So have some politics...
The Hagtown Herald-Mail has endorsed Ehrlich.
Can't get enough debate coverage? Here's five more stories:
"Ehrlich, O'Malley Swap Scorn in TV Debates"
"Two rivals clash with two styles"
"Schools, crime are debatable"
"It's All About Baltimore"
"Candidates Spar In Governor [sic] Debates"
Other crap we're reading:
Married couples are now the minority.
"What do you give the woman who has everything? A little black baby, it seems." A Malawian charity is seeking an injuction to keep Madonna from adopting a baby.
Just wanted to mention the marathon on Saturday. It was nice to see a cop out of his car, standing on the block. And it was refreshing to see all my neighbors outside socializing and watching the runners. It reminded me what I like about Baltimore. So many good people.
The overwhelming police presence was great too. A cop on every block. And the normal hoodlums were no where to be seen.
To bad that in order to have the old Baltimore everyone used to like with good people standing around, you need an event that bring in like 75% of its attendees from outside the city.
I loved watching the debate. Ehrlich did a great Cheney/Mr. Burns imitation when his hands were constantly in the miserly clutch position. O'Malley sat straight up. Read the body language.
The debate to me showed Erhlich as more of a humanist who understands all of the issues confronting the state. Mr. O'Malley unfortunately looked like the typical tax, spend and blame politician looking to get promoted off of a dismal record.God help us if he does!
Given all of the available data, comments by Jessamy, Murphy, Jill Carter, and Pettit, add in the Baltimore crime victims treated unfairly by police, the thousands of illegal arrests made in the city of mostly black citizens, how could anyone support that liar.
Check out the Post article on rising robbery in DC and the graphical mapping.
BTW, while the Mayor-apparent and preeminent daily newspaper in DC think the robbery rate is newsworthy and merits corrective action, Baltimore City has about the same robbery rate and our people have only this to say: BELIEVE.
You should expect more young males who contemplate robbery in Baltimore to 'Get In On It'.
Thought maybe I'd also provide the link to the new PERF report.
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