Thursday, November 2, 2006

November 2

A bullet-riddled man is at Shock Trauma after a gun battle in the parking lot of the H&S Grocery in Northeast Baltimore.

Examiner: The city's Medical Examiner's office still has 341 "undetermined" deaths from 2004.

MD prisons' overtime costs have doubled this year because of understaffing.

Lamont Sanders, 30, got more than 26 years in jail for guns-n-coke.

Poor Ray Charles is now a Mosher Street gelcap.

Darry Harrod got 12 1/2 years in the fed pen for crack dealing.

Two of the six suspected weapons-smuggling Tamil Tigers pled not guilty in federal court yesterday.

A "gifted" carjacker is going to juvie.

One of the Bowie ATM thieves, Eric "Dukie" Thomas, got 27 months in jail and must pay restitution.

The Bowie High pimp coach will stay in jail.

More on the MoCo "consentual sex can't turn into rape" case.

HoCo police arrested Ji Hwan Shin for fondling a woman on a bike path.

In Carroll County, Stephani (sic) Jones was charged with stabbing a guy in the shoulder.

A hairdresser in PCG was royally screwed when police mistook him for a fugitive.

The Sun's circulation is down. Way down.
Media analysts blame not the Examiner, but rather the Sun's general suckage for the decline.
Maybe now the Tribune will sell it to somebody who cares!

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

November 1 evening

Three homicides, of Antonio Williams, 32, Johnathan Savage, 35, and Gregory Welsh, 32.

Dasheem Washington, a 19-year-old freshman at Morgan State, was shot in the pelvic area while taking out the trash in the 1500 block of Coldspring Lane.

A 14-year-old was shot in the foot near a PAL center in the SW.

Eight girls and a boy were charged with disorderly conduct, and one with assault, after a brawl at Edgewood High.

Baltimorean Ryan Crosby is accused of hitting a man on the head with a baseball bat in a Vermont trailer park.

A shooting near Charles Herbert Flowers High School in PCG put the school on lockdown.

Somebody tried to ef with election judges.
Meantime, Fortune on Diebold: "First get into a business you don't understand, selling to customers who barely understand it either. Then roll out your product without adequate testing. Don't hire enough skilled people. When people notice problems, deny, obfuscate and ignore. Finally, blame your critics when it all blows up in your face."

November 1

Murders 229 and 230 were in the 800 block of E. 41st Street and the 4400 block of Powell Avenue, respectively.

Anna Ditkoff: 228 murders
Arnilo HandyGlenard Byrd, 19, in the 1000 block of North Bond Street
Travis Wake, 23, 300 block of West 27th Street
Donte Johnson, 20, 1500 block of Shields Place
Leonard Brown, 25, 1400 block of North Milton Avenue
Kevin Washington, 28, 1700 block of Ashburton Street
Arnilo Handy, 30, 2700 block of Tivoly Avenue (at right)

Jermaine Bell, 31, and Roosevelt Spann Jr., 38, who had previously been charged with federal drug conspiracy, were accused yesterday of involvement in the murders of of Torrence Johnson, Kenyatta Harris and Angelo Stringfellow five years ago.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Eddie Levar Hawkins, 28, of the 3400 block of Tulsa Road, for first-degree murder. Court documents allege that on September 2, in the 3500 block of Lucille Avenue, Darren Terrell Wilson was called by the defendant, and when Wilson approached, Hawkins revealed a weapon then shot him numerous times. Wilson died later at Sinai Hospital. An arraignment is scheduled for November 22 before Judge Gale E. Rasin

Two shootings, a stabbing and burglary and robbery in the Blotter.

Todd Sheridan, a pathologist at Johns Hopkins now charged with automobile manslaughter, appeared before Judge Althea Handy for a bail review hearing today. Judge Handy ruled Sheridan to be released on his own recognizance. He will be arraigned December 8, 2006.

In the County, an officer fired at a car that nearly ran him down in a crosswalk.

Two men were shot in Laurel.

In Harford County, possible serial killer Charles Eugene Burns was indicted for the murder of Lillian Abramowicz Phelps.

In Carroll County, Cory Lee Slemaker, 23, got five weekends in jail for buying Bud Lite for teenagers.

In Frederick County, Michael Smith, 17, is charged with two attempted rapes at Tuscarora High School.

In Rockville, MoCo, a 15-year-old boy was arrested after a homemade bottle bomb exploded.

Erlich on Park Heights murder rumors: "I don't know if it's true or not true ... Either way, people of the community deserve an answer."
Park Heights bicyclist to Ehrlich: "shut up, you turkey!"

patnbobState's Attorney Patricia C. Jessamy will join Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr. for brief comments and greetings to the Baltimore meeting of MARGIN (Mid-Atlantic Regional Gang Investigators Network) at 9:45 a.m. tomorrow at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge, 3920 Buena Vista Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21211. The State's Attorney and Governor will comment on the need for a continued crime-fighting partnership and strategy that addresses gang prevention, education and proposed legislation.
Not an endorsement by the SA, but pretty close ...

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 31 afternoon

On October 27 the Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Davon Gardner, 20, of the 2500 block of Loyola Northway and Gerryl Boatwright, 17, of the 4100 block of Park Heights Avenue. on first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege on October 2, Antonio Manley, 17, and Master Davis, 16, were walking in the 1700 block of Castle Street when two men identified as Gardner and Boatwright began firing at the two men. Mr. Manley suffered gunshot wounds to the lower back and survived his injuries, however, Mr. Davis did not survive his injuries. Gardner and Boatwright were observed getting into a gray or silver Subaru, and fleeing from the scene. They were later stopped by Baltimore Police Officers who recovered a handgun and handgun shells wrapped in a red bandana.

Also on October 27, 2006 the Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Braynell Gilchrist, 21, of the 2400 block of Wilgrey Court for first-degree murder. Court documents allege that on September 15, a witness reports, while in the company of Braynell Gilchrist in the 2300 block of Norfolk Street threatened to kill David Galloway. The witness reports Gilchrist approached the victim and the two men engaged in conversation, moments later Gilchrist shot the victim several times, killing him.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Earl Bazemore, 20, of the 2500 block of E. Fayette Street, and Victor Miller, 21, of the 2000 block of W. Eutaw Street, of first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege on September 27, 2006, Earl Bazemore and Victor Miller were in a gold colored Honda Accord that was stopped by the Baltimore City Police Officers in the 6300 block of Hudson Street. A handgun was recovered from the vehicle. The ballistics examination performed revealed the gun recovered from the vehicle was the same gun used to shoot and kill Andrew Levi Jackson, 26, on September 25, 2006.

More on the story of Sierra Swann, Nathaniel Broadway, the two infants they starved and beat to death and how not a thing has changed to prevent a similar incident from happening in the future. Pass the Prozac, this is easily, by far, the most depressing thing I've ever read about in this town, and that is saying a lot.

Zukael Stephens, charged with arson and murder in the death of Marcus Rogers in Mt. Vernon, was let out of jail by accident -- but he's back in now.
Update: The court ordered Tony Stephens Zukael, AKA Zukael Stephens, charged with murder, held without bail today. The court scheduled a preliminary hearing date of November 28, 2006.

CSA: A woman's consent to sex can't be withdrawn.

More methadone for everyone! (I thought "bupe" was the new thing?)

Rod Rosenstein is hot on the trail of child pornographers.

