who broke Mississippi's no-call laws

Oops! Lawyer for St. Joe's stent patients loses their medical records on the Light Rail

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear arguments in a case in which a UMBC pro-life student group claims its free speech was inhibited by having to relocate a graphic anti-abortion display. Meanwhile, Congress is preparing to debate the "Embryos Before Hos" bill.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Heartbreaking post

from imprisoned Oriole-cum-crackhead jailbird Sammy Stewart

'probably provoked'

The WaPo profiles Rod J. Rosenstein, the Quiet Storm. Fun RJR facts = he was on Kenneth Starr's team investigating Whitewater; he keeps his desk very clean; he enjoys hanging out at the Bethesda Barnes & Noble.

Man, cars shot on Riggs Ave last night; 25-year-old man shot near Park Heights and Belvedere avenues early yesterday morning

Friends & family of Theresa Jefferson, the alleged Walmart bleach-n-Pine-Sol attacker, are coming to her defense: "she was probably provoked." (My question: why do crazy-jealous bitches never go after the guy?)

Police release sketch of 2009 sex-assualt suspect

Something happened at Eden's Lounge over the weekend that required police cars, fire trucks and a ambilance. UPDATE: three people were stabbed.

Wanna buy a rec center? The Brew reports that the city is hoping to privatize its 55 centers.

... today starts the paywall at the Sun. You get 15 free page views, then you have to make with the credit card.

ps. Save the date! BCrime Snappy Hour = October 20, 5 p.m. until whenever. Join our FB group or email for location.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bad ideas

A man is dead after shooting his ex-wife in the neck and then getting into a gun battle with police; the police spokesman says it's not clear yet if he was shot by police or shot himself.

The Court of Special Appeals overturned the first-degree murder conviction of one Jamar Anderson last week, "saying the trial judge had violated the defendant’s right to a fair trial by asking prospective jurors if they could convict someone without scientific evidence."

Jean Marbella follows up on the story of Baltimorean-cum-Libyan "revolutionary fighter" Matthew VanDyke. Meanwhile at the prison that VanDyke escaped from, a Quadafi-era mass grave has been unearthed.

At the Court of Appeals last week, the City Paper and Van Smith fought the revival of a defamation suit brought by Nicholas Piscatelli, the former owner of the Redwood trust nightclub.

A county officer was arrested and charged with assault after allegedly stripping off his shirt and brandishing his weapon in the middle of the street.

In the County, brokedown heifer Theresa Jefferson, 33, allegedly hurled bleach and Pine-Sol at her romantic rival, putting her and 18 other Walmart shoppers in the hospital.

Finally... could this possibly be a good idea? Keiffer Mitchell says that control of city schools should revert to the Mayor.
.. speaking of the Mayor, saw SRB in the Roland Avenue Starbucks Friday, Suburban illegally parked, flanked by a security guy with an earpiece and wearing giant aviator sunglasses in the (very dim) shop. She didn't speak, smile or acknowledge anyone, barely even the barista-- just nodded or shook her head to his questions. ("Would you like anything else?" Shake. "Do you want your receipt?" Shake.) Most strange.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October 6

A couple of robbery related shootings. One took place in Lauraville, the other in Charles Village very close to the spot where Stephen Pitcairn was murdered. Both shootings appear to have been non-fatal.
[So far! It sounds like a lot has been happening around Charles Village. There always is this time of year, in terms of scary robberies and assaults. ... wonder what John Pontolillo is up to these days? I heard something on the news about a CV resident stabbed in the face when he confronted someone who broke into his place, anyone else hear about that? - ED]

Murder in Woodlawn.

If you're going to rob and murder a pizza delivery man it's a bad idea to place an order using your own cell phone. This was a really sad story (poor guy was working hard to support his family in Pakistan) and it looks like the perps got away with second-degree murder convictions and relatively light sentences.

Spray-paint artist Mark Chase refused a plea bargain and insists he wants to go to trial.
[I love this quote: 'Your constitutional rights have nothing to do with the law,' the officer [Chase][reportedly] said." Good for him! ... I hope Bernstein announces they won't hassle street artists. It will bring us one step closer to a little Seine in the Jones Falls/Harbor. - ED.]

Already convicted on federal drug charges, Johnny Butler has gone on trial again for torture and murder.

Here's some good news for once: Missing 16-month old found.

Fatal car crash on Route 100 after the driver allegedly behaved like a maniac.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Maricus Kyle Perkins, 20, shot on Monday, has died of his injuries.

