Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Astounding Assholism!

Someone burned down the playground at the 33rd street Y!


... they found that missing little boy, Ramon Richardson! He was with his mom. Probably all a big wacky misunderstanding.

Baltimore teen Shneara Boone was found murdered in Frederick.

Baltimore man went walking in Annapolis, got skull fractured by teenage robbers.

Loyola's seven-year court battle with county residents has finally come to an end, with the school getting to build its retreat.

A gal who talked to the media about the poor condition of city cop cars and lost her contract got $120k

Terrible Tuesday

It wouldn't be Baltimore if someone didn't get shot and killed at least weekly. Here's the most recent homicide, which happened last night.

Steven Darnell Romingo was arrested and
charged with the Saturday-night stabbing death of his girlfriend.

HE's a commended officer, SHE's a known prostitute ... hilarity will ensue when they come together. Or maybe not.

Plenty of other things going on in the blotter. But if it isn't a murder and not on the news it doesn't count...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Homicide is one stat you can't fuck with...

.. or is it, David Simon?
(click for bigger images)


ImageHandler"[The Baltimore Police] make rules and enforce them and don't even know the fuck why ... and when the apocalypse starts, we will be prepared for the breakdown of order."
-- Adam Endres Blender 10/08, "Music from Murderland" p. 56

Knife-Weilding Stoner on the Run

mappSean Michael Mapp, 25, left, allegedly produced a knife during a traffic stop on the Key Bridge, evaded a cloud of pepper spray, got shot at, escaped into the woods, left stolen gun, giggleweed behind.

... two teenagers, Michael Earl Redding, 19, and Trinard Terrell Woods, 16, were arrested for robbing a Wendy's in the NW and shooting the manager. They have also been linked to the robber of a 7-11 August 20.

Horrible: Howard man gets 18 months for abusing infant daughter

Two Life Terms for Evil Killer of Mom and Fetus

TDR reports two life terms were handed down for David Miller this morning, convicted of killing Elizabeth Walters and her 28-week-old fetus.
He is the first person to be convicted under MD's "Viable Fetus" law.
UPDATE: More from the Sun


The Baltimore Sun continues its investigation of the PD's crime lab issues.

The Abell Foundation, over the protests of State's Attorney Jessamy, has released the jury disparity report. Hmm. I wonder where it could be found... Oh, perhaps here? (<-links to .pdf)

The blotter features more behavior of our city's little dears. Tell me, who steals car keys but not the car?

.. and what darlings left their bombs at the playground?

Drive-by in Parkville

Stabbing in Catonsville

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Do Not Miss

this article by David Simon in today's Guardian (UK), and thanks to Matthew for sending.
No one asks why police commanders are routinely able to reduce the rates of robbery, or rape, or assault significantly in any time period prior to an election, while the murder rate - in which the victim can't be obscured or clerically "unfounded" - stays as high as ever.
Well, since Bealefeld, the murder rate isn't as high as ever-- why?
(And is it true that a murder victim can't be clerically "unfounded"?)

Toddler Missing as Hurricane* Nears!

ramoneA city toddler, Ramon Richardson, (left) went missing from the 1800 block of Milton Avenue after his aunt left him outside, alone.

"In the last of its four public hearings, the Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment explored yesterday the risk of innocent people being executed"

Peter Hermann gets into the spirit of blogging in a piece on the Colonial Inn's gaming-machine bust: "here are some random obversations [sic]. Don't ask me what they mean."

Maryland State Police, after a two-year-long-investigation, arrested and charged a Glenn J. Raynor, 39, of HarfCo in connection with a 2006 rape investigation.

Car-repair shop arson in the Deener.

* I should say, alleged tropical storm. The NOAA doesn't appear to be predicting anything but less than an inch of rain.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Police Officers Charged with Assault, Endangerment

Today prosecutors filed a criminal information charging Baltimore Police Detective Terry Love, 31, and Baltimore County Deputy Sheriff Michael Herring, 36, of Towson, with second-degree assault, reckless endangerment and dangerous weapon charges. Prosecutors filed the criminal information after a joint law enforcement investigation.

The alleged incident occurred in the early morning of September 8, 2007 at the intersection of Belvedere Avenue and York Road and involves a 42-yr. old black male who was beaten and left unconscious in the road. The maximum penalty under the law is 10 years in prison.

A criminal summons has been issued in these cases and an arraignment is scheduled for October 7, 2008 before the Honorable Sylvester Cox.
-- info from the SAO

18 Shootings this Week

... mapped by Spotcrime.