In White Marsh, Vernon Harris was charged with first-degree murder in the stabbing death of 46-year-old Floyd Harp.

October 31

Is it not bad enough Hopkins pays no taxes? Must we also tolerate unwitting flip-flopped hatboys with nothing to give back to this town but date rape and lawn urine? Does the school have any kind of standard of conduct beyond making profs ho a grant quota?

Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30 afternoon

Before the jury selection process began today, and as the jury pool waited in the courtroom, Nathaniel Broadway exercised his right to a plea agreement in the case of State vs. Nathaniel Broadway and pled guilty to two counts of 2nd degree murder in the deaths of one-month old twins Emunnea and Emonney, who were found starved, beaten and dead in a basement apartment with no electricity and no running water. Johns Hopkins Hospital released the children to their 17-year-old mother, Sierra Swann, in spite of being aware that she ws a drug abuser and had lost custody of her two-year-old child, and that Broadway was "beating on" Swann in the hospital room the day after she gave birth. The case outraged people nationally, but it doesn't sound like Hopkins or the DSS has changed any procedures since, in fact, funding for the DSS has been cut this year. The state will seek 50 years suspend all but 30 years. Sentencing is scheduled for January 10, 2007 before Judge Allen Schwait.

The SA's office announced that Todd Brinsley Sheridan, 30, of Fallstaff Road, was indicted for automobile manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol in connection with the death of 22-year-old woman Latrice Nicole Smith. On July 8 on Interstate 83 South, Sheridan's car struck a vehicle operated by Smith. She was flown to Shock Trauma but later died as a result of her injuries.

October 30

Leonard Brown, 25, was killed Thursday in the 1400 block of N. Milton Avenue (he may be 225 or 227).

weilerWould-be abortion-clinic bomber Robert Weiler (left) pled guilty Friday to that and having an illegal firearm and a destructive device (the pipe bomb).

Citizens in Park Heights gathered Saturday to protest what they say are serial murders of women in the NW going unreported by the Medical Examiner's office. (The ME's office denies the rumor).

Gregory Kane takes us back to the days when he local head of the Black Panther Party was harrassed by police by being arrested "for everything from 'attempted murders' down to parking tickets 'that weren't parking tickets.' ... "the charges were thrown out. None went to court."
TG nothing like that ever happens today and all of those uncomfy "race problems" are far behind us!

According to a publishing company that appears to exist just to dole out awards to various states, Baltimore is now the 12th-most-dangerous city in America. (The "most dangerous" "award" includes most cities of more than 75k people and compares their FBI UCR numbers in basic six crime categories). Last year Baltimore was sixth. But in cities with a population over 500,000, we've moved up to #2 (stats weren't available for New Orleans).

In Hebron, Wicomico County, Wendy Floyd was murdered (allegedly) by her estranged boyfriend, Jeffery Ryan Rohleder.

Speaking of domestic violence, anyone catch last week's Savage Love? That's how it starts, ladies (and fey gentlemen). Don't date that guy!

A serial rapist appears to be abducting women in DC and taking them to PGC.

If you can still read about politics without gagging, the Post has some good poll numbers.
The Examiner did indeed heed my call and dug up a Democrat who voted Ehrlich last time and plans to switch back (from which we are to extrapolate a larger trend, I assume).
Unsurprisingly, the Sun has endorsed O'Malley.
The gov. admitted over the weekend that his communications director was subpoenaed by federal prosecutors as part of a probe into contacts between the administration and various gambling interests. The Sun Lies has the whole exchange (and lots of other interesting stuff too).

Saturday, October 28, 2006

October 28

Solothal "Itchy Man" Thomas and Edward "Bam" Countess got life plus 10 years yesterday for their roles in a County murder-for-hire ordered by Baltimore City drug dealer Tyree Stewart in retaliation for a 1999 robbery.

Remember that "criminal," Glen Curry (DOB 12/52), who was so dangerous he was arrested for trespassing in front of his own apartment, then an officer punched him in the face while he was cuffed? All charges against him have been dropped, three days before his case was supposed to go to court. The charges are still in the system though, of course. His lawyer told JZ a federal investigation is underway.

Family, the cornerstone of society:
Good Lord. Alison Kirby was stabbed more than a dozen times by her babydaddy in a Wal-Mart parking lot and lived to tell the tale. Kirby sought a restraining order, but it was denied. Her ex, Christopher McCann, was convicted of attempted first-degree murder yesterday.

Mother of the family that killed Anthony Frank Fertitta and burned his body, one Cynthia Jean McKay, was charged with first-degree murder in the county.

Did Ed Hoffman of Elkton shoot his wife because she couldn't stand to be in debt?
I don't know, but for the record, if I ever go broke, don't kill me, honey!

Friday, October 27, 2006


Back in June, almost 100 readers took the governor poll. Forty-four percent of you were voting O'Malley, 36 Ehrlich, nine undecided.

The new poll only has 34 respondents so far. But ... this poll shows Ehrlich in the lead with 47 percent. MD Politics Now says that the governor has picked up all of the newspaper endorsements handed out so far (Dude's links are all broken, but it's true... here's the Towson Times').

Could the worm be turning?

October 27

At a hearing today, Tia Whitehead pled guilty to one count of reckless endangerment. The court set a sentencing date of December 27. Reckless endangerment carries a maximum prison term of five years. The child abuse, reckless endangerment and false imprisonment trial of Samuel Pounds was postponed until December 1 before Judge Albert J. Matricciani, Jr., 230 Courthouse East, 111 N. Calvert St. Court documents allege Whitehead and Pounds chained a 15 year old girl to a bed in an upstairs bedroom at a house in the 3200 block of Beehler Avenue on June 19.

Two murders last night: one unID'd man and one Dante L. Johnson, age 20.

At a hearing yesterday, Reginald Williams, 35, of the 400 block of East Eager Street, pled guilty to three counts of first-degree sex offense, one count of third-degree sex offense, one count of rape and three counts of second-degree assault. Under terms of the plea agreement, Williams faces a minimum sentence of 50 years in prison and a maximum sentence of life in prison when sentenced by Judge Allen L. Schwait on February 6, 2007. You'll remember Williams as the serial rapist who sexually assaulted five women in Central downtown over the span of three weeks between December 3-22, 2005. On December 22, 2005 police attempted to arrest Williams in the 1200 block of W. Saratoga Street when he fled into an alley and pulled a gun, and officers shot him in the leg.

A 16-year-old boy was shot in the head, back and stomach during a robbery.
A man sitting in a parked car in the 5500 block of York Road was shot.
Dante Tyner, 20, was arrested for the murder of 17-year-old Darrell Artis (186), shot to death on McClean Blvd-- oddly the same block where Malian taxi driver Oumar Bah (aka Omar Ba) was murdered last June.

Bipolar, drunk Martha J. Ladenson drove the wrong way on Charles Street at 60 mph, killed Kim Carter McDonald, got two years in prison.

File under: grudges, corruption
The Post says O'Malley and Jessamy's feud dates back to '01, when O'M cussed out Ms. J for dropping a police corruption case (Brian Sewell) who O'M wanted prosecuted (a police evidence room had been broken into). Some insiders say the beef actually dates back 16 years, back to when they both ran for State's Attorney in '95. Sixteen years, that's some for-real grudge!
Wonder if Jessamy'll endorse Frowny Bowlcut?!

