Thursday, December 3, 2009


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JZ reports that the woman was a double-amputee and the 17-year-old took care of her.

The Sun reports that the 32-year-old suspect lived with them and barricaded himself in a nearby house after the murder.

Scofflaws strike back

Those pesky, ever mouting penalties heaped on top of city parking tickets may come to end, if JHU grad student Jason Howard has his way.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


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Tweets the BPD: "Homicide - 4700 Glenarm Av-Adult male found."

A boy and his dog

WTF?! "A 9-year-old boy was shot in the left hand in West Baltimore Tuesday night after three men kicked in the front door of his house and opened fire on the boy and a dog" ... the boy was trying to protect his grandmother.

The Ink covers last week's five murders

Mondawmin MVA employee pleads guilty to making fake IDs

Former crime lab employee gives Peter Hermann the what-for re. his suggestion dropsy drug bags be fingerprinted
This picture is incredible-- like Dixon aged 20 years overnight!

More on the legal confusion surrounding who, what when and even if the mayor will be removed from office (not to mention who's going to pay for those hot$hot attorneys!)

Sun: "Mayor Dixon owes Baltimore an explanation" ... a little late for that, don't you think?

ps., who do you think dominated TV coverage of the verdict?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Convicted Mayor Won't Leave Office, Speak to Press

The Maryland state constitution is straightforward: "The Mayor shall, on conviction in a Court of Law, of wilful neglect of duty, or misbehavior in office, be removed from office by the Governor of the State."

But what if the Governor won't remove said mayor? And what if all of city government from the solicitor to the city council decided in a secret closed-door meeting that the definition of "conviction" was not really a finding in a court of law but instead a state "effective upon sentencing"?

Are her decisions legally binding? Can she get anything done when she could (theoretically) be sent to jail any day now? And who will be riding in the back of the convertible in the Hampden "Mayor's Christmas Parade" next Sunday?
Arnold Weiner?!

More on the Mayor

and she's not stepping down

Holy S@*T!! Mayor Convicted

of one count of misappropriation!
The count is punishable by a fine of up to 5 years in prison, and the state constitution requires that she be removed from office, but Dixon told reporters she does not plan to step down.
So who's mayor now?!

JZ's got their videos up, including interviews with two chatty jurors.

Is Today the Day?

Bykowicz tweets, "Judge is about to instruct the jury that they can return a partial verdict."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dixon -v- Rohrbaugh

What the hell did Rohrbaugh and Dixon chat about in court today? Maybe, "is this jury nuts?"

More bad news

Looks like November just got deadlier
Headline of the Day: "Tweets Is Watching — Street Gangs Using Twitter"

Is nothing sacred?

On Hampden's 34th street, scammers work the crowd, claiming to be collecting donations

Deadly November

Fenton Tweets, "Just like last year, November has been the deadliest month in Baltimore this year, with 24 homicides (23, officially)"
Wonder why?
UPDATE: full story

Our dropsy's acting up

In the NW, Jewish "watchers" "gold standard" of community crime-prevention groups

Hermann on Baltimore's many cases of "dropsy"

What a deal! You can get legal advice for $10 at the Hollywood Diner

And the smokin, hair-braidin' no-law-dictionary havin' Dixon jury is back to the grind

SCOTUS: Detainee photos to stay under wraps; Ford still on the hook for liability claims

8 grand in the hole

Former Towson student travels from Texas to ask a city judge to relieve her of an $8000 parking ticket debt. City council hearing to cap the fees scheduled for next week.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Glen H. Footman, 52, died after being shot 14 months ago in Mt Vernon. His father told Peter Hermann that police were "were very up front with us in saying that the chance of this ever being solved is practically nil."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Local youth leader shot dead while walking his dog this morning. The victim has been identified as 21-year-old Angelo Dangerfield.

In more news that many will find disappointing; Suite Ultralounge will be officially padlocked starting today.

One time Terrell Allen conspirator Andre Kirby was given a 15 year federal sentence on a gun violation.