Monday, September 10, 2012

Jackasses and Cockmonsters

The victim shot to death Saturday on Gold St was named as Maurice McCoy, 28.* Four other people were shot over the weekend. 

Baltimorean Haywood Trice, 25, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder for the stabbing death of Tee Bee's bouncer Tavares Jones during a brawl.

In the SW, a homeowner detained alleged burglar Javier Zegarra (right) until police could fetch him.

The Remington 7-11 was robbed, and some 10-year-old cars were stolen in the Northern

Want to hear Judge Bruce Lamdin being a sadistic, sneery jackass to a "young lady" whose husband allegedly stomped on her ribs and tried to burn their his house down two weeks before Christmas? Probably not, but the WaPo's got your audio (fast-forward to about 6:30) and it's a whole lot worse than reports made it sound, jeezum crow. Here, Women's Law Center, have some money. According to the WaPo, the only way for a judge to be removed is for the Senate to not confirm his reappointment.

via CP via FB
But hey, every once in a while sexism works in your favor, amirite, ladies? Lutherville mom/convicted drug distributor Jennifer Debois Dickerson, left, got sentenced to time served for selling an "AK-style machine gun" to an ATF agent. (Though on the other hand, if she was a dude the story probably wouldn't have made the papers.) (note she's also in the JIS as DuBois, DeBois is correct.)

Twenty-eight cars were vandalized in Catonsville

In the Ralston area of Pikesville a theft stole a Ford that was unlocked with a spare key in the glove box

A bunch of fast food joints and a vet's office were robbed during an Owings Mills spree

A victory for MD residents against crooked debt-collection agency Worldwide Asset Purchasing.

Quote of the day: "Upon reflection, he has his First Amendment rights." - Del. Emmet C. Burns Jr., in response to Chris Kluwe's epic "lustful cockmonster" rant in defense of Raven Brendon Ayanbadejo.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Four shootings last night aka early this morning, including a fatal shooting in the 300 block of Gold Street.*

Correction: Rodney Pridget's alleged killers were members of the Black Guerilla Family,* not the Black Gorilla Family, Tyler Waldmann. (There is no Black Gorilla Family that I have heard of, though there is a Young Gorilla Family. Please make a note of it.)

Friday, September 7, 2012


A 36-year-old man was shot to death on the 1400 block of E. Holbrook *

Found stuff from the Internetwebs: Charm City Vacancy, Slumlord Watch's artsier cousin

In Severn, portly Paul Brooks was arrested after his 5-year-old son ingested his illegal methadone. (At least he called for help when his son stopped breathing?)

A Loch Raven High speed camera was creatively altered again

In Cockeysville it's neighbors v tubers in a zoning throwdown

A drug-suspect pursuit led cops from the Turf Motel in Laurel to a traffic jam on 95.
Also in Laurel, a skating coach is facing extradition and perv charges after allegedly groping an underage skater and sending her 500+ creepy texts.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Daily Dismal

One dead, another wounded in shootings Tuesday, bringing the toll up to 147.

A first-degree murder conviction for Timothy L. Kittrel for the death of Isaiah Roane, shot at a red light last year

Ugh, what a kick in the boobs: Justin Fenton Tweets that Larella Amos's* "one-year old son 'keeps asking for his mother. No one has figured out a way to tell him what happened.'" Amos was class president, an honor roll student and worked at the Essex branch of SunTrust.
Final toll for Labor Day weekend = six.

Other towns have the ding-dong-ditch, a woman in the 3400 block of Carlyle Ave got the ding-dong-shoot-you-in-the-face.*

"Baltimore police on Wednesday identified the two officers who fired their service weapons* at a man who'd allegedly threatened them with a gun Saturday as Detectives Christopher Icenroad and Donta Williams. ... Police also identified the man shot by the officers as Leontey Kiah, 36, whose last known address is the 4000 block of W. Rogers Avenue. Kiah sustained non-life-threatening injuries in the altercation with police."