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think? Local leaders (including Jill Carter and the Elder Conaway) are having a chuckle over the mayor's "not guilty" DUI haunting him 20 years later.
You can't expunge the Internets, kids!

Ooh, I hope this happens! The Examiner wants to run a page a month featuring photos of whoremongers.
Q: Do "Johns" have to register as sex offenders?

Towson police to sex offenders:
no playing hole-in-the-bowl on Halloween.

I can't wait to see this movie:

Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26

ONLY in Baltimore fokes!!
conaway bookConfused voters of the 40th district may have unwittingly selected as candidate for Democratic Delegate a violent bipolar self-published writer! Frank Melvin Conaway Jr. is NOT the much-respected and dapper clerk-of-the-court, but rather his considerably more unstable son! Off his meds, Melvin Junior self-published a spiritual manifesto, "Baptist Gnostic Christian Eubonic Kundalinion Spiritual Ki Do Hermeneutic Metaphysics," (allegedly) beat up his wife and chipped her tooth, hired a crackhead as his campaign finance chair ... and still has a great chance of getting elected!

Yes, this horrible case is still around:
The murder and child abuse trial of Nathaniel Broadway, 27, of the 1900 block of E. 31st Street, began today before Judge Allen L. Schwait, 400 Mitchell Courthouse, 110 N. Calvert Street. On June 7, 2004 Broadway and Sierra Swann, the parents of infant twin girls, were indicted for first-degree murder and child abuse in connection with the death of their one-month-old twins, Emmoney Broadway and Emmonea Broadway, killed on May 11, 2004 at their residence in the 1900 block E. 31st Street.
On February 13, 2006 Sierra Swann pled guilty to two counts of child abuse resulting in death; Nathaniel Broadway and Sierra Swann are being held without bail at the Baltimore City Detention Center.

Anti-nuke sisters: No way we're going to pay the Air Force back for the nun-blood-on-the-missle thing.

Club Charles' Joy Martin: 1 in 2 Baltimoreans who walk the streets of the city die a street-related death.
Which reminds me, wasn't O'M going to eminently domain the Chesapeake restaurant? Can't help but to notice it's still a vacant eyesore...

North County
GBMC RN: rape victims "don't need to come into a dirty bathroom if they already feel dirty."

A fatal stabbing in White Marsh.

In Harford County, a MySpace page led to arrests for the rape of a 16-year-old. (Did her parents know she was going to a party at the Super 8 Motel?)

AAC: Crazed James D. Morris, 37, cut his niece's hair, set a house on fire with gasoline, got pepper-sprayed.

Candidates for State Attorney General, Scott Rolle and Doug Gansler, had a debate, but nobody was invited! Anyway apparently Fredneck Rolle pointed out: "I obtained the longest sentence in Maryland history for a child molester: 450 years. We have filed the notice to seek the death penalty three times in Frederick County. My opponent has never filed a notice to seek the death penalty."
Since the minority of MDers support it, maybe that's not a good thing.
Still, I don't like this Gansler guy. He comes off as a prettyboy Yalie career lawyer, anointed to the job when no one was looking. And he admits he isn't going to do shineola for the city's problems. Here's Rolle's page.

The State Attorney General's office has taken over the matter of Delegate and alleged scam artist Tony McConkey.

Cecil County jail guard Bruce Bradwell, 53, of DE, pleaded guilty to misconduct in office. He's one of three guards involved in a sex-with-inmates scandal.

Oy Vay, NJ may go gay! Do I hear wedding bells for the former governor?

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 25- DJ Delayed

October 25

The City Grand Jury indicted Marvin Ferguson, 40, of Lyndale Avenue for first-degree murder today.Court documents allege on October 1 while Billy J. Horne, 47, was cleaning his vehicle in front of his home in the 3800 block of Lyndale Avenue, Marvin Ferguson approached and shot him numerous times with a shotgun for no apparent reason. Mr. Horne's son and another man were also fired upon, but were not harmed. Ferguson then returned to his home at 3867 Lyndale Avenue, Baltimore Police Department SWAT team extracted him several hours later. An arraignment is scheduled for November 22.

The murder trial of Clifton Gee, 46, of the 6700 block of Shaken Wood Road, continues today with closing arguments before Judge John Carroll Byrnes. The Baltimore City Grand jury indicted Gee September 8, 2005 for first-degree murder in connection with a homicide that occurred more than 11 years ago. Court documents allege Gee stabbed to death Queen Esther Watson, 29, on May 14, 1994 in her home in the 200 block of South Bethel Street. The Baltimore City Police Lab and the Maryland State Police Lab linked Gee to this murder with DNA testing conducted in February 2005. Gee is currently being held by the Division of Correction where he is serving a five-year sentence in an unrelated case.

East side.
Murder victim #223-ish (some of the people shot last week must have passed...) was 19-year old Glenard Byrd Jr. of Middle River found shot to death Monday in the 1000 block of N. Bond St.
Wonder what a teenager from Middle River would be doing in that part of town .... ?

Central, Western, Northwestern, County.
"Listen kid, I need to CHILL OUT NOW!!"
Oh wait, there's murder victim #222-ish.
Thirty-nine year-old Joel Bradley was beaten to death by a bus stop on the fringe of Bolton Hill.
An attmpted kidnapping in Reisterstown... isn't that at least the second one lately?
And then there's still "Nancy" in HarfCo... sigh. Wait, now, is that "bodies" plural? Two bodies? What other bodies are they talking about?
The one the kids found in Owings Mills?
Roxanne Amick, whose 40-year-old body was found wrapped in a blanket on the side of Bel Air Road? (Guess the husband didn't do it after all.)
Are they counting Nina Tarkovskaya (the Russian lady who went missing from Reisterstown in May)?
Can someone just total for me how many female bodies and attempted kidnappings up there this year?!

.... Wait a minute, sounds like the "unreported women/prostitutes found dead/with their throats cut in the Northwest" rumor, doesn't it?
Gee, I wonder where crazy rumors come from!

CSA: Baltimore City Court, We Rebuke You!

Greg Kane connects Pat Jessamy, Busta Rhymes, Lil' Wayne and the money fracas in the yard.

PCG, population=@850k):
PG is Much less murderous than Baltimore.

Carjacking's easy... babysitting is hard!
Keep your eyes peeled for a 1997 four-door gray Chevrolet Blazer, MD 664M308.

Politics Corner
The City Council is holding a hearing today about banning smoking in all public places.

Digging in deep dirt: O'M was charged with DUI... 20 years ago! Meanwhile, the Post has endorsed Ehrlich.

Doug Gansler's got to go to court to prove he can run for Attorney General.
What happens if he can't-- is Stu Simms the Dem. candidate?

Finally, something about the other person who'ld like to be our comptroller, Dean Anne McCarthy! I hope she and Franchot debate some big-word stuff, live and somewhere close, comfy (and early) so I can go ... how about the MICA Brown Center? ... the chances of MD electing a Republican comptroller are about the same as someone who can add going to MICA!!

If you don't have the best CD of the year, Night Ripper, get it before some lawyer notices the whole thing is illegal! It. Is. So. Good.!!