The Ink covers murders 154-157: Aldrick Hamilton, Dwight Montgomery, Keith Parker, and Antonio Blackwell (any relation to Maurice, J.R. or Steven, I wonder?)

Your check, sir... ? MD Reporter says the Attorney General's Office began sending out large, un-itemized bills for its indirect costs.

More fake cops robbing houses

No more liquor license for the Rancho Manila of Upper Fell's Point. "police were called to the bar nearly 100 times in a six-month span, including a homicide call in April."

Cat burned in alley

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

PoPo a Gogo

52-year-old man shot to death by police whilst brandishing a pellet gun was ID'd as Steve Mach, former member of the Vamps.

An attempted break-in at the Rendez-Vous and the Cold Spring RoFo robbed (again)! In the North Baltimore Patch blotter.

No bucks and an unsuccessful appeal for the family of Gerard Mungo, Jr., a seven-year-old illegally arrested for leaning on a dirtbike.

Robbery suspect Vincent Avila, 25, escaped from a police car after weaseling out of handcuffs and shackles, was later recaptured. County police note 30(!) robberies since September in the Falls Rd.- corridor area, though story/police aren't saying if this slippery suspect is connected to them. "in almost all of them entry was made either through an unlocked door or forcing open a locked door and half the time the suspect/s have entered through the front door." Lock yr doors, people, duh!! ps., is a security chain still the best thing to secure a front door, or is there a better technology out there?

editorial note...

Hi readers and bloggers, from time to time I get requests by people asking that I take their name off of the blog. I am glad to honor these requests-- criminal justice should be doled out by the judiciary, not Google and not in perpetuity. But the request needs to come from the owner of the name, not from a third party (e.g. your mom, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, public relations firm or blowhard lawyer). If you want your Bcrime record expunged, just email me, address is at the bottom of the screen. Kthanksbai!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Charles Village Sexual Assault

Below is a report from the October 3 JHU Security Daily Incident Report.
Sexual Assault – 3200 Blk. Lovegrove St.– On Oct. 1st at approximately 1:20 AM, a student was sexually assaulted by an unknown male while in the alley/parking area. The student received minor physical injuries and was treated and released from Union Memorial Hospital. Baltimore Police are investigating the incident.

Description of Suspect: Black male, medium complexion, 20- to 30-years old, between 6’0” and 6’2” tall, muscular build and wearing a navy blue/black hoodie. Direction of travel was unknown.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Molotov cocktails?

From the BPD's FB page:

The Baltimore Police Department is investigating a series of Molotov cocktail arson incidents that have recently taken place throughout Baltimore City.

Within the last three weeks, the Baltimore Police Department Arson Unit, working in concert with the Fire Investigation Bureau of the Baltimore City Fire Department, has investigated nine incidents of arson (or attempted arson) involving the use of Molotov cocktails. The incidents span the city and occurred at the following locations:

9/13/11 3800 Blk Leadenhall St. Southern District

9/19/11 5600 Blk Haddon Ave. Northwest District

9/22/11 2200 Blk Park Ave. Central District

9/22/11 3200 Blk Rogers Ave. Northwest District

9/23/11 2700 Blk N. Longwood Northwest District

9/25/11 2400 Blk Loyola Northway Northern District

9/26/11 400 Blk Asquith St. Eastern District

9/27/11 5300 Blk Wesley Ave. Northwest District

9/28/11 3700 Blk Yosemite Ave. Northwest District

The occurrences are all under vigorous investigation and preliminarily appear random, as there are no apparent commonalties amongst victims or the structures targeted. Thankfully, there have been no significant injuries or property damage as a result of the incidents.

We are asking for the public to be vigilant and report anyone that appears to be transporting gasoline in non-UL approved containers, particularly those in highly portable glass bottles.

Persons with any information concerning these incidents are urged to contact the Baltimore Police Department at 866-7LOCKUP [866-756-2587]. As always, callers may remain anonymous.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not Baltimore...

... necessarily, though if you enjoy crack, raise yr pipe to new dad Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, whose decades-younger wife just gave birth to twins at an L.A. County hospital.

Your tax dollars in an unreal city

City bills itself $500,000 for one month of water at downtown fountain, then says oops we made mistake and....btw..the billing system is antiquated. To bad they didn't figure that when they were evicting people over wildly high water bills a few years ago.

Meanwhile, city cop tests drive a Lexus while being chased by county cops.