Majestic Auto shop owners, brothers Hernan Alexis Moreno and Edwin Javier Mejia, got 33 months and two years, respectively, for their roles in that towing extortion scheme

In the Southeast, a man stabbed in the stomach for no discernible reason, a guy hit in the head with a shovel over spilled paint, a shop clerk attacked with a baseball bat by a customer whose credit card was declined.

A drunken party fight and a stolen bicycle in the JHU blotter

Abell Foundation report: only 27 percent of city cops live in the city. In related news, I'm dumber than 73% of city cops.

In happier news, the BPD Tweeted that Abdul Abdullah was located safe and unharmed.

Patch: "Three Charged in Attempted Stun Gun Puppy Robbery"

University Parkway burglar claimed he was fixing the plumbing

Greasy greedy geezer Rodney Getland pleaded guilty to swindling seniors in a sleazy mortgage scheme.

After 15 hours, a county jury found William Ward III and Frank Theodore Williams to be guilty as fyyyack of everything related to Rodney Pridget's untimely demise. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Strolling, cooking, deliberating

In the City Paper Bayard Woods writes about sex workers on the stroll in lower Charles Village (plus pictures by J.M. Giordano) while Ed Ericsson gets the neighbors' side of the story (screaming whores! used condoms on car hoods! napkins as toilet paper!)

After residents of the SW rallied with "We Are the 10,000" signs, Pistol Pete Welsh has a rather good idea for drug treatment centers: mandatory busing to reduce patient foot traffic.

A woman's Hyundai stolen at gunpoint in Homeland (or carjacked on York Road, depending on how you put it) plus the True Vine record store was burgled, and other assorted typical thefts in the Messenger blotter*

Dept. of supergeniuses: Jamel Robinson, 40, was arrested for an open warrant and got four years and eight months in the pen after he violated the terms of his car-rental agreement.

Not crime but do note that Charles Street from 25th to University Parkway is going to be under construction from today until infinity, so avoid it if you're driving...

Justin Trionfo
Teenagers Kahrl Retti, left, and Justin Trionfo were arrested trying to cook up some kind of stanky huffable substance were arrested in Loch Raven Heights. Trionfo also posted musings on Facebook about wanting to blow up Loch Raven and Parkville high schools. Trionfo's mom says jail is "where he needs to be right now." His mom adds that he idolizes the Columbine shooters. Superduper.

The jury deliberating the Towson Town Center murder case is still deliberating

A man in the SW was beaten and robbed of cigarettes and his prescription meds (English Consul = Landsdowne aka Baltimore Highlands*)

Police in Edgewood are ISO some tall old white man who set fire to the Denny's bathroom twice

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Indicted, amped, divorced

A 29-count indictment against Perry Hall High shooter Robert Wayne Gladden Jr.

Remember kid-hatin' Judge Bruce Lamdin and his bon mots for domestic violence victims and other dumbasses? Well get off the watermelon truck, get your head out of where it was previously and put down your cocktail, because his pie hole's gotten him in trouble again.

County takes care a bidniz, though, already an arrest in the fatal stabbing of Darryl Wilson Lovellette Jr., who was shanked near the Sinix bar in Essex early Saturday morning-- one Christopher Michael Wolfe (right), age 21

Michael K. Williams told the New Jersey Star-Ledger about all the coke he did while playing Omar, which he kinda sorta alluded to but didn't quite admit during his talk at Morgan State a couple of years ago.

In other media news, homicide victim #138, Lindale Carrington, appeared on an episode of Divorce Court in 2010.

141, 142, 143 ... 146

A man was found dead in his car this morning at around 7:30 a.m. in the 2900 block of West Cold Spring Lane.

Police are asking for help finding missing and suicidal Abdul Abdulla, 19, left, who was last seen Sunday on Elgin Ave.

Victim #141 was 22-year-old Larelle Amos of Leabars Court in Baltimore County, shot to death by a stray bullet on the Alameda during a yard party on Sunday.

Two men were shot this morning on Streeper Street, a man was shot to death on Beryl Avenue yesterday, and six more were shot but survived*: two on Boone St., one on Rutland Ave., two on South Eaton, one on Frankford.Whoops, hold up, Fenton Tweeted that victims on Boone St., South Eaton and one on Boone in Harwood have died, bringing the toll to 146 and a total of 11 people shot in 24 hours.