Don't forget to read your International tabloids today!
Kate Moss is pregnant, and the British Press is covering the Macca/Mucca divorce with the gloves off ... Madonna's Keeping Her lil' Black Baby! Let's all get Baltimore City foster kids! Black babies for everyone!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24

John Long, 26, got 160 months in prison for drugs-n-guns. Large guns.... "including a Norico SKS 7.62 caliber rifle; a Glock 20, 10mm pistol; a Glock Mossberg 500a, .12 gauge shotgun; a Glock 23, .40 caliber pistol; a Glock 27, .40 caliber pistol; and a Intratec 9mm pistol; with ammunition. In mid-April, 2004, Long and others moved the firearms from 7 South Broadway to 270 S. Highland Avenue, Baltimore. On May 4, 2004, law enforcement officials recovered the firearms with ammunition. Long acknowledged that the firearms were carried for protection and in furtherance of the drug conspiracy."

Sad: Parents of murdered Kevin Shields are being kept from their grandchild by his FB mom, Stephanie Madariaga, an accessory to Shields' murder.

A man in his 20's was shot in the parking lot of Eastpoint mall in Essex.

Gunshot sensors are what we need for Christmas!!

It's a supermarket (robbery) sweep in the County.

Gary Chamberlin, a convicted pedophile in Finksburg, wants a new trial after the presumed victim confessed that a friend told her to make up the story.

A Republican Deener Delegate is accused of cheating a woman out of her house.

If they were from Frederick County, Doug Gansler would call them FrednecksHA!! State's Attorney presumptive Doug Gansler is accused of calling Frederick Co. "FREDNECK" County!
"Mr. Gansler laid blame on the Post reporter, Philip Rucker, calling his story a 'lazy, strange article.'"
(right: Frednecks found on the Internets)

Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23 - bedtime!

Zukael Stephens, 29, was charged Friday with the murder of Marcus Rogers of Mt. Vernon!
Rogers, a drag queen who frequented the Club Bunns, at was beaten at 1010 St. Paul St. in Mount Vernon and his apartment was set on fire Oct. 1.
Police are still looking for Rogers' vehicle, a black 1998 Mercedes-Benz station wagon, surely one of the lovliest passenger-cars of the decade past; MD tag 25107CA. If you see it call homicide - 410-396-2100.

♥I-Team: Police threatened with being fired for not making arrest and "citizen contact" quotas.
That is some severely. messed. up. shit.
Way to claw memorandi, I-Babes!

Police found two decomposed un'Id'd bodies in Abderdeen, Harford County. Work of serial killer? The government?
The details were interesting... especially that last one:
Found on the victim:

  • Gray, Limited Too brand simulated leather jacket, size XXL

  • Dark, Covington blue jeans, size 6

  • Black athletic shoes with Velcro straps, size 7.5, marked "Nancy" with Athletic Works logo

  • One gold colored ring with clear stones on the front and chevrons on the side with a Band-Aid wrapped around the band

  • One Timex Indiglo watch with a navy blue face, a light blue compass dial and a blue weave Velcro wristband

  • One silver metal ring marked "India"

  • possibly a set of dentures

any small-bodied toothless females missing? Did the body have teeth?

October 23

Plaintiff attorneys in Hopson v. City of Baltimore: Police are still shredding documents!

Brandy Britton (aka "Professor Whore" to one of our blunter readers) granted an "exclusive" interview to the Examiner's Luke Broadwater. Though he didn't make it into her bedroom or talk to her mom like Darragh Johnson did in May!

On June 20, 2006, a Baltimore City jury convicted Joseph Omar Smith, 24, of the 2400 block of Lakeview Avenue of the second-degree murder of Lawrence Johnson, attempted second-degree murder and assault of Ryan McCutcheon, attempted second-degree murder of Jeremy Drake, conspiracy to murder McCutcheon and Drake, three counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence and illegal possession of a regulated firearm. The same jury convicted Cyrus Lee Beads, 20, Beads of the attempted second-degree murder of McCutcheon, attempted second-degree murder of Drake, conspiracy to murder McCutcheon and Drake, two counts of use of a handgun in the commission of a crime of violence and illegal possession of a regulated firearm. Our story...
On June 7, 2005 police responded to 3832 Roland View Avenue and found three males suffering from gunshot wounds inside the location. Investigation revealed that the victims had been on the front porch when individuals suddenly opened fire from across the street. Multiple 9mm casings were recovered from the scene and were matched to a Glock 9mm handgun recovered from Cyrus Beads on June 13, 2005 when he was arrested in the 2600 block of Keyworth. Eyewitnesses encountered the defendants immediately after the shots were fired rushing into an apartment. Both had guns and both used the bathroom to wash up and change clothes.

Today, the state recommended Life plus for each defendant and explaining their criminal histories, both defense attorneys spoke on behalf of their clients.

Said a witness in the courtoom, "Smith's attorney said his client had an awful upbringing. He had no father, his mom was a drug addict and he had no direction in his life. He said we are all at fault. The problem is much bigger. We can't just lock up and forget...the bigger problem. The attorney explained that we are all guilty of what happened to Omar Smith. He said Smith maintains his innocence and expresses no remorse because of this. He asked for a sentence of 30 years.

Hedgepeth apologized to judge and his client saying he instructed his client to not look at the jury, indicating that somehow the jury noted this in their decision. Hedgepeth explained that at the age of two months, Beads was sent to Las Vegas to live with an aunt because his mother was also a drug addict. Their til the age of eleven he lived a middle -class life. He was a good student and had never been in any trouble. His mother then wanted him back. He returned to Baltimore at the most vulnerable time in his life ... especially a young black man's life. Hedgepeth said Beads came from a "Cosby" type setting to the streets of Baltimore. The schools were different....everything was different.

Judge Schwait said, 'Our city is in enormous trouble.' He referred to both defendants as young attractive men. He said in the last 18 months he has presided over 53 murder cases. He sees his role as kind of 'triage.' Having violent, non-violent and drug cases. It cost $5,000 to treat a drug addict but cost $25,000 to incarcerate. He said society needs to change a lot of things and until we do 'my job is to protect the public, not a social worker. Sometimes I wish I were a social worker.' He then handed down his sentence."
Smith got life plus 150 years, Beads got life plus 103 years.

In the Northeastern, a man was shot in the head and throat, another in the leg.

Police used pepper spray to subdue unruly Owings Mills high school students.

Manuel Forastieri, 70, of Frederick, faces 62 felony sex-abuse and extortion counts.

Professor Griff is coming to the Yabba Pot .. and ladies get in free!

That Stupid Debate!

Homework for this week: Go back and watch the debate!

It opens with Ehrlich tenting his fingers and O'Malley squinting and smirking ...
O'M: "I'm here to report some good news... there's far more that unites us than divides us. We are united in our belief in the dignity of the individual ... we are still the people Frederick Douglass loved."
Gag! .... and speaking of Frederick Douglass, a week later a kid was shot at Frederick Douglass High!

Then O'Malley goes on the negative...
O'M: ".... belittle, run down the progress neighbors are making with their police ... belttling the capacity of our kids to achieve. Do me a favor and ask yourself, what is this doing to bring Maryland together? ... we can do better."

well, since you mentioned it homeboy ... what are you doing in our city?
(neighbors and THEIR police?!)

Then we get into education, turning over schools to corporations: ahem... during O'Malley, $48 million school money went missing!
Ehrlich: "It's unacceptable, it is your record, you can't be afraid to quantify, you can't be afraid to measure."

O'M: We have three whole good public schools in the city (City, Poly, School for the Arts), 60 percent of kids are passing. (Don't remind me, okay?) "Denise, we're not dumb."

