Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Violent Avenue

Kevin Talley, 25, died after being shot in the 3700 block of Reisterstown Road last night near... Violent Avenue?

Trial started today for William Kern,* the police academy instructor who allegedly shot a recruit in the head.

After violating the First Amendment rights of Women in Black, the city is coughing up $100k for the ACLU.* And a jury awarded $250k to the family of Andrew Cornish, killed in a SWAT team raid in 2005. And the mother of a 16-year-old hit in the face by cops was awarded $75k.

Another attempted carjacking of Vi Ripken? What?

Oh, Doug Gansler. When you're in a hole, quit digging. Dude responded to allegations that he ordered his driver to break traffic laws-- allegations that probably would have blown over if he'd just shut up-- by saying "Nobody really believes I ordered some troopers to do these kinds of things because it’s silly." The seven state troopers who filed complaints and said trooper's supervisors, however, likely disagree.
    On a related note, I'm taking down the poll because other, more appealing candidates have emerged and I don't want to pretend like they don't exist. Results reveal crushing apathy among voters, with 63 percent undecided/don't care.
You know who's looking really great right now? Heather Mizeur. She's against fracking, looks like a thinner Edith Massey (at least in this picture), and isn't associated with the O'Malley cabal.

Police are on a serious roll when it comes to posting the "losers of the stop-and-frisk sweepstakes" ( as commenter so aptly deemed it):

1 comment:

Dave said...

David Napieralski looks shockingly like Walter Jr. from Breaking Bad.