Fourteen years for 24-year-old crack dealer Edward Robinson

Well, that doesn't bode well: on the FB reader JM points out that in the year before our new chief Anthony Batts left his post in Oakland, homicides, other violent crimes and property crimes all went up. Batts attributed the spike to scant resources (natch). (Though note Oakland's homicide rate is still lower than ours: Oakland had 110 homicides in 2011 w a population of 396k, Baltimore had 196 with 619,000 people.)

Jury deliberations start today in the murder trial of Black Gorilla Gang members Frank "Chiclet Teeth" Williams (left) and William Ward III for the murder of Rodney Pridget outside the Nordstrom Rack in Towson Town Center.

The Patch has conveniently put links to all of the Baltimore metro crime blotters on one page. Stolen silverware! Purloined boots! Literally everything but the kitchen sink in Perry Hall! Oh, you crackheads are just the living end. And from the Southeast, another generous serving of a-hole boyfriends (what is it about the SE?): a guy left his kids in the car to go spray his girlfriend in the face with Mace®, a guy held a knife to his ex-ladyfriend's neck, a drunkard hit his gf in the face with a case of beer. And a female fiancee also brandished a knife at a guy.

Branden Barnes, 27, was arrested for robbing a cab driver in Hampden on Friday

A screaming fight involving a disrobing old man and thrown dentures led to a pot and PCP bust in Dundalk. Hey, a picture! Patch now has a rogue's gallery of select mug shots-- mixed feelings on this, as these people haven't been convicted, but hey, mug shots of the denture-flinging quinquagenarians, y'all (right)!

Police are ISO a white guy with a neck tattoo (and cheekbones to die for!) who's been robbing Fell's Point businesses. (Chris Rock: "Every neck tattoo should read 'I'm not getting the job, am I?'") He really looks like the guy who held his cougar girlfriend hostage... gotta dig up that picture.

Dirty, dirty, dirty: at the recent special 'emergency' legislative session, Red Maryland noted Patch's Bryan Sears spotted a member of the lobbying firm KO Public Affairs posing as a journalist. KO Public Affairs is a firm founded by a former O'Malley strategist and known for its shamelessly ethics-free astroturf campaigns to further the interests of clients like Owings Mills mall developers and speed camera profiteers. I am now so, like, no on 7, because if KO Public Affairs is involved you can bet your britches it means taxpayers are in for an assboning. Gotta go take a hot shower now!

Monday, September 3, 2012


A man was shot to death in the 1300 block of Lakewood Avenue at 1:46 Saturday morning, the victim was homicide #140ish

Another police-involved shooting, this one on Lorraine Ave Saturday night

A man delivering food was shot in the back on Clifton Park Terrace.

Cherry Hill's Cleoda Walker had "DEAD BITCH" spray-painted on the hood of her Saturn,* probably due to her involvement with the lawsuit against the Tenable Protection Agency. You'll recall Billy Murphy and Walker joined to sue the city re. the extralegal activities of the "security" firm. An employee due to testify against the firm also got a threatening note and had her tires slashed. Er, not really helping your cause there, Tenable Protection Agency.

After the recent dog-mauling, the Waverly Farmer's market is cracking down* on people tying up their animals on the periphery, and the Sun notes that the owner of the Rottwieler is one Omar McBee, not Omar McDee. If said Omar was born in 1971 and his middle name is Tremayne, he's also a sex offender who's been charged with failing to register (but has since complied) (left).


In the County on Saturday, Tavares Jones, the bouncer of TeeBee's Bar & Grill on Darlington Drive, was stabbed to death trying to break up a fight. And in Essex, Darryl Wilson Lovellette Jr., 25, was stabbed at or near Sinix Bar and died soonafter.

A clerk at the Speedy Mart on Hollins Ferry Road was shot during a robbery.

