The girl who was killed on N. Patterson Park Ave. yesterday morning has been ID'd as Shawndreta Griffin. Shawndreta was actually 14, not 15 as previously reported. (I drove down that street last night, and it is one of the bleakest streets I've seen in this city. Greenmount Ave. is like a healthy and thriving neighborhood in comparison.)
A typo contributed to the murder of Jeffrey (aka Jeffery) Clinton Butler.
Antajuan Wilson confessed. Hopefully they spelled his name right.
The boy killed by the wayward van on Saturday has been ID'd as 3-year-old Kyrell Sellers. Police are investigating the possibility that the two cars might have been racing.
The Griffins of Rodgers Forge were indicted for murdering their 2-year-old son. (It's taking all my restraint to not write something like "HA! Serves you right, fuckers!" Oh... shoot... I just wrote it. Oh well.)
There was a bizarre stabbing/wrestling incident in the can at Douglass High School yesterday.
In other stabby news, a man was knifed by a relative at a family get-together in Edgewood on Friday night.
If the schools weren't run as if a herd of lobotomized cattle held power on North Ave., Andres Alonso might have better luck getting volunteers. Oh, and he also wants to quadruple funding for gifted students. Does videotaping the beatdown of a teacher count as "gifted?"
There's something to Alonso's statement about volunteers, though, as the Towson/Cherry Hill partnership suggests.
Ick. People in Jessup want to castrate the police. Oh, castigate. That makes more sense. My bad. (Despite my stupid commentary, it's an interesting article. Citizens are pissed about the police shooting in the Pleasant Chase community last week.)
Can we start a new feature? The Douchebag du jour? If so, Sanford M. Abrams totally gets my vote.
The honorary DDJ award goes to the Fells Point double-parker who attacked the woman writing him a traffic ticket.
More fires in Harson County.
The money for the gifted students makes some amount of sense (and would still be less than half 22M vs 58M spent on special education/disadvantaged kids). Right now, ignoring the gifted students that are doing well is contributing to them falling down to normal and below normal levels in later years as opposed to maximizing that advantage.
Since these are the kids that have the best chance of coming back to the community and being successful, I'm pretty damn okay with doubling down and protecting the investment.
I'd also give a DDJ award to the NRA for refusing to comment on the Sanford Abrams case. They had an opportunity to make it clear that they do not tolerate gun dealers who flagrantly violate the law by selling firearms to criminals, but they blew it.
about the "accidental stabbing" in the school bathroom:
to the untrained eye it would seem that it could juss be an accident...but to us Bmore'ians (haha)it spells IM NOT SNITCHING all over it!
Ok, West Clement is in Federal Hill, not Fells Point.
Flash: cop shot at W. Lanvale & Poplar Grove
An inmate at RCI in Hagerstown was stabbed in the neck.
is it me or is shooting at cops becoming a regular trend?
According to Ed Norris there have been more people shooting at cops recently.
What do these morons hope to achieve by shooting at police officers? As they said in The Wire, "there ain't no percentage in dropping 5-0."
Hopefully I did not misquote that...
its the amount of ruthlessness you portray in return for respect (so i guess it is for a gain)...also, we cant rule out gang initiation....does anyone recall the 2 female officers who were sitting in a patrol car last year and took several shots from a unknown suspect?
police are also shooting alot of perps, so its basically a war zone
also..its really not that hard for these kids to shoot from a distance and dissapear
Any gang that initiated its new members by having them shoot cops would have local, state & federal law enforcement agencies coming down on them like the wrath of god. No to mention they'd have to deal with most of their members getting killed in police-involved shootings or spending the next few decades at Jessup or North Branch. Even in Baltimore most cop-shooters don't get away with their crimes.
Now the Sun is saying that the police officer may have been hit in the femoral artery. That could be very bad :(
On a positive note at least one of the shooters is in critical condition at Shock Trauma. Hopefully he won't make it.
Now the Sun is saying that the police officer may have been hit in the femoral artery. That could be very bad :(
Yep, that's what killed Sean Taylor.
yup...sean taylor went out like can lose all blood in 5 minutes...but then again sean taylors wife didnt know how to help him so he bled out, im assuming the officer's partner knows a little more...with that being said i hope he makes it!
they need some sort of armor for the WILL kill you without immediate help, so why not create some sort of armor, it wont be the most comfortable but it will save your runs from your groin area to your abdomen, y not protect that major artery
If you protect every vulnerable spot on a person's body you'll end up making him immobile.
You have to wonder just what these brain trusts are thinking.
"I'll just start shooting at this cop, and then run into this house and shoot at him some more. Pretty soon, he'll get tired of me shooting at him and he'll go away."
Well I'm not an NRA spokesperson, but I am a member...and I think it's absolutely beyond acceptable that a gun dealer would break the law and sell a firearm to someone who is not legally entitled to own it. As far as I'm concerned, the person who sold the gun should be in jail along with the guy who pulled the trigger.
Oh God -- sorry. My last comment should have said "beyond UNacceptable"...jeez.
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