The eight-year-old with the loaded gun was charged with gun possession, which he'll serve under house arrest with his mom.
A man was shot to death last night in Seton Hill on the 600 block of W. Franklin Street (≤218).
A NE Baltimore woman claims she was abducted on Light Street Monday, taken to PGC, drugged and raped.
A man found in a burning apartment on the 1000 block of St. Paul Street Wednesday night was beaten before he was burned.
A suspect was shot in the NW after trying to run down an officer.
Vernon Evans' lawyer: greater care should be taken not to hire dog-poisioners as executioners. Because there are so many well-adjusted people who want the job.
Yesterday, in Rod vs. the Trout-Saving Gang, Shorty snitched on Casper and Pony.
The Court of Appeals ruled that Ehrlich can't cut off health benefits to immigrant children <- subscription req'd.
Hookers, sharpen your stilettos ... the American Bar Association Young Lawyers' Division will be conferring from Oct. 19-21 at the Marriott Waterfront.
Last Friday the family of Amanda Smith won a $675k wrongful-death suit against GBMC.
Robbing the pizza-delivery guy is popular pastime in the Northwest burbs.
James M. Thomas, 29, of Glen Burnie, left, was charged with sexually assaulting two young relatives nine years ago.
George A. Reigel of Reisterstown pled guilty in Federal court to possession of child pornography and two twentysomething Bowie women got twentysomething months in prison after stealing an old lady's identity.
Bad news, Galt: you're going to have to live in Baltimore for two more years. Maybe take up smoking?
Jeezmcrow!!: white women live 13½ years longer than black men!
Political BS Dept.
According to the Examiner, governor "blasted" the O'M for "unconstitutional" "mass arrests." (Oddly, the interview is not up on the WBAL web site, so there's no way to put the remarks in context). But assuming this was a recent interview ... how long have we had a high arrest rate-- one year? Two? He just now felt this worthy of comment?
"If you knew that Martin O'Malley wears a toupee, is attracted to little boys and tortures animals, would you still vote for him?" (TG for caller ID!)
I don't care which bozo wins this election, I just want it over so I don't have to hear this shite anymore!