Jeff Hager on the bust at Victoria Spa on York Road: "Long before a website appeared advertising Chinese massage parlors in Timonium with happy endings, neighboring businesses already suspected the sad reality behind the services they had to offer." But don't worry, lonely mens, there are still plenty of other places offering sad reality ... and wait, does this mean a County cop got paid to get a squeezer? Eww

"Managing Partner Of Law Firm Gardens Behind Office"

And finally, if Ice Cube a/o Skinny Suge didn't convince you, this New Yorker piece on the use of confidential informants makes a powerful case for not turning state's evidence.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Latest nudes

County police shot a naked armed man at the Beltway Motel in Arbutus; in Edgewood a man stripped down to his boxers and threw money at "Deer Filed" elementary school. (In case you're wondering, you file deer under Cervidae, hyuk)

And four men were indicted in the city for murdering a witness. "Derius Duncan, 22, conspired with Keyon Beads, 30, Clifford Butler Jr., 21, and David Johnson, 23, to attempt to bribe and later to kill Ronald Givens, 55, who had been a potential witness in a firearms and narcotics case pending against Duncan in Baltimore City Circuit Court."

Bullets, knives, hands

A suspicious dead body was found on Rockrose Ave

Two shootings Monday night, in Barclay and Dru Hill,* on the 2200 block of Guilford Ave and near Pennsylvania Ave and Baker St., respectively.

Councilman Nick Mosby visited the 9-year-old who was shot Aug. 20* and says he's "progressing well." (Isn't it nice that district now has a councilperson who does stuff?)

The Patch has the backstory of the shooting of Rodney Pridget outside the Towson Nordstrom, courtesy of a snitch informant; apparently it was a gang hit, ordered by a higher-up in the Black Gorilla Family whose cousin Pridget had allegedly shot. Yesterday jurors got to see video of the last moments of Pridget's life, courtesy of Towson Town Center's 268+ cameras.

A dispute at a card game in Harwood led to a man being cut in the neck.

Yet ANOTHER inmate accidentally released from Central Booking, but he's back now.

Far-flung locales:
In AAC a woman dropped her keys at the MD Live Casino, the guy who found them, Daniel Lee Miller, 50, allegedly stole her car and burgled her house. (How did he know it was her car and her house?)

Muderous UVA lax brah George Hughely is pleading for a lesser sentence for the murder of Yeardley Love. Good luck with that, brah. If you wanted to not do time for murder should've killed her in Baltimore city. Brah.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shooting, smoking & selling hot dogs

The CP has last week's seven murders, and notes last week we had the 11th police-involved shooting of the year

Van Smith has deets on "Operation Log Jam," the DEA investigation that led to the bust of the Dragon's Den smoke shop

And how did I miss the story of the courthouse hot-dog vendor who conspired with a cop to sell heroin?

Baltimorean Wade Coats and a Texan defendant got 45 years for conspiring to sell cocaine that they bought from the Mexican Las Zetas drug cartel. Here, have a picture of a leg in a tree. You're welcome.

Twenty years for Barry D. Lee, who was found to have violated his probation by dealing drugs whilst out of jail on probation for murder

Activists Sharon Black and Courtly Witherspoon, arrested at city hall protest, refuse to take a plea deal

From the counties:
Stepfather of school shooter Bobby Gladden, one Andrew E. Piper, was arrested yesterday on weapons and weed charges; said weapons and drugs were discovered while police searched the house for evidence related to the school shooting.

911 tapes following Rep. Don Dwyer's drunken boat wreck have been released. He's still not been charged with anything, apparently.

Remember the murder of 19-year-old Rodney Pridget last December at Towson Town Center? (Photo left from a Tweet) William Ward III, 44, and Frank Theodore Williams, 31, are on trial in Towson.

"Naked Suspect Shot By Police At Beltway Motel." Appropos of nothing, has anyone else noticed that PCP seems to be making a comeback? Or does it just seem that way b/c I've been reading Cat Marnell lately?)

