Saturday, March 3, 2007

March 3

Get In On It! Two men shot in the 100 block of West Hamburg Street "created a raucous scene Saturday night when they turned up with multiple gunshot wounds" in the valet parking area of the Hyatt Regency on Light Street.

Prep school days:
Following the death of Isaiah Simmons, Bowling Brook Preparatory School will be closed.

CEO David McDowell Robinson is in hot water for running a Ponzi scheme that bilked investors, including Katrina victims. You know it's Baltimore when "Gilman" is in the first sentence!

Post: A PGC jury "yesterday convicted a county police corporal of assaulting four teenagers when he pepper-sprayed them last year, marking the first time in at least 12 years that a Prince George's officer has been convicted in state court for law enforcement-related use of force."

Jim Brochin of the county says Joseph Vallario is the guy standing the the way of the new Sex Offender Evidence Bill.

Young CityA bench warrant was issued last week for former Da Band rapper Young City, right, (from P. Diddy's reality show), after he missed a court appearance stemming from an arrest six years ago for robbing a man with a BB gun in Eastpoint Mall. Young City (née Kevin Barnes) is in jail in Gwinett County, GA., following an arrest for assaulting his "girlfriend."

Envigorated by the overwhelming popularity of Glowing Metal Hermaphrodite Looming Over the Train Station and those beloved, ubiquitous candy-colored giant metal curlicues, city officials hope to force all new publically funded construction costs to pay 1 percent of costs towards more public art.

The Texas oysters had their revenge on MD food-festival-goers February 9-11.


John Galt said...

Now they went and did it.

Two guys, shot up, were dumped by the Hyatt Regency in full view of the tourists.

Now don't they know murder and mayhem are only allowed outside the line of sight of the people who matter ??

Geez. Mayor Dixon should repost the ground rules for criminals. No blleeding around the tourists.

John Galt said...

A young Vietnamese-American girl when interviewed downtown respoinded "It was kind of scary, really. I mean, it's one thing if it happens in the inner city, but this was right in the Inner Harbor."

Yeah, Hon, it's no fun when it happens to us, either. And for the record, the Inner Harbor is dead smack in the middle of the inner city.

Maybe these people will understand that murder's never ok, even if it isn't happening to you or your friends. It's a public problem; for all of us.

Anonymous said...

That Young City thing... he is my hubby's cousin... lol and he is so cocky hope he keeps that tough cocky attitude in jail.

his name actually was Chopper before that , when Diddy's Band first started.

And that Vietnamese girls comment... what else would anyone expect her to say?

erik hogstrom said...

The story about the young children setting a fire to cook their own food will probably give me nightmares.
You've got a great blog, however.