"MySpace murderer" and former UMBC student John Gaumer was found guilty by a jury in Towson this afternoon.
Brian Cotter, 19, was arrested for the murder of 18-year-old Dundalkian Raymond Zubrowski.
Cleared officer Jemini Jones will get his back pay.
Thirunavukarasu Varatharasa, the fourth Tamil Tiger defendant, pled guilty today to "conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization and attempted exportation of arms and munitions."
In the Blotter, arrests for shootings on Tuesday; one William Salmeron was arrested in NC for the 2006 murder of Jose Mendoza.
Indictments from the SA's office:
Ravens quarterback Steve McNair was arrested for DUI in Tennessee after he refused to take a breathalyzer test ... even though he wasn't driving.
Jonathan Watkins, 53, of the 3000 block of Belmont Avenue on charges of first-degree murder May 4. Court documents allege on March 9, 2007 Jonathan Watkins was the last person seen walking with Anthony Bryan, 36, in the rear of the 3000 block of Rosedale Court. Mr. Bryan was found with a gunshot wound to the head. He died a short time later at University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center.
Dajuan Carter, 22, of the 1300 block of Ellwood Avenue on charges of first-degree murder. Court documents allege Dajuan Carter was identified as the suspect in the March 27 shooting of Ronald Harmon, 17. Mr. Harmon was found on the ground suffering from a gunshot wound to the head in the 2500 block of E. Biddle Street. He died a short time later from his injuries.
Korey Harris, 18, of the 300 block of Bridgeview Road on charges of first-degree murder and attempted murder; court documents allege on April 19, 2007 two shootings occurred in the 2400 block of Seabury Road in which Harris was identified as the suspect. The first victim, Christopher Wayman was found with a gunshot wound to the head. The second victim was shot in the back and survived his injuries. Mr. Wayman died a short time later at University of Maryland Shock Trauma.
Orville Earl Cooper, 24, of the 600 block of South Wickham Road on charges of rape, robbery, second, third and fourth -degree sex offense, and kidnapping; court documents allege on January 1, 2006 in the 4200 block of Frederick Road, Orville Cooper approached a mass transit patron, exited his car, threatened the patron into his car with a weapon and committed a first degree sex offense. Court documents also allege on February 15, 2006 Orville Cooper robbed, assaulted and raped a passenger of his sedan transportation service. AND Court documents ALSO allege that on April 2, 2006, Orville Cooper, parked his vehicle several feet ahead of a pedestrian, exited his vehicle, approached the pedestrian with a weapon, and then forced the pedestrian into his car, and robbed, assaulted and raped the pedestrian. AND Court documents ALSO allege that on July 8, 2006, Orville Cooper, approached the window of a parked car, pretended to be a police officer, robbed and assaulted the occupants seated in the car. Crikey!
Nichole Franklin of Baltimore, Wade Johnson of Annapolis, and James Jones of Annapolis were arrested for forging prescriptions.
... speaking of, somebody sploshed paint on certain looming, flabby jowls on an 83 billboard. Robert Murrow, a spokesman for the city's Department of Public Works: "it looks great!" They Say it'll be fixed by tomorrow, so enjoy the view tonight!
After a long day in a poorly air conditioned Linthicum Hall at Towson University (I think I'm possibly suffering from heat stroke) I don't think I could read greater news than his conviction. Lock him up and throw away the key.
Lock him up? Fuck that, death penalty all the way baby! Fortunately Gaumer was stupid enough to commit his crime in the county. I'm sure if he'd stayed in the city to kill her he'd be allowed to plead down to manslaughter and be free in five years.
PPatin, given the choice, I'd rather be executed then spend the rest of my life (seventy years) behind bars without the possibility of parole. Execution is an escape - keep him alive, and suffering.
The irony is that in Maryland he's probably safer on death row than he would be in the general prison population. I believe that the MD Court of Appeals has halted all executions until the General Assembly passes a bill clarifying the procedures. Seeing as how they almost abolished capital punishment this year I can't really envision them taking any action that would restart executions unless another Ted Bundy or Timothy McVeigh appears in Maryland.
Another good reason not to have him on death row, then. Not that I condone prisoner-on-prisoner sexual assault, but I hope he gets assaulted a lot.
McNair did not refuse a alcohol breath test. he was not asked to take one. The drive refused the breath test.
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