Friday, April 8, 2011


Police FB'd that this stabbing at Lexington & Paca was fatal.

Fox reports that the jury "deliberated for almost seven hours today" in the Jerryell Foster case

Free Snoop!

FINALLY Felicia Pearson is out on bond

Downtown, Sian James took the stand and cried, more from the Daily Record

and why did Rep Donna Edwards (D-4th, down around PGC & MoCo) quote White Stripes lyrics on the House floor?

City DOT workers fired

7 employees terminated after the IG"s office found them drinking on the job.


Yet another missing teenager! County police are ISO Chalese Jenelle Brown, 16, last seen in Parkville. (And flickr will apparently no longer let me post pictures to this blog, so until I find another hosting service I guess there will not be any)

Three people shot last night.

Eric Rich, 28, charged with attempted murder after allegedly dumping scalding water on old people he thought were stealing drugs

Final vote expected today on that parole-for-lifers bill.

It sounds like the evidence in the case of Lee Edward Stephens, alleged killer of correctional officer David McGuinn, meets MD's new standards for the death penalty .. but will he get it? (& if he does, what are the chances of some kind of protocol ever being worked out?)

PGC police fatally shot an ax-wielding man outside of a day care center.

Who owns your e-mail cloud?

Congrats to Justin Fenton and a couple of other people, up for a national Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc award for the "City Rape Stats Questioned" story

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I can has justiz?

The woman shot in Reservoir Hill was ID'd as Keenya Jordan, a case manager for disabled adults.

Four witnesses plus 911 tapes in the Sian Jones trial today. The Sun also reported earlier the fucktarded circumstances that allegedly led to the perp feeling threatened.

A conviction for Tracy Denise Queen in the tutoring-fraud scheme uncovered by Baltimore Brew reporter Joan Jacobson.

Jemini Jones' former attorney Janice Bledsoe to head Police Integrity Unit

Cameras bust a North Avenue drug deal. ... must be a rare event for it to make the news

Mistakes were made

The city OKs $75k in spending to pay for probe of the Club Select shootings

Man murdered on Monday ID'd as Christopher Bullock, 24

Trial set to begin today for the killing of Detective Brian Stevenson. Update: trial started with Sian James' lawyer claiming that his client felt threatened. After he walked to the parking lot because his friend's girlfriend called him, incensed that he didn't respect her right to save a parking place by standing in it. Stupidity. Astounding.

Officers Chris Funk and Matthew Ryckman were cleared in the shooting of an unarmed police informant

Family of Haines Holloway-Lilliston, killed in a high-speed chase, are suing the city for $40 million

A three-hour hearing for a motion to dismiss the State Center lawsuit.

And the city is on the hook to pay for a new paint job for a resident's car

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A homicide last night in the 600 Blk Lennox St. (Central District), 1:15am, "adult female shot multiple times."

The Ink has last week's seven murders, plus case updates

Dundalk murder victim's finacee told the Patch's Ron Cassie that the accused, her brother, was trying to protect her and her fetus

Glad to see the Dooce's Cold Case files covering the 2008 murder of Remington septuagenarian Nancy Schmidt

Was William Torbit's funeral too over the top?

VA court upholds the use of warrantless GPS tracking devices. Though I guess law enforcement still needs a warrant for someone's cell phone tracking records?

Ed & Van: "A British ex-con was sentenced to 78 months in prison—-quite a bit below the 120-month mandatory minimum—- for scheming to export cocaine from Baltimore to London."

Lee Farkas, the former chairman of the mortgage company that financed many a flipped house in the southeastern is now on trial in Alexandria VA for fraud

Bicyclists are biking from Bmore to A-town this morning in support of a bill that would create the new offense of manslaughter by criminal negligence

Yesterday the in-state tuition bill passed the House Ways and Means Committee

If you're a drunken weenus at an O's game, here's where you're going to go

MD police seminar focuses on "sexting." That doesn't sound good to you? Well, what if I threw in a picture of my cock?

And in national news, the FBI has released hundreds of pages of files re. the murder of the Notorious B.I.G. ... though so redacted you can't really read anything.

It took a year

For police to serve a warrant against a high level DPW supervisor and sex offender after his step daughter reported that he beat her in 2010.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The evening dismal

Feeling good? Had a great day? There's a cure for that...

Nick Madigan covers the murder trial of former used-car salesman Frederick A. Christian, accused of killing Jerryell Myesha Foster and dumping her body in the wiles of Virginia.
(.. I remember this case, and while a search of the archive turns up stories of a man found dead on a burning couch, a 5-year-old shot by a gun he found under the couch, a pissy drunk on the couch, knives stashed under the couch and a 16-month-old killed by a couch, can't find the archive.)

HoCo jewel thieves used the stolen car of city murder victim Derek Jones.

A state appeals court won't hear appeals in the case of children who sued Saint Joseph's Society of the Sacred Heart claiming a priest was their father.

Man's ass glued to terlit seat at Elkton Wal-Mart

Look before you turn

Injured cyclist Nathan Krasnopoler is not expected to recover.

The death toll from this morning's shootings has gone up. Current tally is two dead, five injured.

Tuesday, Bloody Tuesday

One man killed near the 3400 block of Powhatan Ave. and six others injured in shootings all over town in one single hour this morning, reports Yeganeh June Torbati

Very sad: co-workers testify that murder victim Jerryell Foster came to the job with her face black, blue and swollen before she disappeared

A Waverly resident attacked with a hammer in the Patch blotter

SRB: it's not possible to pay lead-paint claims

Justice4Safety's David Udoff ponders what makes a murder newsworthy

Police tow scam

Now expanded and may include insurance fraud.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

On the scene gruesome details from Burboun Street

a"bloodbath" inside the club


The BPD says "UPDATE: 4/2/11, 1:00am, 300 block of Guilford Avenue. Four men were stabbed inside of a night club. A 24 year old man has died as a result of his injuries. Homicide detectives are investigating" ... Sun reports it was ladies' night at the Bourbon Street Ballroom, which went on lockdown after the stabbing; a lady was Tasered when she tried to leave.
Oh, what a night.

"A man stabbed outside a Dundalk house just after midnight this morning has died, county police said."

In Glen Burnie a jockey's girlfriend pleaded guilty to "slaying" 52-year-old Debra Lynn Gill, and "retaliation against a witness", though it sounds like the jockey was the one who did the actual slaying.

And a 46-year-old woman was arrested for robbing a Wachovia.

Friday, April 1, 2011