Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bernstein for the win

From the State's Attorney's Office:
May 23, 2012 -- Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Paul Smith sentenced William Carr today to life in prison plus 25 years for robbing and murdering a 55-year-old beverage delivery man who was working at a busy shopping plaza at the time of the attack.
On April 6, 2012, a Baltimore City jury convicted Carr, 50, of first-degree felony murder; armed robbery; two counts of using a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence; and being a felon in possession of a firearm.
At approximately 3 p.m. on June 28, 2011, Carr approached Chong Wan Yim with a handgun and demanded his vest. Yim was carrying money in the vest, having just completed a delivery to a retailer in the Erdman Shopping Center in the 3900 block of Erdman Avenue. Yim attempted to resist the armed robbery attempt. The two struggled next to Yim's delivery truck as shoppers looked on. Ending the fight, Carr shot and killed Yim and then ran away.
A cashier and customer at a nearby Rite-Aid store observed the murder, identified Carr in a photo array, and testified against him at trial. Police provided additional evidence, including an analysis of fingerprint and palm prints found on the delivery truck where Yim and Carr had struggled, determining that they belonged to the defendant.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Twin cleared, officer ID'd

Justin Fenton: City police have identified the officer in the weekend police shooting as Gregory Bragg. Suspect grabbed another officer's gun, police say (from FB)

A woman in Hampden was assaulted with pliers, says the Patch

Kenisha Thomas, the mother accused of stabbing her baby at a Social Services office, saying "if I can't have her nobody can," was indicted by a Grand Jury. 

In HoCo, twin Wael Ali was cleared of killing his brother Wasel

Good tips for dealing with the police from Tucker Max, of all people, with bonus Chris Rock video, "How to Not Get Beaten by the Police."

If you're thinking of inseminating yourself with your dead husband's sperm for the Social Security benefits, SCOTUS says think again. Also considering for consideration: if it's excessive force to Taser® a pregnant woman.

Media Blabber: in spite of their pay-reporters-nothing business model, AOL's Patch is laying off about 20 employees, including former Sun VP of Interactive Tim Windsor.
And word on the street is the Tribune Co. will try to sell its newspapers after it emerges from bankruptcy.

Monday, May 21, 2012

An Update That Was Well Worth the Wait

Police shoot and kill a mentally-ill man inside his home. 31-year-old Maurice Holloman was shot while "attempting to grab an officer's gun."

Remember Chey Jordan? You probably don't... but he was the then 20-year-old who shot a Baltimore police officer with a semi-automatic rifle for seemingly no reason? Well, he's been convicted and, sentenced to 25 years in prison. It's truly amazing that he only hit the officer's holstered weapon, causing it to fire itself. Although that's a lucky shot, I was under the impression guns only went off when shot in Spaghetti Westerns.

A suspected Molotov cocktail attack occurred in the 1100 block of Barclay St. forcing one person to go to the hospital. Is this a return of the Molotov Cocktail gang from last year?*

Two men are in serious condition after both are shot multiple times in the legs and feet at the intersection of Aisquith and Preston Street Saturday.

That will put a damper on the party... a 19-year-old out partying with friends got popped in his behind at the 400 block of Oldtown Mall Saturday night.

Frank Durika, a 36-year-old Essex man, was struck and killed by a vehicle in Dundalk Sunday night. Interesting trend in recent accidental county deaths, with less-than-wholesome people being the victims.. Durika had at least 11 felony convictions in the state of MD as an adult.

A few weeks back 26-year-old Robert Ey was struck and killed by the MARC train.

Finally, a pill mill was raided in Lutherville. Two men, Michael Reznikov, 51, and 78-year-old Gerald Wiseberg (Pictured Right) were arrested days later for their roles in the large-scale fraud. Neighboring businesses reportedly became suspicious when cars from everywhere from Kentucky to Florida showed up all day, every day. I myself am not the least bit surprised, because if you're going to house an illegal prescription drug ring, of course you're going to house it in the most unlegitimate/vaguely motel-looking building within a three mile radius.