Then O'M gets negative. It's "the Two Bob Ehrlichs" (Sideshow Bob?), cutting school construction and teacher pensions. He talks about "getting our children out of trailers."

teachers love the trailers! There's lots of room, no hall noise, air conditioning, lights that work ... anyway... then O' goes on about higher ed....

Ehrlich gets his dander up: "Mayor, here's my problem with you..."Frederick Douglass... 40 percent passing in government... you can't expect people to accept the status quo in Baltimore City. "you protected the status quo! ...
[Here's the exact moment where I get on Ehrlich's side] ... You violated consitutional rights ... it's a moral issue, it's a fiscal issue..."

O'M: "I have visited countless schools."
You can't count your own schools? hey Ehrlich, get your fingers out of your nose!
O'M"The Gates Foundation is investing Denise in reforming our high schools."
Wha? The Gates Foundation? Ain't them and Oprah helping out sub-saharan Africa?!
I'd almost forgotten how bad-off the city is ... thanks for the reminder!

"We're making progress ... not done yet." NO CRAP!
"What we need is a governor who's better at taking responsibility than he is taking cheap shots ..."

Ehrlich butts in ... "now Denise, this is important, thank you, this is what this is about. Ten thousand dropouts, where do you think those kids are today? The mayor spent more on the new slogan than he has in increasing money in schools."

O'M: "Don't know where you're getting that governor, we've increased per capita spending 20 percent."
[the upside of the population fleeing the city?]
Ehrlich looks frowny.

O'M: "... this is a race for governor, governor" (what's with the snotty tone?) "not City Council."
Yeah, cause you COULDN'T WIN THAT now!! "The truth of the matter is we're making progress Denise."
(Pee-Wee Face!)

Denise: "Yeah, good."
Then BGE rates, Ehrlich's got specific numbers, dates, uses fingers like beak of bird... point to O'Malley about the PSC.
DeReg, energy price caps.

Ehrlich: Crime is down "big time" in the State of MD ... obviously BCity has its own set of problems... we have localized approach, take state tax dollars, put them into C-safe local hot spot program, flexibility, makes great death of sense; capital punishment, I support it ... Delegate Jill Carter today again along with other leaders in the communities ... has been hypercritical of the mass arrests in Baltimore City, we do not like the spectre of one-third of arrestees being kicked out, never charged, no paperwork generated, they were just let go. It puts the police in a very demoralized, unfair situation."
Thank you! About time someone was feeling a little of the city's pain!

O'M: "The most important thing we've had to do is build consensus around public safety ... that is probably the toughest thing to do, to bring people together for public safety."

Speak for yourself guy! You're the one who can't be bothered to show to a CJCC meeting!
26,000 BCrime readers build consensus every month! ... but you don't have to be one of them to say "huh?" to figures like
"Lowest crime rate since 1960 ... we pushed the homicide rate below 200."

"The governer promised to fix juvenile services .. upgrade DNA database ...guards understaffed.... attacks on guards and inmates way up ... we need to work together."
Who's we? You and Jessamy? You and Kevin Clark?

Ehrlich: "At least two of your former police commissioners don't buy your numbers, they've been very open in that respect."
O'M, sneeringly: "have they?" (What's with the snotty 'tude again?)
"This year, Denise, 100 people have been arrested and charged with murder, and 40 of them were supposedly under direct supervision of governor Ehrlich's failed state department of parole and probation."
... can I get a source for those figures?
"We have a fast-revolving door of criminal justice ... Do something about your broken parole and probation system, do something about your broken juvenile justice system instead of trying to divide people with the issue of crime."
Do something, Daddy!

Denise: Let's talk about leadership.
O'M: The sort of leadership that I've been attracted to... that people long for, is repespectful of others... seeks compromise to find that common ground. We've made progress by having the guts to declare high goals... we're always moving forward. Leadership that will stand up for the common good ... not cynicism, negativity belittling [there's that word again!] the acheivements of any jurisdiction... we're all in this together. We need a governor who will practice the politics of bringing people together."

Here's the one time Ehrlich smiles... "I don't know what all of that means, I gotta tell ya."
I could transcribe this all day. But I gotta get some real work done!
O'Malley goes on to say the "two Bob Ehrlichs" about three more times.
Ehrlich makes rude "without us you're nothing" remarks that we all could do without.

But if you think O'Malley won, watch it again! No WAY Denise!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

October 22

Remember that burned body found by the side of 83 last Christmas Eve?
It belonged to one Wesley Person of Steelton, PA. Now Lawrence Murrell Jr. has been charged with homicide, criminal conspiracy and abuse of a corpse.

Even with DNA evidence, the road to exoneration is cobbled and bumpy for cons.

A NW 18-year-old is at Shock Trauma after being shot in the upper body.

A 22-year-old man was shot in the leg
trying to flee a masked man.

A brawl at the Malibu Bar in the SE ended sending six drunk hicks to the hospital.

Da Vote!!
Diebold voting-machine source code has been stolen and leaked ... again! The FBI is investigating.

A whopping 59 percent of you say Ehrlich won the BAL debate!
(Good, that's what I thought too!)
Also, most of you spent the weekend getting fat! Super!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

October 21

Hell! Frozen!
Jill Carter's quoted in the Sun!
Other interesting tidbits in this article: Did you know the hottest time to buy drugs in Sandtown-Winchester is 6 a.m.? ... that O'M announced his candidacy for Mayor at Harford Road and the Alameda?
The official BPD staffing vacancy is 155?

This article about Ehrlich and the juvenile justice system is a little on the negative side.

The Bowie High Pimp Coach, Aaron Burroughs, was indicted federally for sex trafficking and child sexual abuse.
Rip him a new one Rod!

Lil' Wayne may face lil' charges after girls were injured in money-throwing fracas. ("He is known as one of the few Southern rap artists who compose thoughtful lyrics." (WTF press release did that come from?! Rude! Not reportage! Passive Voice! Boo!)

Kirk Wilkerson pled guilty in MoCo to murdering his 83-year-old roommate William Brewer King in March in the course of an arguement over a phone bill.

More on the PGC Chez YonYon restaurant hostages story.

Civic involvement is a virtue: new web site will help you get to those school board meetings!

Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20

A homeless man was killed by a hit-and-run driver on Falls Road at 40th street in Hampden-- the driver's car had been found.
[Not considered a homicide-- should it be?]

A woman parked on the 3600 block of Malden Lane in Woodberry called to complain that a bunch of juveniles took rocks and materials from a city construction site and piled them on her car.

Someone was "stabbed in the butt," another in the chest at La Palapa on Main Street, Ellicott City.

Rod Rosenstein: "The Rice brothers lived the gangster lifestyle for a few years and now they will pay the price for the rest of their lives."
Included in "gangster lifestyle": minivans, NW split-levels.

A female officer responding to a call about a baseball-bat weilding woman was stranded in the 2400 block of Denison Lane when she got no response from the radio dispatcher for a request for backup.

After someone broke a car window, four police cars and a couple of officers à pied chased a pack of 15 black male youths who'd been gathered on the corner of 3900 Labyrinth.

Police conducted a "centralized debriefing initiative" in the parking lot of Old Town Mall in East Baltimore.