In HarfCo, a grandma used OnStar to bust her carjacker*

Editorial note: the murder toll has been removed because it's too time-consuming to maintain. Murder lists are available on the City Paper web site.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

School shooter to be charged as an adult

Robert "Bobby" Wayne Gladden Jr., 15, will be charged as adult with attempted first-degree murder and assault in the Perry Hall High shooting. For what it's worth, Gladden's father has a criminal history on the JIS that includes assault with attempt to murder, battery, malicious destruction of property, theft, "marihuana" possession and "not marihuana" possession. County police say bullying was *not* an issue, and that Gladden had brought a disassembled 40-year-old shotgun, 27 rounds of ammo and a bottle of vodka to school on the bus that morning. His victim is out of surgery, still in critical condition, and apparently has Down syndrome.

Meanwhile, Gawker reports that the shooter's Facebook page status has been shared over a thousand times. And a picture. Says Gawker, "he looks like your standard Skrillex-listening mall-goth." Or rather a Rammstein-listening mall goth (guy on his Facebook cover = Till Lindemann-Rammstein, see below.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Barksdale dissed! Batts in!

Californian Anthony Batts, left, is expected to be named as new police chief,* report Sharper & Fenton -- the former Commissioner of Oakland, no less. Batts resigned his post there last October after only two years on the job (he beefed a month later, "the body politic looks at this police department as not a part of the city—that it’s the bad child that you’re putting on the side and beating.") By the time he left, he was the boss of only 651 officers. Prior to that he served in Long Beach for 27 years (the place where drama made it so hard to be Snoop Dogg and Sublime lived easily). After Oakland Batts will surely find Baltimore's boundless civic apathy a great relief (and we certainly know all about child-beating), but is he well-qualified to represent a staff of 4,250ish?

.. and police have ID'd the owner of the Rottweiler that mauled a woman near the Waverly farmer's market as Omar McDee of McKewin St., who, curiously, has no Internet footprint whatsoever. (But there's an Omar McGee with a long resume...)

Perry Hall School Shooting

[update: now that we know what the shooter looks like, who the heck is this guy?]

WBAL reports that a student shot another student in the back in the cafeteria; students say the shooter was a bullied loner who retaliated after food was thrown at him. WJZ reports teachers tackled the suspect and the 17-year-old victim is alive but in critical condition, the Sun is reporting the shooter is 15,* and the guy at the hardware store says he had a rifle. The streets around the high school are shut down and parents are advised to pick up their kids at the Perry Hall Shopping Center. Today was the first day of school for city and county public schools.


From Reddit, via a reader. Real? Photoshopped? What do you think?

In other news, three people shot Saturday.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Fenton reports that 11 people have been killed over the past 9 days and the current homicide toll for this year is 139.* Sorry but I don't have the time to update our toll on the right, maybe TAB or another volunteer could pitch in? The death of the woman in Charles Village, Kristie Hufnagel, 41, has been ruled a homicide. You may recall her neighbor was living in her apartment with her body; police say she was asphyxiated. A victim on Thursday was ID'd as Terrance Gough, 26, who rapped under the name "Twitty Sparks" (video right). And yesterday Lindale Carrington was stabbed to death in the 600 block of Brisbane Road, Fenton says by his teenage daughter's boyfriend, WBAL reports Carrington was 33. Uhm, whut?

Early this morning police shot a man on Maisel St. after he shot at them, he's in stable condition.

This morning a woman was mauled by a Rottweiler-type dog near the Waverly Farmer's Market

Three career drug dealers, Marvin Jackson, Derick Fallin and Johnnie Davis, got 15 years in the federal hoosegow for racketeering and trying to kill an "Omar" who robbed them: "In 2008, two individuals stole $250,000 from one of the stash houses. After learning the identity of the robbers, Fallin entered into a conspiracy to murder them, initially for $10,000 and gradually increasing the bounty over time. Davis conspired with Fallin to look for and kill the robbers, but they were ultimately unsuccessful."