Also... their online ad just seemed extremely legit:

A Drug Ring Goes Down

That major announcement has been revealed to be the fruits of a six month murder and drug investigation. 14 people were charged in either state or federal court for participating in a large scale drug ring run by Robert G. Moore. As well as running a massive drug ring, Moore and associates also spent a good chunk of 2011 terrorizing the small neighborhood that surrounded the 1900 block of N. Collington Ave.*
Among those charged were:

Drug Kingpin Robert G. Moore, 43; Currently Serving 8 years in state prison for an unrelated drug dealing conviction.

Sarah Hooker, 29; Facing separate drug dealing charges when indicted.

Anthony Roach, 35; Has a conviction related to attempted murder, as well as a multitude of drug dealing convictions. Currently awaiting trial for the 09/16/11 shooting of Allen Venable.

Donnie Adams, 34; Adams has multiple drug and gun convictions and is awaiting trial for gun possesion by a felon at the time of the indictment.

Quincy Chisholm, 21; Currently awaiting trial for shooting Edwin Willis on 09/19/11.

David Warren, 19; Warren had been charged with attempted murder a whopping three times by the time he turned 18. Also awaiting trial for Armed Robbery at the time if the indictment. 

Emmanuel Deminds, 34; Prior convictions for Attempted Murder and drug dealing.

Taylor Flemming, 16

Nizam Roach, 38; A convicted drug dealer with prior arrests for gun possession by a felon.

Charged Federally:
Gregory Fitzgerald, 46

Tommy Heard, 34; Heard has a prior manslaughter conviction, as well as several drug dealing convictions.

Curtis Byrd Jr., 37; Byrd has prior arrests for kidnapping and large scale drug dealing, and at least one actual drug dealing conviction.

Black October

More from homicide lieutenant Stephen Tabeling on the murder of State Delegate Turk Scott, a suspected heroin dealer and the involvement of mysterious vigilante group Black October.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Missing Parkville Girl

Folks are getting pretty worried about missing Parkville girl Brooke Amanda Springer, last seen taking an evening stroll to the local Royal Farms Monday night. If you have seen the 15-year-old pictured right, let the County Police know.

Friday, May 18, 2012


From TDR on FB:

BREAKING - The Court of Appeals has held Maryland must recognize the marriage of same-sex couples who legally wed in other states. More to come...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

No more than 3 years for killer tweens

The 12- and 13-year-olds who killed Monae Turnage in March have been sentenced already - the younger one to the custody of relatives, the older to a "treatment facility" for a maximum of three years.

Must be a big-azz indictment...

From team Bernstein:
To discuss the results of a joint six-month investigation into an alleged murder and drug conspiracy, Baltimore City State’s Attorney Gregg L. Bernstein, Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld, Drug Enforcement Administration Assistant Special Agent in Charge Carl J. Kotowski, and U.S. Attorney for Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein will conduct a news conference tomorrow.
11 a.m. at the Mitchell Courthouse. What could it be? Mass quantities of narcotics? Clown- cars full of conspirators? A white girl? Possibly some newly uncovered conspirators from the McCants-Baker gang re. Cherrie Gammon? ... Money, Miami, Tay and Roland have been indicted federally).
UPDATE: Fenton reports it relates to murdered wrestler/ cancer survivor* Darian Kess, stabbed in the neck during a home invasion*.

National: Jeffrey Toobin on the backstory of Citizens United in the NYker this week

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh, the douchery!

Lazy city workers faked water-meter readings*, hosing residents of Homeland and Endor Gardens with a golden shower of quintupled bills. Check your water bills, y'all!

Chrissy Lee Polis: I Want to See Other Things

McDonald's beating victim Chrissy Lee Polis has lost touch with the Trans Panthers and says she needs to get "a life," but sounds too flaky and impulsive* to make the most of the platform she's been given. And her sweet rescuer Vicky Thoms still looks over her shoulder whenever she goes out. Grow up, Chrissy! Stand for something! ... doesn't look like the Trans Panthers have done much either, though, but try to sell adorable purple berets.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

So Much for the Sunday Truce...

More killings this week than there were days, including four murders on Sunday. So here's a recap of the last 10 victims...

65. Quintin Poindexter, an 18-year-old who was a part of the City's gun offender registry, and was awaiting trial on drug dealing charges, was shot to death outside an elementary school on the 5th.

