Two men, James L. Owens, 41, and James Thompson, 47, convicted of the rape and murder of Colleen Willar in 1988, may get new trails after DNA test results pointed to a third party. If so, it will be the first time in MD a DNA test clears a defendant after a muder conviction. (The Sun also has the story.)
Devon Richardson, 14, was charged with the murder of Janice Letmate, the 67-year-old woman (202) who neighbors first though had suffered a heart attack.
Two men were arrested for the home invasion robbery and murder of 45-year-old Eric Fountain in the county.
The man who killed his neighbor, Billy Horne (208) yeserday in the NE was ID'd as Marvin Fergueson, 40.
Suspended officer Jemini Jones was arrested Monday morning for an illegal handgun after leading police on a car chase. And PGC officer Sheldon Vessels has been indicted for pepper-spraying four young men who were not charged with a crime, and kicking one in the groin. Vessels was not on duty at the time.
Robbery, theft, larceny etc in the blotter.
Nate Chapman is in trouble again, this time for making false statements on a loan application. He was convicted two years ago of defrauding the State pension system.
Did you know? The Baltimore Police Department phone numbers on the City's site have been taken off the web, and the new BPD site has been non-fuctional for about nine months!
Is that normal? O'Malley is getting City Council members to donate to his campaign.
what's non-functional about the BPD's site? i just clicked on the link and it took me right to it.
can you pull up any of the districts?
I can pull them up (Firefox,
Hmm.. should change to say "non-functional to Safari."
Whenever we have a rash of violent crime, white neighborhoods go to great pains to distinguish themselves from higher-crime black neighbors nearby, rather than calling for greater policing in those neighboring areas.
Witness the Letter to the Editor of the Sun from the Abell community in pricey Charles Village:
"...I am sure its residents were not too happy to see a block of Abell Avenue characterized as Waverly."
says Odette Ramos, its President.
Well, we'll soon pass in October the total annual murder count of Phoenix and we've already passed DC, which leaves only
Detroit........ 354
Philadelphia... 377
Chicago........ 448
Los Angeles.... 489
New York....... 539
,which cities average just under ten times our population each. For purposes of comparison, while we will probably have a year-end total of around 280, a similarly-sized version of New York would have a count of about 50.
The District of Columbia appears to be conflicted in terms of extending its crime emergency provisions. While no one seems to be considering rolling back curfew restrictions put into place in the wake of a rash of juvenile murders, it sounds as though the extra money for overtime manpower is running out.
I mention it because we appear to have a bit of a surge in murders ourselves, but until it involves some nice yuppie tourist or maybe a politician's cousin, ain't no one's gonna give a damn about a coupla dead black folk.
So, Papa O'Malley wants his money back from his kiddies. He won't have any trouble out of them. They will all give him the money. Mary Pat is phony. She'll give it through her mega-rich hubby.
Is anything "normal" about teflon
Marty and the way runs anything?
So, maybe if O'Malley becomes Governor I should invest in funerary caskets? I mean if Maryland (pop. 5,300,000)is going to become more like Baltimore City.....
You want to become rich in baltimore? Invest in the following:
-Tyrone's chicken
-Paternity Testing
-Bail Bonds
-Funeral Homes
Galt, if we could form some conglomerate of this we'd be rich!
Actually, the people who I know that have become wealthy in Baltimore did it by investing not in that short nasty list of stereotypical crap. Instead, they invested in real estate, worked professional jobs (inside and outside the city), and were careful with their money.
But please, go ahead cynic, perpetuate more hate about Baltimore. That's what this blog is all about.
You mean speculated on the bubble? Yep, and notice that minorities have been the primary buyers on the way up.., which means they will be the big, big losers on the way down. They, and the government-guaranteed agencies which assume risk for their mortgages. All of which means your friends got rich by dumping overpriced Baltimore housing back onto the government, after bankrupting gullible purchasers.
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