Tragic: after two months of not reporting a single word about his murder, the Sun realizes that Donte Bellamy was no typical victim but a boy of Baraka.
The body of seven-year-old Edward Blue was found in the water off the pier at Lynch Cove in Dundalk.
Did you know? According to Steve from Catonsville, because of "extremely loose" zoning regulations, Maryland has 13 establishments that "facilitate the swinging lifestyle."
City judges Glynn and Keith Mathews blasted city police for routinely not returning signed search and seizure warrants, a "sloppy and unprofessional approach to police business" that jeapordizes cases. Speaking of business, should the police really be spending time helping people find jobs*? Don't we already have any other agencies, clubs, churches and nonprofits, YMCAs, Dan Rodericks, the Police Athletic League or librarians for that?
Oh well, all PSC members are about to be fired anyway... and not in a pyrosophical way.
Sucks to be Phillips: sixteen tons of Indonesian crabmeat was seized by U.S. Marshalls following allegations of improper storarge.
*The first Examiner link. Those are some short articles.
I couldn't find Phillips mentioned in the crab meat story. Someone should call and find out if it affected them; I think they have their own operation but i might be wrong. They have lots of factories in Indonesia.
The BBJ should call, not me. It's not even a crime story but can you imagine what 16 tons of rotting crab meat must smell like?
The smell would be the crime. ugh. I used to work there. ugh.
Phillips uses those weird overseas crabs and got in labelling trouble and now have to label their packages saying where the crab comes from. The stuff that was impounded is pasteurized which means it's the really scary canned crab meat that you should never even think of using, buy fresh and pick through it!
Oh no, what if Phillips packs their own and now has the market cornered on cut-rate South-Pacific blue crab subspecies?
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