Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tis the Season to be Robby

I missed you, blog! Damn you actual work for coming in the way of my lurid rubbernecking!

Last Saturday morning a man with no ID was found dead near Brooklyn, shot in the back.* He's since been identified as Thomas E. Burrell, 36.

So after 137 days Tyrone West's autopsy is complete,* but the results are secret, which is apparently not that rare of a thing when an investigation is ongoing. Still, West's family is megapissed and a City Council hearing is scheduled next Wednesday.

You'd think a dance club by the bus station with a free open bar for the ladies would be replete with ladies and gentlemen of refined social graces, but no, at Voltage NightClub Sunday night/Monday morning during a party hosted by Young Gunner, Dimp and Mo Stacks, an unID'd guy was shot in the back.*

You may recall one of the suspects in the latest round of arrested jail BGFs was a member of the National Guard, recently shipped of to Afghanistan. Now the feds are working on bringing Derrick "homeboy" Jones' azz back.* He's accused of helping to smuggle in cell phones.

"98 Rock, Stash Sued By Couple Injured in Crash." Stash, sure, but the station? Damn you Daily Record paywall!

Batts was on 92Q this morning.

Police are ISO this Cherry Hill robbery suspect. Also, that's a really nice drawing.

A 3rd defendant, Laura Karr, has pleaded guilty to her role in the kidnapping and shooting of a 15-year-old in HoCo. Karr and her boyfriend Donald Peoples Jr. mistook the kid for someone who ripped them off on the purchase of a $200 bag of weed. Another defendant, Chiquita Sketers, pleaded guilty and got 25 years.

Brew: the City may have to pay back $7 million of missing Federal bucks earmarked for the homeless

An assault, robbery and abduction in sleepy old Taneytown.

The Baltimore Guide reports lots of street robberies in the Fell's Point area

Fenton's got yer robbery reTweets. The BPD's Tweeting robberies now? Somebody's going to get carpal tunnel:
  1. ROBBERY: Dec. 1, 12 p.m. 3100 Frederick Ave. Pizza place robbed by suspect with handgun; took money and cigarettes
  2. ROBBERY: Today, 2:30 PM. 2700 Maryland Ave. (Charles Village). Auto parts store employee robbed at gunpoint of bank deposits, money
  3. ROBBERY: Today, 5:10 a.m. 1900 Greenmount Ave. (Barclay) 39-year-old waiting at bus stop robbed at gunpoint of money
  4. HOME INVASION: Dec. 1, 9:40 pm, 4500 block Anntana Ave (Frankford); man, woman robbed of money by suspect with hammer, two others w guns
  5. ROBBERY: Dec 1, 8:30 PM. 3200 Polar (Lakeland). 27 yr old approached on foot, asked if he had cell phone, wallet; took backpack instead
  6. ROBBERY: DEC. 1, 5500 Chinquapin Parkway (Woodbourne Heights) Cab driver robbed, assaulted by customers. One suspect taken into custody
  7. ROBBERY: Dec. 1, 6:30 PM, 1015 Orleans St. Man robbed at gunpoint at BP Gas station; money and property taken
  8. ROBBERY: Dec. 1, 5:30 PM, Hamburg at Russel (Near M&T Stadium); 3 suspects tried to rob a 49 y/o man
  9. ROBBERY: Dec. 1, 5:10 PM 1200 W. 36th St.(HAMPDEN) 21 y/o victim reported being robbed of a cell phone while making a drug sale

Art Imitates Life Imitates Art

... Wrote this post last week but never posted it. Der!

November 14 murder victim Eddie Blick Jr. was featured in the Al Jazeera's "Educating Black Boys" documentary.

Nathan Barksdale
Nathan Barksdale has been arrested on various heroin-dealing and gun-related charges*. Barksdale has claimed to be the inspiration for David Simon's character Avon Barksdale on "The Wire" (though Simon denies it, and Van Smith proves that the nickname "Bodie" was a latter-day addition to his moniker). Barksdale also claimed to be out of "the game" (of course) and is reportedly now in a wheelchair after having his leg amputated below the knee.* And in typical Baltimore fashion he's  related to Dante Barksdale, coordinator of Operation Safe Streets.

Too-cool-for-you Remington bar W.C. Harlan was robbed at gunpoint by a guy in a wig.

Evan Curbeam's family say that his death was accidental.

15 years for Darryl Robinson, 49, who allegedly managed an open-air drug market in Poplar Grove.

185 months for Rico Bias, alleged getaway driver for commercial robbers.

Not much time to post lately, but you can read links and gab with other busybodies at our Facebook page. No spammers pls