66. Robert Bond, 21, has been identified as the man found dead in an abandoned home in the 3000 Oakley Ave. Bond had recently been released from prison, having been given a three-and-a-half-year sentence in May of 2011.*

67.  Shavar Little, a 28-year-old man with a long criminal history that included several arrests for armed robbery and a conviction related to an Attempted Murder charge, was shot to death  in the 1900 block of Aisquith Street.

68. Terrence Anderson, 19 (Pictured Right)  Was shot dead in the 600 block of North Eutaw St. Anderson had been charged with an armed robbery in the county back in 2009. A link to his memorial page.

69. Cornell Booker, a 46-year-old man, was drunk and arguing with his girlfriend in the 300 block of Whitridge Ave. when his unidentified son knocked him causing Booker to hit his head on the sidewalk and lapse into a coma. He later died. No one has been charged, and the son has not been identified. Booker has a son, also named Cornell Booker, who recently was released from Federal prison earlier this year.*

70. Christopher Jabar Mobley, 28, was the last of four fatalities Tuesday, having been shot dead in the 3400 block of Piedmont Ave.

71. Thomas Weddington, a 34-year-old man, with several convictions for mostly drug-related offenses, was stabbed to death during an argument in the 2600 block of Park Heights Terrace. A suspect has been arrested, but not identified. Weddington was the first of four men murdered on Mothers' Day.

72. Derrick Lawson, a 33-year-old man with prior arrests for attempted murder and armed robbery, as well a several drug-dealing convictions, was shot to death in the 4000 block of West Franklin St.

73. Dominick Brown, a 24-year-old man who does not appear to have a criminal record, was shot to death in the 200 block of Herring Ct, a part of the Perkins Homes public housing development.

74. Lacy Lamb, 19, was shot to death through a basement window as he played video games in his home in the 1600 block of East 32nd St. Lamb did not have an adult criminal record. He was the last of four men killed Sunday,

75. An as of yet Unidentified Male was shot to death Monday in the 1100 block of N. Milton Ave.

This week's Murder Ink has more information on all of these murders. It has also reported that 24-year-old Markez Jones has been charged with the July 2011 murder of Marvin Hayes, stabbed during a game of basketball. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Prison Rape is No Joke

An ex-con shareholder in the country's biggest prison company has better insights than anyone on the board about the company's business practices, and he's introducing a resolution to hold the corporation accountable for prison rape and sex abuse. This is a great idea if you want to make a difference-- buying a little stock in a rotten company and proceeding to pester them. Nuns have used this technique effectively, though, of course, Alex Friedmann is no nun...

(New link to add to the sidebar: Prison Legal News)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

.. to jail! Donnell Mackey got 53 years for breaking into a house with a female accomplice, tying up a lady and her nephew and pistol-whipping them. Anybody feel like search guy's record to see how many priors? I'm going to guess.. 19. What do you think...?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Violent Ex's Turn Out to Be... Violent

A man is in custody after brutally murdering his one-time girlfriend and tying up her young son. Edward Ford, 36, has been charged with the asphyxiation murder of 44-year-old Cheryl Thomas.* Thomas had at one time attempted to get a restraining order from Ford, although she never actually received a full protective order.

The body of a man found shot do death outside Windsor Hills Elementary School has been Id'd as 18-year-old gun registry member Quinton Poindexter.

Several folks were shot in the head this weekend causing two reported fatalities. WBAL reports a man shot in the head at the 600 block of Eutaw Place died, although it hasn't been reported anywhere else. Definitively shot and killed this weekend was 21-year-old Robert Bond, who was shot and killed in the 3000 block of Oakley Ave. Bond, had apparenly just, just, just gotten out of prison, having been sentenced to three and a half years in May of 2011 on an Assault VOP.

Another conviction for team Bernstein, this time it was 34-year-old Antonio Moore, convicted of first degree murder of killing Avon Beasley during a petty squabble back in 2010.

Sure to garner no one's sympothy, 42-year-old career criminal William Bryson was shot by a store clerk during an attempted robbery. Bryson was not fatally injured and faces a bevy of charges related to the holdup try.

40 years in prison for the killing of a 91-year-old woman. Anthony Robinson (Pictured Right), plead guilty to killing 91-year-old Irene Logan in the summer of 2011. Robinson was collared thanks to DNA found on used cigarette near the crime scene.