"Del. Dwyer's career hurt by boating accident, experts say*" One would hope! "Lawmaker who thinks gays a threat to children crashes boat into children." Doesn't sound like Dwyer could be removed from office even if he's charged and found guilty, though. We have that ballot measure to strip lawmakers of their office when found guilty of certain crimes (which Dwyer supported) coming up for vote in November, but he could only be charged with misdemeanors here, unless, heaven forbid, one of his victims should die.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Flying pigs, drunken skunks, grounded rats

Could've sworn a few years ago the police dept. was so broke they were thinking of getting rid of the helicopters. But now they've got four spankin' new ghettobirds-- actually they're ghetto oiseaux , assembled in Marignane, France with various parts made in China, Singapore and Australia.

Alleged pimp Daniel O'Brien Burton, left, was arrested in SC. "Police say they searched Burton and his car and found a total of $14,888.04, both on his person and hidden in a purple Hennessy box in his trunk."

Wouldn't ordinarily care about a boat crash in Anne Arundel county, but this particular boat was the Legislator, crashed by hardcore homohater Del. Don Dwyer, who was drunk as a mutharfrackin skunk with a .20 -- more than twice the legal limit. The crash injured six, including four children, one who suffered a fractured skull. Dwyer is perhaps best known for trying to impeach Doug Gansler when he said he'd recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere and chestnuts like "if a law's not in concert with the laws of nature and of nature of God, and I would hold that, therefore, it is no law at all."

Speaking of old chestnuts, sounds like home invaders are using that "BGE worker" ruse again. Needless to say, get a peephole, use it, and don't open the door for anyone you aren't expecting.

Mitchell Courthouse employees protested unsanitary conditions today, which included "a dead rodent that was trapped between a window and Plexiglas in the office area ... their complaints to remove the rat were ignored until protestors took action ... someone finally removed it and put it in an employee's nearby trash can."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Diminished facilities

Two more murders, both of sexagenarians*: Fenton reports Sterling Parker, 61, and his wife agreed to babysit two small children; the kids' parents never returned and after a few weeks the Parkers called CPS. Parker was assaulted in the 1900 block of Walbook Ave on the 4th and died on the 20th. And 65-year-old Charles Canty was found suspiciously dead in his home in the 1700 block of N. Carey St.

Fifty years for double-murderer Isaac Truss, who also serves as illustration of why putting a defendant on the stand is usually not a good idea.*

The copious number of unarmed, mentally-ill people shot by police this year calls into question the quality of BPD training when it comes to dealing with the mentally ill*. Not to mention our country's abysmal lack of services for the tetched, but that's another story.

Speaking of those a few sandwiches short of a picnic, former Senator owner Tom Kiefaber says he got himself arrested so the media would pay attention to him*. Hey, it worked!

WBAL reports Lt. Chris Jones of the sex offense unit was suspended for "vague" reasons. Hrm.

PA accused killer John Gonce was arrested in the county after raping two girls, 12 and 14, and killing their pet cat.

One Sharon Caslow of Cockeysville has been indicted for manslaughter after leaving her elderly mother on the toilet for days

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Police Tweet that a man was shot to death in the 1700 block of North Carey Street.

Ten years for one Chauncey Harris for possessing a firearm, and here's an odd excerpt from the press release: "Baltimore City Police officers responded to a residence on Edgewood Street in Baltimore for a report of a rape, where they found Harris and a female. The report of rape was subsequently determined to be unfounded." I mean, if it was rape-y enough for her to call ... must have been one of those non-"legitimate rapes" we've heard so much about this week...

Kenyan Anastacia Olouch is supposedly coming back to Baltimore to face charges five years after being accused of elder abuse for beating on a 90-year-old man and fleeing the country.

Road Trippin

The BPD Tweeted: "Detectives make arrest in Bloom street triple shooting from Sunday which injured 9 year old boy. Donte White DOB 4/11/1989." They're also ISO a suspect in the car crash that killed Officer Morris in the PGC and have posted a picture (of a picture)

The Ink has last weeks' four murders

Vernon Evans: case closed, life spared (for now)

Bwhaha: the CP attempts to imagine the routes Rikki Spector must take to travel 53 miles to two events in her district. (Srsly, has no one mentioned this to the IRS? Do I need to call their cheater hotline myself?)

From last month but missed it: "Ex-marine brings his skills to the west Baltimore drug trade"