On Lily Pound Court in Edgewood HarfCo, as an old man, a 9-year-old girl, a pot plant and two dogs were minding their own business, someone threw a firebomb through a window . The people were okay, the two dogs were killed, house was wrecked, don't know about the plant.

South And Elswehere.
The CSA will hear Kevin Clark's O'case.

The City got $500k from the federal government to put surveillance cameras in schools.

billandmartinBill and Martin at the rally! Bill ♥s some Ben Cardin, those two were all huggy and whatnot... but not so much as one picture of Bill with O'Malley! That could be just how the photo opp worked out ... but note M'O's placement on stage-- back left-- not where you place someone if your point is to show the world your hot sweaty love (right)!

O'M's talking opening a big drug treatment lockdown if elected, Ehrlich says he'll expand RESTART, which provides services to inmates.

Steven I. Platt, an associate judge on the PCG Circuit, wrote a smarty editorial for the Doily Wretched. <-sub. required
An important issue when we select our leaders in November is how they plan to ensure efficiency by insisting on responsibility and accountability in the criminal justice system ... The issue: whether Mayor O’Malley's policy of zero tolerance of "quality-of-life crimes" in Baltimore City is efficient and wise ... the governor and ... Judge William Murphy, contend that this policy... has resulted in "mass arrests" of individuals in the city ... Critics say a disproportionate percentage of those arrested are African-American or other minority citizens. Following their arrests, these individuals are either never formally charged or find the charges against them summarily dropped.

... this policy has resulted in a substantial reduction in crime in Baltimore City. However, as far as its critics are concerned, the reduction is not enough to justify the large percentage of arrests that are not followed by formal prosecution. There is no mention in any of the governor's ads about any positive effects of the policy, specifically the reduction of crime ... Conversely, the mayor's ads tout the reduction of crime without mentioning the downside of the policy -- the large number of arrests that are subsequently deemed to not be worthy of prosecution and, therefore, perhaps of dubious legality. ... [But] this debate can be developed into something more useful than a get-out-the-vote technique.

Zero tolerance is a law-enforcement strategy that seeks to reduce all crime by not tolerating any crime. It has worked in one form or another in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, as well as in Baltimore. In all those cities, the same criticisms have been made.

The policy is more controversial than it would be otherwise because this strategy is not shared by the Baltimore City state's attorney, who is independently elected and who, in the criminal justice system, has the final say over whether a person arrested will be prosecuted. The state's attorney and her assistants choose not to prosecute many of the people arrested for a variety of reasons, including a cost-benefit analysis. This cost-benefit analysis begins, and in many cases ends, with the fact that even though technically the case could be successfully prosecuted, it is not worth it because the arrest itself deters further criminal activity by the suspect, which is the only purpose for detaining the person even briefly.

The police know that, in many cases, the State's Attorney's Office will not prosecute individuals arrested for these minor crimes. That being the case, critics suggest that the mayor and police are violating the civil rights of certain citizens, ostensibly to make other citizens safer by preventing crime. The critics then question whether it should continue.

The question that the governor and Mr. Murphy do not answer in their political ad is: Are they willing to trade off the reduced crime rate and the improved quality of life that accompanies it to return crime to the levels that made the city more dangerous prior to Martin O'Malley becoming mayor? The governor should answer this question if he wants this policy to be an issue in this election.

This hammer, of course, should swing both ways. Does the mayor believe that arresting large numbers of minority citizens who are then not prosecuted is acceptable and appropriate because crime is deterred by this process? If so, is there a tipping point where these arrests become abusive? The mayor should answer this question if he wants the reduction in Baltimore's crime rate to be a reason to elect him governor.

Finally, we may want to ask the mayor, the governor and the state's attorney whether any of them think not having a joint law-enforcement strategy on this, as well as in other areas, is in the interest of the citizens of Baltimore and the state. Do they believe the criminal justice system can ever work efficiently if the law-enforcement strategy of the state's attorney is not coordinated with that of the police department? The answer logically must be, "Of course not!" If so, the next question must be: "Don't you think you have a responsibility to move beyond your electoral posturing to devise a coordinated strategy that will work for all of the people? Doesn't this political and other criticism visibly undermine public trust, confidence, and respect for law enforcement and the courts?”

The overriding principle of accountability in the criminal justice system is not confined to governors, mayors and state's attorneys.

Judges, too, should be willing to accept responsibility for their decisions and ... should acknowledge that media coverage and scrutiny, as well as proposals for judicial evaluations, are not threats to judicial independence.

... We are all, however, accountable for electing leaders who will work together to produce a law-enforcement system that is coordinated, efficient and economical. This principle should shape our debate. It has not done so to date.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

October 19

Patterson Park, West side:
The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Donnell Williams, 23, of Conkling Street on first-degree murder and other counts. Court documents allege Williams was identified on camera beating and kicking Cecil Saunders, 28, about the head at the Executive Inn in the 3600 block of Pulaski Highway. Saunders died as a result of his injuries. An arraignment is scheduled for November 16 before Judge John P. Miller.

West Side/ Gwynns Falls
The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Jonathan Brock, 20, of Harlem Avenue on first-degree murder. Court documents allege on July 28, before he died, Teon White, 25, identified Brock as the person responsible for shooting him in the 2100 block of Koko Lane. An arraignment is scheduled for November 17, before Judge Gale E. Rasin.

A woman allegedly raped by Southwest Baltimore police officer Jemini Jones has filed a $1 million lawsuit against him and two other members of the police "flex squad" gang.

The boy fatally shot in Cherry Hill Tuesday (220) was ID'd as Cornett Robinson, 16.
And 15-year-old Gerryl Boatwright was arrested for killing 16-year-old Bernard Davis on N. Castle Street, juvenile murder #22.

You just can't make this stuff up: Cancer-stricken septuagenarian Harry Gehlert is suing the police for arresting him after his toilet overflowed.

How this can be construed as a new trend is beyond me ... as usual, young hoods, female muggers and homicidal arsonists are honing their skills in Mount Vernon. Note use of "bumming a cigarette" in course of mugging

An eagle-eyed reader notice homicide #221 in the above story ... Marcus Rogers, who was beaten and had his apartment set on fire, died Tuesday.

Examintertorial: citizens, grand jurors deserve response from Mayor re. ignored Grand Jury report.

File under NW female body:
Two children found a body yesterday in Owings Mills.

The Feds indicted James Abu Bangura and Dartanion Antwon Wallace for a bunch of local bank robberies; Donnell Berry got 170 months for PCG and MoCo bank robberies; Kevin Dewight Honesty, busted by DNA from a hat, got 25 years for robbing the Silver Spring SunTrust.

Edgewood home invaders forced victims to strip, stole clothes, wallets, cell phone.

A hostage situation in a PGC carryout ended with the arrest of two people.

Jay Fayne, found shot to death by his son in Severna Park, was charged by Feds in June with loan-sharkery.

File under sex, music, pedo:
A former violin solist with the BSO, Timothy Baker, pled not guilty to sexual assault and indecency in CT after being accused of acts with a 16-year-old girl in Texas.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 18

At arraignment today, Zachary James, charged with two counts of murder (and implicated in four, says Hamm), pled not guilty to both counts. The court set a January 17, 2007 trial date.

Murder #220 was a 17-year-old boy from Cherry Hill, shot in the 2800 block of Carver Road last night.
(Check out the video, hear the "homocide" rate still a major concern. Damn those homos!)

