Capitol News Service tweeted that "The House of Delegates has delayed debate on the same-sex marriage bill until Wednesday," the Post is saying the vote will be Friday. Said Bishop Paul Wells, "you are either against God's word or for God's word. There is no in-between." Which is why I never shake hands with a menstruating woman and keep my adulterer-stoning arm limber at all times.
Baltimore hosted the U.S. House committee on oversight & reform this morning. Tweeted TDR's Danny Jacobs, "Behind Cummings is yellow map of city with green marks where foreclosures are. Looks like mold spreading."
The House just passed a bill that will force the governor to make parole decisions within 90 days. And you can watch the Justice Policy Institute's documentary on the parole process on their new YouTube channel. If you're into that kind of thing.
Interesting to see that black church leaders are among the most vocal opponents of gay marriage. I'm sure someone will crawl down my throat for being non-PC, but I can't help but wonder what the out of wedlock pregnancy rate in their congregations is. That's ok, I'm sure those hucksters will still take tithes from anyone though, expensive cars don't pay for themselves...
Out-of-wedlock pregnancy rate? The black community's big secret is the high abortion rate. Homosexuals have never had have high status in the black community. The black religious movement is quite interesting across almost all denominations. The church often espouses that when a man and a woman marries the husband becomes the household leader and he has final say on all family decisions. This isn't exactly an enticement for all those strong independent educated black women out there with lucrative middle-management jobs when many of the eligible black male bachelors might not be at the same economic level. What they say and what they do.....2 distinct and separate issues.
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