Defendants are ordered to post big-bucks bails, but the city's bail bondsmens' low low prices get them out on the cheap.
Fenyanga Muhammad tells Richard Sher that police shot him four times for no reason. Jablow: witnesses at the scene tell a different story.
Annie Linskey has more on the search for Terrance Randolph's three killers, including the detail that Don Papa Blake, aka Shamvoy Smith, "reached out to the Baltimore police shortly after arriving in the city in late 2005 and told them that he was from California and had plans to straighten out the city's gangs." Yesterday she detailed Jordanna/ Jiordanna Wagner 's taped testimony about how the three took Randolph to the basement of 1900 block of Division St. for "discipline."
Scary stat: Through March 31, Baltimore police reported 161 shootings in Baltimore — a 32 percent increase from the same time last year.
Spyware is letting stalkers take fucking with victims to a new level.
Once again, courthouse workers are protesting the filthy conditions.
Federal court judge Garbis: touching and tipping in PGC strip clubs doesn't lead to crime.