That's nice! Homicide suspect Demetries Sturgis was caught after someone saw his picture on the tv.

From an anon reader: "Did you see this? Everyone in Baltimore who crows about expungement should read it— waste of fucking time!" Not if you're trying to create a permanent underclass it ain't!

The Ink covers murders of Donnie Blanding, 22; Glenn Carlton, 38; Antionio Hill, 16.

Anna Ditkoff explains last week's mysterious SA's office press release regarding the "call-in" for violent offenders.

Renato Cawthorne, 37, was arrested for the shooting death of Jonathan Coles, 23, last December.
A man was shot during the course of a robbery in the Western.

"Stomper" in Greenbelt: MS-13 bunch of wacked-out, murderous drunks.
In Howard County, Ghafour Asemani, left, who choked his wife Samira Salmassi almost to death, got the maximum for attempted murder, 30 years.

A possible homicide on the 500 block of Center Drive in Severna Park yesterday afternoon.

Dept. of Booze and Nudity
AAC's Calvin F. Johnson was shot twice by police, now he's being charged with assault and drunken driving. JZ reports Johnson claimed he left because he had to pick up his son ... though he had cocaine, alcohol and PCP in his system.

Marquis Bridgewater, 22, is accused of raping a drunk 16-year-old girl at the Woodstock Job Corps Center on Old Court Road.

Chief liquor board inspector, "we will have to keep an eye on" Scores strip club; naked boobies on the second floor could get "dangerous."

Though a judge found Howard County officer Edward Thatcher not guilty of exposing himself to a co-worker, the internal affairs investigation continues.

Former Harford County Council President Robert S. Wagner: I regret getting blind drunk at 8 a.m., driving, falling on face.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

October 17

Sixteen-year-old Antonio Hill was shot to death Sunday (<219) in the 800 block of West Baltimore Street.

Grand jury report: arrest rate "bordering on violating a person's constitutional rights." Meanwhile, protestors against the BPD arrest policies marched on War Memorial Plaza.

Police are looking for Demetries Strurgis (or Sturgis), wanted for the murder of Rasheed Stevenson, 17.

A 17-year-old stabbed a 16-year-old to death with modified kid scissors at the Hickey School.

The City Council will hold a hearing December 13 to consider a resolution asking police to reopen the investigation into the death of Robert Clay.

old man driverJacob Radin, 89, confused his Honda's gas with its brake, ran over a security guard and hit the bank building at the 5100 block of Roland Avenue. He wasn't charged with anything, so he can keep driving! Super!

In Greenbelt, Juan "Diabolico" Lopez got seven years, three months for participating in an armed robbery and burning a bandanna that had been wrapped around a gun used by another gang member to kill a teenager.

In AAC, two idiot teenagers are charged with calling in phony bomb threats at Northeast High.

Out with a bang: (Now former) Harford County Council President Robert Wagner was arrested after driving drunk, exiting vehicle, landing face-first on pavement.

Post Op-Ed: When it comes to crime and punishment, both gubernatorial candidates have questionable managerial abilities.
BTW you can watch last night's JZ debate online.

Monday, October 16, 2006

October 16

From the U.S. Attorney's office: Howard Meyers 58, of Rockville was indicted on various illegal gambling charges.
Bertha Yolanda Paez, age 56, of Colombia, South America, was sentenced to 37 months in prison
followed by two years of supervised release for money laundering more than $3.5 million of cocaine and heroin $.

An unId'd man in the 6900 block of Marsue Drive killed himself after a standoff in Pikesville.

On Friday, October 13, a Baltimore City jury found Calvin Amos, 53, guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of Joseph Schlick, 25. The shooting occurred in the home of the defendant at 2301 Herkimer Street on March 3. According to Court documents, Amos shot Joseph Schlick once in the forehead. When officers arrived at the scene the defendant stated he had just shot the victim, Joseph Schlick. The defendant was transported to the BPD Homicide Unit and advised of his rights. Mr. Amos gave a full confession to shooting Joseph Schlick in self-defense after Schlick entered his home through a window. A search and seizure warrant was obtained and a black powder handgun was recovered from the counter top of the kitchen. The victim was found on the kitchen floor. On March 4 the victim died of his injuries. The Office of the Coroner and Medical Examiner ruled the cause of death to be a homicide by shooting. Sentencing is scheduled for December 5 at 9:30 am before Judge John Carroll Byrnes, Part 93. Voluntary Manslaughter carries a maximum penalty of 10 years.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Devon Richardson, 15, for first-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of 67-year-old Janice Letmate, shot September 26 in the 4000 block Biddison Lane with a rifle.

The Baltimore City Grand Jury indicted Eric Tate, 18, of Guilford Avenue on two counts of first-degree murder and carrying a deadly weapon. Court documents allege on September 10 Tate became involved in a verbal argument with another man. The argument escalated to a physical altercation, fighting and gunshots were fired. The argument occurred because the victims wore certain gang colors. The two victims, Anthony Taylor, Jr., 20 and Adrian Holiday, 19, were found suffering from gunshot wounds to the chest in the 300 block of East 22nd Street. Both victims died as a result of their injuries. An arraignment hearing is scheduled for November 2 before Judge Gale Rasin, Room 509 Courthouse East.

A protest against the police department's arrest practices will be held today from 3-5 p.m. in front of the courthouse.

At Wabash District Court this morning, Judge Hargrove sentenced Rodney Bethea in the April 13 incident which occurred at the Northeast District Baltimore Police Department as follows: four years on the false imprisonment charge; two years on the assault on law enforcement charge and two years on the escape charges ... but the sentences to be served concurrently, which means this lunatic will be out in four years .. or less than two with parole! Wow, if I was the cop beaten by a lightbulb or the employee held hostage with the scissors for three hours I'd be really pissed!

Miconduct allegations were dismissed against federal prosecutors Jason Weinstein and Steven Levin, accused of not warning the Rice brothers that a plea deal didn't mean they could keep slinging the smack.

Former Oriole Sammy "Throwin' Swannanoan" Stewart Jr., pitcher in the '83 World Series, in now in jail for his crack habit. He's still "not confident" he can kick it.

Cumberland Times Op-Ed "we're not surprised that Baltimore's crack kings would eye our community as a lucrative market for their addictive, destructive wares."

Cokie Gopshes of Baltimore got 18 years in prison after leading police on a high-speed chase on the BW Parkway.

Burglary, robbery and a home invasion in the SE.

Assaults, robberies and theft in PCG.

Probable "overzealous volunteers" are vanadlizing campaign signs.

Op-Ed: "most people charged with gun crimes skate through the state court system in Baltimore."

But that's part of our charm! Mystery shoppers say Baltimore's customer service is among the worst.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

October 15

No crime news today, because all the reporters have the day off.
So have some politics...drowsyOnly 23 more days to go...
The Hagtown Herald-Mail has endorsed Ehrlich.

Can't get enough debate coverage? Here's five more stories:
"Ehrlich, O'Malley Swap Scorn in TV Debates"
"Two rivals clash with two styles"
"Schools, crime are debatable"
"It's All About Baltimore"
"Candidates Spar In Governor [sic] Debates"

Other crap we're reading:
Married couples are now the minority.

"What do you give the woman who has everything? A little black baby, it seems." A Malawian charity is seeking an injuction to keep Madonna from adopting a baby.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

October 14

Officers fired after the Smoot beating death want their jobs back.