This weeks Murder Ink attempts to catch up on the multitude of revisions that the City police have thrown out regarding recent homicide tallys. Now the murder of Phylicia Barnes is being moved to it's rightful place on the 2011 tally, bringing last years total up to 197. Also, two more murders have been added to the 2009 tally bringing it up to 240. The deaths of Mia Nichols, killed by her onetime beau Tyrone Webb Jr, and Andrew Giancoli, a 48-year-old man found dead in his car over in AACO back in '09 have been added to that years tally.

Remember the CCBC Essex creeper taking looks under the stalls the ladies room? Well, he's been caught, and surprise surprise, this is not he first time he's been creeping around these parts, not by a long shot. Zachary Campbell, 20, (Pictured Right) has been charged with perverted practices at several local colleges. Since turning 18, Campbell has been charged in six different instances of being a "Peeping Tom," including an ongoing case in the City. Of those 6 cases, he has not once been given any actual jail time and remains off the Sex Offender Registry. If any of you ladies out there (or men, don't know the guy's MO for sure) recognize this guy as a bathroom creeper you've seen, let the police know.

Funeral services have been held in Baltimore for Reverend Mary-Marguerite Kohn, who was among two Ellicott City church workers killed by a disgruntled homeless man last week.

Someone broke into the the Waverly Y.

 As soon as they catch one Robber, another one pops up. Police are ISO a hooded Dundalkian who held up a Quick Mart at knifepoint.

The shootings in Essex seem to be piling up, this time, someone took a slug in the 100 block of Mace Ave early Saturday.

A boatload of burglaries have bungled a bevy of Lutherville businesses.

The Towson Patch has the latest Towson crimes in the slimelight, including a knife-point robbery in the heart of Towson, and an apparent attempted gang rape at the Towson Manor Park, or as locals affectionately call it, the "Baby Ghetto." (And it's doing a swell job of living up to its nickname.)

As the robocall trial is coming to a close, defendant Julius Henson took the stand. Whether he used his time wisely is up for debate, as he spent a good deal of his time shifting the blame onto everyone not named Julius Henson.

A "suspicious package" Tuesday morning put folks in Middle River on high alert. Although no update has been given, it's safe to assume that since the area is not currently swarming with Federal agents, the package in question was in fact, likely not a bomb.

Finally, the most recent crime beat, this one being from the Southeast area, has a purse snatching,  "Project Beat Down," and the robbery of a sex shop.

Towson's "Hipster Bandit" Captured

Remember this guy?

 The goofy hat wearing fella who was robbing the same few Towson banks since November?

Well, He struck the Towson branch of Wells Fargo on the 20th of April. This time though, his choice of disguise left something to be desired...

And sure enough he got busted. The so called hipster bandit is 36-year-old Jason Lee Haldeman, a York, Pennsylvania resident. Haldeman has been charged with 5 separate counts of Armed Robbery.

(A link to the online court records, sign into the Judiciary Case Search first in order to view it.)

Naturally, Haldeman is not a rookie bank robber, having been busted for the same crime back in 2005 in his home state.
For as smart as he was, wearing disguises (albeit goofy ones), and robbing a bank far from his home, He slipped up towards the end, robbing a bank with barely any disguise, and to make matters worse, posting a multitude of self shots on his facebook page. You can compare the pictures at the bottom, but it's 99.99% that this is the same guy.

(A full crime update in a bit)

Gansler: DNA Ruling Nnamdi-Pamby

Doug Gansler talks to Kojo Nnamdi about the consequences of the Court of Appeals blocking DNA testing of suspects before they're charged.

(Q. Does this mean people can't be swabbed after they are arrested but before they're indicted, or only after they're indicted, or only after they're convicted? Don't have much time to keep up with the news lately...)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

One bro guilty, one off the hook

The younger, incrementally more awkward brother who helped Tricia Bishop is off the hook, but older brother Eliyahu should have stayed in his Miata instead of trying to "relieve" the freaked-out teenager of the plank he grabbed to defend himself after they followed and confronted him, said Judge White. Makes sense. Eliyahu faces 10 years at sentencing in June. The boy's family has dropped their $6 million lawsuit against the brothers.