"Paywall suicide"

DCRTV reports "slumping morale" at the Sun after the paywall reports (quoted b/c the dcrtv site won't let you link to individual posts):
Sun Insider: Web Paywall "Suicide" - 9/27 - Updated. DCRTV hears from an inside source that morale at the Baltimore Sun is slumping after news, which DCRTV broke first last week, that the Tribune-owned newspaper will be erecting a paywall around its website. "Morale in the newsroom is at a low point. No one can understand why we'd make print subscribers pay for the online stuff. It's just suicide, an experiment being carried out by the Tribune on just one of its properties." The website access plan, which takes effect October 10, will cost $2.49 a week or $49.99 for 26 weeks, after an introductory discount. Print subscribers will receive a reduced rate of 75 cents a week or $29.99 a year. While Sun has since run several articles about the paywall plan, "On Monday, management shut down the comments section on the Sun paywall story. They are insisting we call it a 'digital subscription.' And any comments by staff bloggers and Tweeters must be cleared by Editor Trif Alatzas," says the source. "Freedom of speech for Sun readers and writers? Not so fast." More: We hear from another source at the paper who says that there's been "no directive about Tweeting or blogging, though certainly if someone Tweets something stupid or blogs erroneously... then they're going to get corrected." Also, the Sun is not the only Tribune paper erecting a paywall - the Allentown Morning Call is doing it, too, we're told. "I think most of us actually are nervously hopeful that this will work out. We've cut a ton of people and content in recent years through buyouts and layoffs and we want to see that stop".....
Would u pay $129.48 a year for the Sun? (I pay more than that for the NYTimes.. but it's the NYTimes...!) ... wonder why Trib co. picked the Sun and the Allentown paper, and not, say, the Hampton Roads Daily Press?

In other news of broke-azz sources, the company that owns the Jewish Times and Style magazine is in the midst of an acrimonious bankruptcy proceeding. The JT's printer claims Alter Communications owes them $1.77 million(!)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Quick Weekend Crime Update

A flurry of non-fatal shootings in the city so far this weekend. A woman and a man were shot in seperate incidents, while an 18-year-old received non-fatal injuries after being shot in the 1000 block of Bennett Place.

Unfortunately for this blog, it appears that the Baltimore Sun is now going to be charging for web use. While some may see this as a mixed blessing, I can't help but be less than thrilled with the loss of a very useful crime source. For the sake of staying as a viable crime resource to readers, the number of Sun articles linked from here will obviously decrease dramatically. An unfortunate, but not unexpected event, that was frankly happened later than most would have expected.

Two seperate stabbings in Baltimore County Friday.Two angry brothers stabbed each other in Woodlawn, and a man was stabbed in Essex during the early morning hours.

Shots fly during the attempted robbery of a Middle River liquor store.

A very violent few days in Maryland's prisons, as a 34-year-old inmate is in serious condition after a lunchroom stabbing. While over at WCI, Saleem N. Abdullah, 53, was found strangled to death in his cell Thursday night. No official arrests have been made in either case. According to online resources, this wasn't the first time Mr.Abdullah had been the target of prison violence, he had been the complainant in 4 previous cases while incarcerated. None of the inmates accused in those cases were currently serving time at any Maryland prison facility.

Former Ravens OT Orlando "Zeus" Brown was found dead in his Baltimore home Friday. No foul play is suspected.

A freshman delegate is already corrupting at a senior level. Lawmaker Tiffany Alston, 31, has been charged with misappropriating campaign funds in order to pay for a wedding, among other things.

You can't talk about corruption in MD politics without bringing up good 'ol Ulysses Currie. A lawyer for Currie claims that the senator was "very sick" at the time of the FBI raid of his home.

Finally, nine members of the an apparently very profitable cigarette smuggling ring have been indicted in Maryland. The second such case of cigarette smuggling to come in front of Federal judges in the last week after former PG County cop Chong Chen Kim plead guilty to similar charges earlier in the week.

Jody Lee Miles and Euro Death Row Groupies

The death sentence of Jody Lee Miles has been upheld, reports the local news and Jody Lee Miles himself. (How do you get a Tumblr account on death row?) Miles has a Facebook account too, maintained by his wife. (Not his first wife, Jona, who helped him hide the evidence, but another wife, Michaela, who lives in the UK and apparently never met him in person before they were married until a TV station arranged it.) ... More about Miles' case here.
.... European death row groupies, who knew?