"In the summer of 2005, police burst into a Gardner (MA) apartment and expected to find a drug-dealing operation. They allege they did, but they also found a surprise: a 15-year-old boy from Baltimore who had been kidnapped ... The kidnappers were never found."

Former Sun editor-in-chief Bill Marimow has resigned as head of news for NPR, taken demotion to post of "ombudsman."

Nothing to do on a Saturday evening? Catch the live gubernatorial debate at 7 p.m. on WBAL, again Monday at 7 on JZ, or anytime at
Update: In case you missed it... the debate just raised more questions!
Why were the candidates sitting in little wooden bumper cars?
Why can't either one of them find a suit that fits? Were the slouchy sportcoats a conscious effort to project the common touch?
Does Ehrlich ever smile? And what's up with his gummy bracelets?
When did O'Malley start copying Bill Clinton's delivery, blinks, hand gestures and all?
O'Malley's desk was tidy and Ehrlich's was covered with papers ... what does that mean?
Who looked worse: O'Malley for interrupting over and over, or the governor for getting (repeatedly) flustered by it?
And finally, who won? (I have my opinion, but I want to see what you-all think!)
ps. the JZ story sums up a few points, if you can get past the typo in the headline.

Friday, October 13, 2006

October 13

At about 5 p.m. a 14-year-old boy was shot in a drive-by at Frederick Douglass High School.

The eight-year-old with the loaded gun was charged with gun possession, which he'll serve under house arrest with his mom.

A man was shot to death last night in Seton Hill on the 600 block of W. Franklin Street (≤218).

A NE Baltimore woman claims she was abducted on Light Street Monday, taken to PGC, drugged and raped.

A man found in a burning apartment on the 1000 block of St. Paul Street Wednesday night was beaten before he was burned.

A suspect was shot in the NW after trying to run down an officer.

Vernon Evans' lawyer: greater care should be taken not to hire dog-poisioners as executioners. Because there are so many well-adjusted people who want the job.

Yesterday, in Rod vs. the Trout-Saving Gang, Shorty snitched on Casper and Pony.

The Court of Appeals ruled that Ehrlich can't cut off health benefits to immigrant children <- subscription req'd.

Hookers, sharpen your stilettos ... the American Bar Association Young Lawyers' Division will be conferring from Oct. 19-21 at the Marriott Waterfront.

Last Friday the family of Amanda Smith won a $675k wrongful-death suit against GBMC.

Robbing the pizza-delivery guy is popular pastime in the Northwest burbs.
James M. Thomas, 29, of Glen Burnie, left, was charged with sexually assaulting two young relatives nine years ago.

George A. Reigel of Reisterstown pled guilty in Federal court to possession of child pornography and two twentysomething Bowie women got twentysomething months in prison after stealing an old lady's identity.

Bad news, Galt: you're going to have to live in Baltimore for two more years. Maybe take up smoking?
Jeezmcrow!!: white women live 13½ years longer than black men!

Political BS Dept.
According to the Examiner, governor "blasted" the O'M for "unconstitutional" "mass arrests." (Oddly, the interview is not up on the WBAL web site, so there's no way to put the remarks in context). But assuming this was a recent interview ... how long have we had a high arrest rate-- one year? Two? He just now felt this worthy of comment?

"If you knew that Martin O'Malley wears a toupee, is attracted to little boys and tortures animals, would you still vote for him?" (TG for caller ID!)

I don't care which bozo wins this election, I just want it over so I don't have to hear this shite anymore!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 12

An eight-year-old brought a .22 to Grove Park Elementary and discharged it accidentally. No one was hurt, TG.

In Oakland CA, possession of David Simon's "Homicide" is being used as evidence against Hans Reiser, accused of killing his wife Nina (you'd think the blood would be enough).

Interesting announcement from the Sa's office:
In a coordinated partnership, involving local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, police, prosecutors and law enforcement agents, including parole and probation agents will speak directly to offenders from the Northern Police Precinct areas regarding violent crimes TONIGHT AT 6 P.M. This call-in of offenders is an opportunity for law enforcement and the community to speak directly to known perpetrators of crime with a joint request to end the violence and seek community assistance. MEDIA ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE FACE TO FACE MEETING BUT CAMERAS ARE RESTRICTED AND MUST REMAIN OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. This iniative continues the operation safe neighborhoods launched by State's Attorney's Jessamy and the community in 2002 ... Northern Police District is located at Keswick and 34th Streets.
A Baltimore jury found Dameon Woods guilty of second-degree murder, depraved heart (?), first degree assault and second degree assault in the murder of Raymond Smoot. Judge Glynn revoked Woods' bail. James Hatcher was found not guilty on all charges. Sentencing is scheduled for December 12.

Jobrea Lodge pled guilty to attempted first degree murder today. He received 20 years and 5 years' probation. He also pled guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous and deadly weapon. For that he received 20 concurrent (aka "why bother") years. Sherray Douglas, alias Brittany Johnson, pled guilty to conspiracy to commit robbery with a dangerous and deadly weapon. She received 12 years and 5 years probation. Douglas lured Detective Dontae Hemmingway to Wilgrey Court for a meeting; Hemmingway believed that he was meeting someone else. When he arrived and walked onto the porch of the address, Jobrea Lodge pulled a gun and told Detective Hemmingway to "kick it out," (whatever that means). Detective Hemmingway reached for his gun, and Lodge shot him three times. Lodge was shot once in the leg. After witnesses identified Lodge and Douglas, both were arrested and confessed.

A 14-year-old girl was stabbed with a 10-inch kitchen knife at Pimlico middle school.

Two brothers, Tavon Tyner and Dante Tyner, are being sought for murder in the death of Darrell Artis (186) on McClean Blvd.

ME Dr. David Fowler: the rumors of a NW serial killer are false. Comapre to this Examiner story from Tuesday. Did Janis even try to call the ME's office?

The Vernon Evans death-row appeal goes on.

"Ladies, ladies!" Julie B reports on the "biting exchange" at the CJCC.
Ps., looked up Leonard N. Garrett. He was due for court in HoCo on the 5th for a "marihuana" charge. In May another drug case was nolle prosequi'd. In July an assault charge was nolle prosequi'd. In April of last year his Cadillac was forfeited. In 2004 he was arrested for having a gun in his car. In December of 2001 he forfeited bond posted by the Lexington insurance group. His wife Geraldine sued him for divorce. And there were a lot of traffic violations. Not a model citizen, but not the worst-of-the-worst, either.

Rose Peterson and Skinny Suge's trials were both postponed.

Two shootings in AAC, one fatal (#7 for Annapolis), one not (even though guy was shot in the stomach and dragged by a car).

Ew. A WiCo football coach, David Lee, was arrested on child porn charges. Dude was posing as a 14-year-old boy on MySpace, which must be like for pedophiles.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

October 11 nuit

raccoonFrom Free State Politics: the governor has offered a stay of execution to ... a raccoon.

Holabird Elementary in Southeast Baltimore was on lockdown after a man was shot nearby.

Dept. of Duh: executioners have mental problems.

George F. Spicka, 59, of Woodlawn was charged Wednesday with e-mailing two bomb threats to BWI.

Police: girl grudges last for years.

Edward Hoffman, 75, of Elkton pled guilty to shooting and killing his 72-year-old wife Jane.

Henry Barrington of Leonardtown plead guilty to felony child abuse.