Five years for Todd Alan Poorman, who allegedly shot his friend to death six times at close range.

Peter Hermann writes about a 66-year-old tourist with a slipped disc robbed in Mt. Vernon.

And a featurette on the John Watch, which, oddly, doesn't include a url or have a link to the blog.
... today the BJW posted a map that makes the high-traffic areas quite clear.

Sperm-Soaked Chihuahuas

... wouldn't commit these kinds of crimes!!

Buried in the Blotter: "A man, 30, was attempting to prevent a gunman from entering his home in the first block of W. 23rd St. about 3 a.m. Wednesday when he was shot in the upper body."
... also, a 13-year-old robbed of shoes and a man robbed of pain pills.

Bmore's making efforts to reduce 911's call volume

A very unusual street robbery in Homeland.

A drive-thru stabbing at the Popeye's chicken in Cockeysville

Cons escape in Queen Anne's County. The bald one is still on the loose.

Wacky: the Iranian government is suing a Baltimore company for damaging $50 million worth of military supplies that were being stored here.

Legislators put new DNA collection regulations on hold

News of the Pervy:
- Touchy teacher Alan Beier will stay in jail in spite of being a target of attacks
- 'Publican pederast and former "Big Brother" Robert McKee is expected to plead guilty to child porn charges.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3

"4 killed in 15 weekend shootings in the city" and two more shootings reported last night.

The Ink adds two new names to the toll.

A suspect is at large after robbing a Rite Aid on Security Blvd. and kidnapping an employee.

The Court of appeals has ruled that a prison inmate’s confession to investigators that he molested a child can’t be used against him.

Another "Stop Fucking Snitching" figure is about to get some time. "Tremain Arrnel Tazewell admitted in federal court Tuesday that he worked with a conspirator who bought heroin in New York" (the headline is deceiving, Tazewell faces a max of 20 years but has not been sentenced yet).
New school year, new efforts to increase the peace. (Doesn't Exhibit A have the best covers?!)
And, on John Watch, a fresh hooker 'round the elementary school!

Bail bondsman Valdez V. Fisher Jr.: "an arrestee’s access to freedom is far too immediate and convenient."

Media Blabber: CP on the Sun-related blogs.
Lynn Anderson left journalism and moved to France!

What the?!: Two brothers who ran a Philadelphia funeral home have pleaded guilty to selling corpses to a company that trafficked in stolen body parts, including Alistair Cooke's!
(Insert "Master's Pieces Theatre" joke here)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

# 147, # 148

Reports the Sun's Sara Neufeld: Reginald Carter Jr., 20, 400 block of S. Longwood St. at 9:10 p.m last night; unidentified teenager, shot in the chest in the 200 block of S. Woodington Road.
-- correction, this is the same as #146.

What the?! "A Baltimore judge has awarded $275,000 to a Hampden tow truck driver who, after complaining about the wait at the city’s impound lot, was badly beaten by the lot attendant."

In Dundalk, a house burgled, the resident murdered, and the teenage co-defendant is out of jail.

Ew. Former Maryland state delegate Robert A. McKee was charged with possessing child pornography and reportedly will plead guilty.

Did you know? Target has its own crime lab!

A break -in and violation of a protective order in the 4500 block of Keswick, a BB-gun shooting at Robert Poole middle school (mascot, the Fightin' Busbeaters) and a pickpocketed gal at the ESPN Zone in the Blotter.

County detention center all finished... but the lawsuits are just getting started.

Hey, the Court of Appeals has three VJJs now!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Lori Responds!

"Thanks for your interest in my whereabouts. b was a freelance gig and responsibilities at my real job have pulled me away from it. My posts linked to all sources. I can't speak on their transition to print, as in this position, I was strictly a blogger and not a one-woman publishing house.Also, nothing's been removed from the archive http://www.bthesite.com/archives/author/loribarrett/."

A milli!

We reached a million hits sometime this morning! That's kind of a lot
(For a little blog like this, anyway!)

Labor Day

As you enjoy your days off (well, most of you):

A man in his early 20s was fatally shot in the safe and friendly neighborhood of Irvington, making him number 146. Even with the offense, it is worth noting the dramatic dip in homicides in the city, which is exactly what the Examiner did.

Brandon Barfield, a 20-year-old little dear, was arrested for multiple robberies in northeast Baltimore yesterday

The Blotter for Monday features a shooting, a robbery, and a homicide as an addendum to random nonfatal offenses ...